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Lori Alexander, 11: No Junk in Her Trunk Because She's Godly

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3 hours ago, Petronella said:

Lori's book! This is like Christmas :-)

CuttySark, bravo for finding proof of the assumption that it was self-published.

I'm really surprised that she doesn't also have an ebook version. Cutty, in your experience is making an ebook available via CreateSpace difficult to do? Because so many self-publishers and small publishers are ebook-only, I had assumed that making an ebook was near-automatic alongside the print version in CreateSpace, but maybe not... (I actually work in publishing but not this end of it.)

ETA: And, Cutty, is it difficult or costly to add the "Look Inside" feature? I notice that she hasn't. Just a newbie mistake, not realising how valuable it is for potential readers? Or deliberately hiding the content?

I'm not sure what I did to the quotebox just now, but hopefully this works! 

ETA first - Look Inside doesn't cost anything, but it is extra work and I don't know how clear it is that you need to do it. If you're doing a kindle ebook it just happens, iirc, but for print books you have to sign up for a separate Amazon program and submit your files to a reviewer who then has to physically link the sample pdf with the sale listing. So it may be that they haven't done it yet, or don't know that it needed doing. It's a really easy step to overlook if you don't know what questions to ask / have never done it before. 

And the first question - CreateSpace doesn't do ebooks. They only do the paperbacks. To put up an ebook on Amazon you need a KDP account (free Kindle Direct Publisher account), and you submit separate ebook files. Theoretically you can do it as a word file, just like with CreateSpace, and Kindle does the formatting for you. It's better to send them an already-formatted file, though, ideally done by someone who knows what they're doing, because ebooks are so prone to weird formatting errors. 

A lot of people who self-pub use a program like Vellum which can export as a proper file (epub or mobi or whatever format). I used Draft2Digital, which is essentially a self-publisher's publisher - you give them the file, they format it for all the appropriate venues (free). You can then go with them and have them do all the dirty work of submitting and dealing with distribution, for which they take a cut, or you can then take your files and go upload them to the various book sites manually. 

/bla bla self-publishing stuff blah. 

Basically, I think they (Lori + whoever is editing / helping her) have no idea how most people are getting books these days, and went with the basic thing to get themselves a paperback on Amazon. 

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So, her book was released on Friday, but she hasn't said anything about it on the blog or on FB? Just on the new blog she just made? Wouldn't it be smart to link to it from, you know, the blog that's been read 5 million times? 

And like several others, I don't understand why there's no e-book.

I just googled the transformed wife, and there's already a blog with a fb-page called that. (http://www.transformedwife.com/) Of course, Lori won't like this blog, because she's 28 and she should be taking care of her babies instead of blogging!!! 

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I was briefly tempted to buy this book and review it, but then I'd have to read it, and if I'm giving money to someone we talk about here, I'd rather it be Nurie Rodrigues than Lori Alexander.  Maybe if it were an e-book, but I definitely don't want an actual, physical collection of this woman's ugly thoughts and stupidity contaminating my house.  Anyone that can buy and read it, you're a stronger person than me.

Re: cats - my feline headship only "toots" when he has lamb or cream cheese.  He's fine with all other dairy products (I know cats are prone to lactose intolerance, he gets very small amounts occasionally and seems fine).  No other type of meat or fish seems to bother him either, but any brand of cat food containing lamb makes him unbearable to be around for a few hours.

He's also a bitey cat, I often admonish him "no fighting, no biting" when I'm not in the mood.  But they're love bites.  They never come close to breaking the skin and I rarely even feel more than pressure.  He likes to jump at my feet from under the table and under the covers, he noms on my shoulder when I tease him by asking if he wants to eat but not moving to go get the food.  He will maintain eye contact with me and very slowly and gently "bite" my arm or leg.  He's playing.  He's a cat who has some boundary issues because he loves me but I don't care because I love him too and I don't want him to be afraid of me.  Lori is an idiot who can't tell play from aggression, or she did something to that poor cat that made it act aggressively towards her.  Either way, she's the worst.





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Okay, I'm calling it: that 5 million readers figure is bullshit. *Maybe* there were 5 million hits when that one post went viral, but I think it's more likely she's counting views, not visitors. And if she's had 5 million views AND 5 million visitors, that doesn't say much for her content.

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8 hours ago, Hisey said:

I am curious to see if there will be any reviews on Amazon, talking about her incredible hypocrisy or some of her husband's wacko ideas. Or reviews from leghumpers, saying the opposite.

I'm hoping that happens and it would be fun if people who know them IRL posted reviews calling them out. Maybe one of those aunts will write a review.

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Lori has posted today inviting readers to the new blog. Say goodbye to 'Always Learning', although it will continue to be readable. Phew. 

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I would love to see either Aunt Rosalyn or Aunt Genny write a review. Or my favorite FB commenter, Patti

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"The Transformed Wife" is because God, through His Spirit and His Word, have transformed and will continue to transform me into the godly woman that He has called me to be.

As an author, perhaps Lori should bone up on her grammar or her proof reading skills.  :5624798d10d1f_nayIsayno:

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Lori has posted today inviting readers to the new blog. Say goodbye to 'Always Learning', although it will continue to be readable. Phew. 

Maybe she's finally acknowledging she's not willing to learn at all?
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Okay you guys; I ordered *The Book and am happy to review it for FJ. I figure I'll just look at it as a proofreading project for a third grader. I've done a lot of those in my day. 

Please chime in with the "rules" for such a review. Am I allowed to quote directly from the book? Share photos of the pages?  Will I be allowed to "yell" by typing in all caps when her drivel makes my head explode?  

*The Book should arrive on Thursday; I should be able to manage my first review by that evening.  And, yes, I fully intend to take a red pen to those pages and mark every misspelling and grammar mistake I find. 

Not to self: buy one dozen red pens. 

*I don't like the idea of typing that title and giving it a lot of validity so I will likely refer to it as The Book; maybe The Bad Book or The Book That Shall Not Be Named. 

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13 hours ago, usmcmom said:


^ Well, the first post of that new blog is written just as we'd expect. How can a woman with such poor writing skills find someone to publish her book??!!  

Having said that:

*raises hand*. I'll do it. But first, I have a question. Is there any way Lori and Ken can see who purchases it?  


Not if they buy through Amazon. If she has a personal page through which people can purchase, then yes, it's possible.

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3 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

Okay you guys; I ordered *The Book and am happy to review it for FJ. I figure I'll just look at it as a proofreading project for a third grader. I've done a lot of those in my day. 

Please chime in with the "rules" for such a review. Am I allowed to quote directly from the book? Share photos of the pages?  Will I be allowed to "yell" by typing in all caps when her drivel makes my head explode?  

*The Book should arrive on Thursday; I should be able to manage my first review by that evening.  And, yes, I fully intend to take a red pen to those pages and mark every misspelling and grammar mistake I find. 

Not to self: buy one dozen red pens. 

*I don't like the idea of typing that title and giving it a lot of validity so I will likely refer to it as The Book; maybe The Bad Book or The Book That Shall Not Be Named. 

Thursday evening cannot come soon enough! Thanks for taking a huge one for the FJ team, @usmcmom

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Her new blog states that the Kindle version will be out soon.  Strange that she didn't wait to announce the book until after the ebook version was available.  Maybe she discovered that FJ found it on Amazon, and felt like she had to announce it earlier than originally planned?  She may have been worried that the initial comments on Amazon would all come from us and be negative.  This should be interesting...  :popcorn:

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7 hours ago, Petronella said:

Lori's book! This is like Christmas :-)

CuttySark, bravo for finding proof of the assumption that it was self-published.

I'm really surprised that she doesn't also have an ebook version. Cutty, in your experience is making an ebook available via CreateSpace difficult to do? Because so many self-publishers and small publishers are ebook-only, I had assumed that making an ebook was near-automatic alongside the print version in CreateSpace, but maybe not... (I actually work in publishing but not this end of it.)

ETA: And, Cutty, is it difficult or costly to add the "Look Inside" feature? I notice that she hasn't. Just a newbie mistake, not realising how valuable it is for potential readers? Or deliberately hiding the content?


Publishing an e-book through Amazon is shockingly easy to do (as someone who has done it). I'm surprised she didn't do it. She could have created an e-version of the book and knocked a couple dollars off the price and seen her sales go up dramatically. I'd have considered buying an e-version that I could easily delete once I was done with it, but no way in heck am I going to contribute to paper waste by buying this steaming pile of nonsense.

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The Amazon description includes this:


Lori shares the mistakes she made and what she did to bring back intimacy, closeness, and affection to her marriage. 

I don't recall Lori ever talking about intimacy, closeness, or affection in her marriage. She talks about not fighting and about being content, but she says nothing about these things that help make a marriage good. Aside from all the other issues I have with her blog, one of the sad things to me is that even now, it never sounds like she is happy in her marriage. It seems to me that showing us the goodness in her marriage would do far more to encourage her readers to want to do the things she says than all the passive-aggressive spiritual shaming she does.

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7 hours ago, feministxtian said:

I reviewed her book on Amazon, including quotes and links from her blog. 

Good for you. She can't use the delete button on Amazon to silence people.

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Lori thinking she has zillions of mentees cracks me up. Lori, the people you think listen to you come in two categories- other women (and to some extent men, you can lie to us but you know the truth) at church, who you think you impress... and two, legions of mostly-silent followers of your blog.

The people who ACTUALLY listen to you also come in two categories- FJ readers and women who aren't ready to dump the abusive ass they're married to and want their fear and indecision validated as Godly.

The reality is that the people at church are pretending to listen to you to be nice. They don't really think you're wise, but they don't think telling you so is worth the screaming and dramatics when everyone's trying to enjoy a nice post-service chat and coffee. The other reality is that your mostly-silent blog readers are mostly FJ.

I know you don't have zillions of mentees because if you did there'd be copious evidence- validating people's self-destructive bullshit is one of the most popular and lucrative of all American pursuits. You validate people who don't want to leave their terrible relationships, you validate people who want to feel better than everyone else (orthorexics with the salads and sanctimonious pricks with everything else), and you validate people who think everything would be perfect if all the Liberals would shut up and return to God's Natural Gender Roles. Oh, and you validate racists sometimes. Those aren't exactly small groups and they're all currently under scrutiny due to all the influence a certain orange trash fire has on them. So if you were really influential on anyone at all... we'd know. Believe me, we'd know.

See you once your ebook hits Kindle Unlimited!

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1 hour ago, smittykins said:

I don't see any reviews yet. Does it take a while to post?

Reviews generally need to be approved by Amazon, but they generally make it through in about a day

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I just googled Lori Alexander Always Learning, thinking that since she inspires millions of people I'd find tons of positive reviews.

Instead I found a lot of critical posts mocking her viral post,  some neutral-ish reports of the controversy,   some Christian commenters  saying she was unbiblical about something.

There was maybe  five to seven positive reviews. The people who agree with her mostly seem to be other submissive wife bloggers on sites she comments or guest posts on  (methinks some mutual comment section promotion) and apparent males who use tags like #uglyfeminists.  But one of those sites said Ken-Of-The-Truth  was wrong.  (oh noes, how can it be!!?) 

On page 8, Google didn't want to show me any more results to avoid redundancy and when I redid the search to include the omitted sites, what followed on the pages 8-20 was mostly Lori herself, freejinger or the same stories I'd already seen on different links.

I had written a post to include the links but it disappeared into cyberspace.

4 hours ago, alba said:


Maybe she's finally acknowledging she's not willing to learn at all?

It's because she has realized that she has nothing to learn since she knows it all already.

3 hours ago, molecule said:

The Amazon description includes this:

I don't recall Lori ever talking about intimacy, closeness, or affection in her marriage. She talks about not fighting and about being content, but she says nothing about these things that help make a marriage good. Aside from all the other issues I have with her blog, one of the sad things to me is that even now, it never sounds like she is happy in her marriage. It seems to me that showing us the goodness in her marriage would do far more to encourage her readers to want to do the things she says than all the passive-aggressive spiritual shaming she does.

Maybe she is trying to convince herself more than her readers.  If she's trying to convince her readers it's not working... I would never take marriage advice from a couple who seem to be as poor at it as Ken and Lori.

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She does too talk about reclaiming intimacy. They went from no sex to five minutes and some lube.

     I am waiting for her to say reading ebooks causes eye cancer, but black salve/coloidial silver drops can cure it.

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Ewe guise!!!11! :ABON: Lori's just posted again on FB, on her newly titled Wife Transformer page (someone needs to make an action figure out of that)!!


This post that went viral on June 18th of this year is still going strong! It receives comments on it every day and as of today has 103,395 shares, 15,320,100 people reached, and over 11,000 comments! Who would have thought out of all of the controversial things I have written, this would go viral and is still going viral!


She follows that with a photo of the notebook page that went viral. It went VIRAL! And it's STILL going viral!! :TRUCDEOUF:

Who'da thunk it? :my_rolleyes:

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Does the dumb bitch realize that the majority of the comments were derogatory? 

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