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JinJer 2: Courting, she did ride


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1 minute ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

I'm pretty sure Mike Hunt is married to Ivana Tinkle.

Man, that must have been rough for Amanda Kissanhug. She loved Mike Hunt 

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6 hours ago, twinmama said:

Years ago I moved from Houston, TX to Los Angeles. The first day of driving was 13 hours in the car, all on I-10 If I recall correctly. All in Texas. Depressing to drive for 13 hours and be in the same state!!!

One of my dad's friends once got 7 speeding tickets driving across texas. when asked about it he said "well, it's a big state"

Also, i'm 7 pages behind I may never catch back up.  Damn needing to adult.

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9 hours ago, OldFadedStar said:


I grew up in Illinois, southern Illinois to be precise. Since then I've encountered many many people from outside my home town.. I will tell them I'm from Illinois and the FIRST response 95% of the time is "Oh, you are from Chicago?".

... I never said I was from Chicago. The rest of Illinois actually hates Chicago (maybe slight exaggeration). I live 5 hours from Chicago. 

So I just say I'm from the St Louis area since thats 30 minutes from my home town. But then I've had people get confused because "St Louis is in Missouri." 

Southern Illinois is a lovely area. I visited a friend there for a week and was somewhat baffled about what they planned for us to do all week (no disrespect, I'm just from a very small city and I know what we have to offer visitors). The forests (I went to Giant City, but there's other state/national parks nearby) are gorgeous. I'd like to go back someday.

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Northern Illinois here.  I usually say I'm from Northern Illinois when I meet people.  They ask if I am from Chicago and I say, no I live so many miles from the city.  Then they ask the area.  I'll tell them, and a few surrounding towns and either they have a idea where I am talking about or get a blank glaze across their face.  I REFUSE to say I am from Chicago.  

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34 minutes ago, Gobsmacked said:

Just watched a few minutes of a very boring Jeremy sermon. 

He said it. He said Joshua the sin in the camp!! Ha ha ha. Has J-B heard the sermon!!!

He was taking a break from Peter due yo Christmas, visiting preachers etc.

That should make some interesting talk around the Duggar dinner table!!!!!!!

Isn't he just referring to Joshua 7, the bible verse where the phrase and concept of sin in the camp comes from?

The passage is like, the whole camp/nation of Israel would not be blessed by the lord because one man had sinned. I think the name is coincidental to this sermon, but at the time that Holt said it back in 2006 (?), it was obviously a dig at Josh.

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6 hours ago, twinmama said:

LOL My parents lived in the Bay Area for a bit while I lived in Los Angeles, and it amazed me when they visited they were here in 7-8 hours and when we went there it took 8-11! My dad is also a speed maniac. The worst was when we lived in Orange County, CA and drove back from the SF area. 8 hours of driving, then you hit the LA traffic and it's like 2.5 more hours of hardly moving.

still behind on reading.  We used to make it from the sacramento area to orange county area in around 7 hours when i was a kid.  my dad enjoys racing other cars....  

Also, la traffic :dislike:  the worst.  I went to school in santa barbara, and we've made the trip to and from northern california to new mexico many times. We do everything in our power to avoid the area and not spend extra hours stuck in traffic.

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48 minutes ago, Ralar said:



Is the gay agenda the same as the straight woman agenda? If so, I am all for it, except that  Golden Girls should not be remade as it is already perfection. 

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23 minutes ago, OrchidBlossom said:

Isn't he just referring to Joshua 7, the bible verse where the phrase and concept of sin in the camp comes from?

The passage is like, the whole camp/nation of Israel would not be blessed by the lord because one man had sinned. I think the name is coincidental to this sermon, but at the time that Holt said it back in 2006 (?), it was obviously a dig at Josh.

I assumed the same - the name is a coincidence. 

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HELLLOOOOOOOOO FJ! :dance: I have ben gone for months ‘adulting’.  Sparkling Lauren almost got me with her April fools pregnancy announcement.  I was SEVERALLY tempted by the birth of PPs latest daughter and J-Rods so totally not scripted home school video :2wankers:. But, I digress, here we are, the day has come, Jinger has made her move. Will it be a good one? I have no fucking clue. I’m just glad he has a job in another state. thats all I got going for him. I would have more optimism but I waisted all that on 'worldly Derick'. 

I sure have missed you guys. Like totally so much. The wit, humor and snark can not be replicated in the real world. Now that I have relapsed, I will be lurking but probably not posting much. I can’t spend my days and nights and wee hours of the morning on here and still get shit done. fuck who am I kidding I am going straight to the Rodedrgi thread...

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4 hours ago, anjulibai said:

To be fair, an anonymous poster many years ago said Josh molested his sisters. This anonymous poster was almost roundly dismissed. 

And then we find out that it was all true, down to a lot of very particular details that anonymous poster shared. 

So, It's hard not to dismiss these types of posts now. 

That said, whatever the truth is, Jinger is likely in for a lot of disappointment in this marriage, because that really is all that seems to come in Duggar relationships. 

The national enquirer was right a few times too - doesn't mean we should run with it. 

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12 hours ago, Nashville92 said:

I'm with many people here, the more I hear about him the more creepy vibes he gives.  Lawson lately has been acting like he doesn't want a relationship, I wonder if he knew something was going on with JinJer or Jinger told him no.  If Sierra does the wedding,  will Josh be the MC like has at the others?

I don't think a Duggar Bates union is actually that likely. They're like cousins. The childhood familiarity theory or something similar might kind of rule out such a match. 

15 hours ago, nastyhobbitses said:

I feel bad about how fun I find it, but that's what TLC's been marketing to us for years. Also, I just love a good, snark-worthy wedding. What will Sierra probably-purposefully fuck up for drama points? What drudgery will Jana be subjected to? Will Jinger have to go to a wedding dress shop full of Harlot Dresses and be attended to by a gay stylist? How will Michelle attempt to steal everyone else's thunder? Will Erin come and curb-stomp the church's piano?

Too funny. I laughed out loud at "curb-stomp".  

15 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

I'm so hoping Sierra does the wedding. Think of the possibilities!!!

- A beautiful outdoor reception in October. Suddenly, the weather reports say it's going to rain - and there's no tents available to rent! Panic ensues, but it's totes cool cause the rain ends before the ceremony starts.

- A lovely Coffee/Soccer/Jesus hybrid theme.

- Multi-colored plastic flamingoes decorate the altar. No explanation will be given. It'll be weird.

- Crazy eyes will be on full display. For no reason at all.

- Erin Bates Paine will be banging those piano keys so hard it'll make you wonder if the piano insulted her honor somehow.

- Jinger decides there will only be cupcakes served. Sierra, and her new side kick Joy, scramble to make replacements after Josie licks the tops of half of them the morning of the wedding.

- JB fake cries before the ceremony. Michelle makes that pained looking smile. Jinger and Jessa make heart signs with their hands. 

- Jana loses her shit completely after altering twenty dresses and sewing twenty ties. A rampage ensues, during which a small village is sadly trampled.

- Awkward camera shots to hide Joshley from view.

- Half the ceremony won't be shown because it'll be too over the top Fundie for the speshul snowflakes that are TLC viewers.

- Derick tries to joke about something, but only succeeds in looking Douchey. 

- Bin tries to speak, but is so congested that no one can understand a word he says.

- Jill does something relatively harmless (like being obviously pregnant or having Derick paint her nails); everyone claims she's an attention stealing whore. 

- Cousin Amy does something Cousin Amyish. It'll be phenomenal. 

Oh my goodness you guys are cracking me up! Comedy gold. Mihelle Duggars "pained" look and Jana losing her shit and a rampage ensues? Fucking hilarious. 

14 hours ago, HarleyQuinn said:

All this creeper talk made me think of something - are fundie women allowed to leave physically abusive relationships, or do they pray it away like they do cheating? Where is the line drawn?

I don't think divorce is a true option for many of these women: 



11 hours ago, quiversR4hunting said:

To the bold, you are joking right?

I live near 2 cities that touch and combined they have a population of about 122,000 people. We have 2 targets, 2 kohl's, 1 mall (with upscale stores), 3 walmarts, 4 regional superstores that is way better than walmart, an airport that is not just for private airlines, 2 universities, 1 college and 1 community college, 2 major trauma hospitals, at least 3 ice rinks, 2 concert arenas, a Costco and Sam's club, almost any chain restaurant or hotel, etc.

200,000 people is a large city. It isn't a mega city such as Chicago (2.7 million) or really big such as:  Indianapolis (800k), Cleveland (400k), Detroit (688k), Columbus (800k), Dallas (1.2), Atlanta (450k), Miami (417k), Boston (646K), Baltimore (622K) but a 200k city is large has a lot to offer.

Laredo is the 10th largest city in Texas. 95% Hispanic. It has museums, shops, etc. 

I think anything almost is better than staying near those horrible parents. 

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People are talking about Jeremy being more "experienced" than Jinger like it's a good thing that will make the beginning of their marriage less awkward.

I have to very much disagree. If anything, it shifts the power balance even further toward the husband. This is a man who has likely had sex and kissed many women with a woman who has never front hugged a man before. She already has a warped sense of sex and purity, I have no doubt that she will deal with insecurities when she does not understand the things that might be asked of her by her husband. For goodness sake, she might not completely know how sex even works yet!!!

Tonight, I mentioned this to my husband-to-be. We have agreed to save sex for marriage in a very non-fundy, non-patriarchal, non-purity culture way. It's a very personal decision for us that most people who are close to us don't even know about. I asked him if it would be different if one of us were more experienced than the other, and he agreed that it would absolutely be. Maybe that's super anecdotal and I'm sure others might feel differently, but seeing as I'm in the same stage in life, it is very worrying to me.

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12 hours ago, accountingstar said:

I am sure more stories will be coming about Jeremy. Really don't like that he is saving gay men.  I wish that Jinger had ended up with Lawson based on the information coming out about Jeremy.

Maybe he thinks he's one of those "saved" gay men.   Just pure speculation, but my experiences with people who have been shoved through those types of programs, they get very into it and convince themselves that they are "cured" as long as they live a straight life.  Sad stuff really. 

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I really hope he is just a wacked out fundie without being a closet homosexual repressed because he is fundie. For Jinger's sake. 

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10 minutes ago, Kaylo said:

I think we should start a JinJer wedding planning thread and give Sierra a run for her money!

I'll help what should we tackle first?



A soccer ball themed cake isn't that hard 

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27 minutes ago, socalrules said:

Is the gay agenda the same as the straight woman agenda? If so, I am all for it, except that  Golden Girls should not be remade as it is already perfection. 

No remake. too much of the original cast are no longer with us. it would just be sad.

finally caught up, whew! 

I'm on the "lets not jump to conclusions" bandwagon. I do believe there are closeted fundie gay men and women, they are just more casualties of the cult. it's 2016, people shouldn't have to live a lie and hide their orientation.  They should not have to choose between living authentically and being accepted by their families and friends. Too many people have sacrificed too much for that to keep happening.

Now continue on.  I shall go adult and wake up int he morning to many more pages to catch up on.

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OMG! I go on vacation a for a week and look what happens! I'm way behind and have to read the comments and catch up, but I MUST chime in first! Although this guy might seem like a good catch, I have a bad vibe about this whole thing! He's too much older, he's been out in the real world, a real college, for goodness sake, he's a professional athlete, (they're not choirboys no matter what he says), he basically stalked her, I'm just concerned that she is being used. . . something that she is used to, but would never recognize! Run, Jinger, RUN!!!

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I am a little uncomfortable with posters assuming JV is gay based on... exactly what?  To my mind, this is no different than speculating on a minor's sexual preference.  We have a sound bite from a website that is vague, at best. 

I vote leave the speculation on JV's sexuality alone.

As a parent, I have removed a child/young adult from "getting too close" to a friend who was a bad influence and headed down the wrong path.  It had nothing to do with anyone's sex life.

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30 minutes ago, SunnySideUp said:

People are talking about Jeremy being more "experienced" than Jinger like it's a good thing that will make the beginning of their marriage less awkward.

I have to very much disagree. If anything, it shifts the power balance even further toward the husband. This is a man who has likely had sex and kissed many women with a woman who has never front hugged a man before. She already has a warped sense of sex and purity, I have no doubt that she will deal with insecurities when she does not understand the things that might be asked of her by her husband. For goodness sake, she might not completely know how sex even works yet!!!

Tonight, I mentioned this to my husband-to-be. We have agreed to save sex for marriage in a very non-fundy, non-patriarchal, non-purity culture way. It's a very personal decision for us that most people who are close to us don't even know about. I asked him if it would be different if one of us were more experienced than the other, and he agreed that it would absolutely be. Maybe that's super anecdotal and I'm sure others might feel differently, but seeing as I'm in the same stage in life, it is very worrying to me.

I read some guy like virgins because they can train them to their liking. Gross. 

Jeremy is another Derrick. Look where Derrick is now after drinking the duggaraid. 

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6 hours ago, Cleopatra7 said:


ETA I've noticed that the kinds of "cures" fundies offer for being LGBT involves basically forcing the person to do really gender stereotypical activities with other fundies who are of the same sex. I remember reading about this sort of "therapy" in the National Catholic Register, and I'm sure conservative Catholics can't be alone in this sort of thinking.

Has anyone else seen the movie "But I'm a Cheerleader?" It makes fun of these stupid "therapy" places. In the movie the girls all wear pink, the boys wear blue, and are forced to do very gender-stereotypical activities.  The actress who plays Nicky Nichols in OITNB plays the main character.

6 hours ago, McDoodleDoodleDoo said:

Probably the only lifestyle change for Jinger is going to see soccer games and  watching whatever super hero movies Jermey likes. Hopefully though she will have cable so Jer can ensure he will still have his ESPN. It would be mighty hard to not be tempted to check out sitcoms or other reality shows during those first few months of marriage before the baby comes. If they live anywhere near the TTH they will likely try to keep a duggarling in her house to keep her busy and for spying purposes. 

Maybe she can be defrauded by Captain America. Yum.

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2 hours ago, justmy2cents said:

Grew up in New Haven and now live about 20 miles North.  Not that much diversity here.

I'm from the New Haven area, too. Without outright stating the town since I live here, let's just say (for those of you from here/that still live here), I'm in a town with an infamous taco-loving mayor. The town embarrassment... But, in any case, hello to my fellow... Connecticutters? Connecticuttans? I don't know quite what the title is lol

2 hours ago, Ralar said:



This is the best thing I've ever seen.

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1 hour ago, SunnySideUp said:

People are talking about Jeremy being more "experienced" than Jinger like it's a good thing that will make the beginning of their marriage less awkward.

I have to very much disagree. If anything, it shifts the power balance even further toward the husband. This is a man who has likely had sex and kissed many women with a woman who has never front hugged a man before. She already has a warped sense of sex and purity, I have no doubt that she will deal with insecurities when she does not understand the things that might be asked of her by her husband. For goodness sake, she might not completely know how sex even works yet!!!

Tonight, I mentioned this to my husband-to-be. We have agreed to save sex for marriage in a very non-fundy, non-patriarchal, non-purity culture way. It's a very personal decision for us that most people who are close to us don't even know about. I asked him if it would be different if one of us were more experienced than the other, and he agreed that it would absolutely be. Maybe that's super anecdotal and I'm sure others might feel differently, but seeing as I'm in the same stage in life, it is very worrying to me.

I think it totally depends on the guy.  Most fundie guys get little to no sex-ed, we all saw Boob's lego speech.  In their mind, they know what will feel good to them but they have no idea what needs to happen to make it good for the woman.  They might get a bit of info on "taking time" but my guess is that they will highly underestimate the time is takes for a woman to become aroused and ready for sex and will think 5 minutes of kissing will get the job done.

If Jeremy does have some secular sexual experience he has probably heard of foreplay, maybe even oral and might have a clue what he's doing. 

Considering the fact that you're on FJ, I assume that you and your fiancé aren't super fundie and have had discussions about sex.  I'm guessing that he has had way more sex-ed than fundie guys.  I think for couples in your situation, it will be fun to figure things out together since you have some idea of the basics and aren't afraid to openly discuss what you like and don't like.

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I think they look like a lovely couple and I truly wish them nothing but the very best. No matter what any of us thinks about their fundamentalist beliefs or views, they do (like each of us) have the right to live their lives according to their convictions. So Jeremy is a pastor. And a soccer player. Cool. I do think they will be more progressive than how Jinger was raised. And I think that suits her, too ("City, please!") Jeremy and Jinger, here's wishing you a long and happy life together.
p.s. and if they decide to roll with the "J" names, they're already on their way, lol.

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