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Fiorina Hijacks Pre-School Field Trip for Pro-Life Rally


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I can't phantom this ... which adult professional childcare worker / teacher / ... thought this was a good idea?! Is there any news about who this adult in charge was and his/her reasoning behind this fiasco. I need to sign waivers saying I agree my child can appear on the school blog (which is protected by password to which only parents with children currently enrolled have access) and these preschoolers make national headlines now without any consent what so ever?! And then I'm not even talking about in which context they are appearing on national news.

The preschoolers look -rightfully so- bored and they hopefully don't understand what is going on behind them. If that was one of my children sitting there I would not just let this one slip by.

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I believe that this was completely the fault of the daycare. I can almost guarantee you that whatever adult was responsible for allowing this participation was full on "pro-life" or this would just not have happened.

I feel that it would have been a VERY different situation had they "stumbled" across a pro gay marriage event. 

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18 hours ago, Anonymousguest said:

Shouldn't this be on the school, not Fiorarina, or whatever her name is? Wouldn't the rally have been planned in advance? It's not like she heard some preschoolers were going to the botanical gardens and decided to crash their party. The preschool should have been aware that there was an event at the gardens and gone another day.

It's on both, as far as I'm concerned. The supervisors should have had the common sense to tell the kids to get to a different room when they noticed there was a political event going on,  and the political event organizers should have had the common sense to tell the kids "nice that you dropped by but this is an adult event and you will be more interested in the next room", and under no circumstances invite some strangers' kids to sit on the stage and stay as props. 

Of course it may be too much to ask that people who want to rule the country have common sense. 


We were happy that these children chose to come to Carly’s event with their adult supervisor.”

This makes no sense. They're preschoolers, they do not choose to attend political events, they go wherever their adults tell them to go. 

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Wait my head is about to explode.

Here is the link to the Des Moines Register because they are selling pictures of the kids at the event.

Complete with the kids names and the name of the Preschool that they attend.


Here is the Preschool that they attend,


Where the Number 1 rules that they have is....

Personal Responsibility

Oh and last but not least here is the link to the owners of this special place


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This is despicable.  My daughter is in preschool and if her teachers pulled a stunt like that we would be switching preschools.  There is absolutely no excuse to subject young children to a political rally with such a sensitive topic.  There's no way my just turned 5 year old can comprehend what an abortion means.  They probably like to indoctrinate kids this young precisely for that reason.

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The whole "chose to come" excuse is bullshit. 4-year-old PRESCHOOLERS wouldn't have a fucking clue what they were walking into, so to insinuate that this was informed choice? I've got a bridge to sell. These kids were failed by the adults in charge, by their teachers and most of all Fiorina, who used them as props. A candidate who's dumb enough to think it's totes cool to hijack a bunch of kids for self-serving purposes is a candidate who's too dumb to serve as chief executive of this country. Hell, make that too dumb to serve as janitor in the White House. Video I saw on the news this morning, showed her behind the kids, herding them into the room. Chose to attend, my fat ass. Fuck you, Fiorina.

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If I were a the parent of one of these children, I would be angry beyond the telling of it.

When the teachers/chaperones saw that there was a political event going on, they should have taken the children to another area. Surely with an entire botanical garden at their disposal, they could have found something else to do. If they were invited into the event, the adults supervising the group should have declined and explained it would not be appropriate to bring someone else's children in without the parents' permission. 

The Fiorina campaign handled the situation badly too and she deserves the criticism she's getting, but ultimately I place more blame on the teachers/chaperones because they were the ones who had taken responsibility for the children.

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4 minutes ago, Mercer said:

place more blame on the teachers/chaperones because they were the ones who had taken responsibility for the children.

I just emailed the owners of the Daycare and told them exactly that,

I am just livid about this on so many levels, my youngest child lives with ASD, he is in preschool 3 days a week, to advance his social interactions. I just see his sweet little face when I look at these pictures and I can not imagine telling him or ANY of my kids what a fetus is.

You (I) place total trust in the adults that you leave your toddler with, I mean I trust them with one of the most important things in my life, and in my instance he is verbally delayed so he may not even tell me what is going on if something were to go on, I have to trust these people the way that I trust a family member. In a way they actually become family over time. How fucking dare they betray that trust. If my kid was used in a photo op like this I would loose my shit. I would pull him out that day, and I would do all I could on a local level to make it dam clear to other parents how gross their lack of judgement is.


This was WAY more that just a political opinion that I disagree with, it was exposing babies actual live children to images and issue that toddlers have no business knowing about


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1 hour ago, SummerRocks said:

I can't phantom this ... which adult professional childcare worker / teacher / ... thought this was a good idea?! Is there any news about who this adult in charge was and his/her reasoning behind this fiasco.

I would love to hear their rationale too, because I can't fathom how anyone saw this as a good idea.

It's not that a field trip related to politics can't be done right. When I was in eighth grade (so much older than these kids,) there was a pretty high profile political event in our town and my Social Studies teacher took us on a field trip to see it. She got permission from the parents in advance, and explained in writing exactly what we would be doing, what we were supposed to learn from it, and how it was going to tie into her classroom teaching. The parents could decline for their child to attend if they weren't comfortable with it without affecting the child's grade, but as far as I recall all the parents thought it was fine and no one stayed back. 

That's how you do it right: Older children who were studying the political process that was being enacted, specific teaching goals related to the trip, parents fully aware in advance and able to opt out, and it was not a rally for one side of a specific hot button issue.

This is an example of how you do example of everything wrong: Small children who aren't mature enough to get anything out of it except fear, event was unrelated to any possible classroom learning, parents were unaware of what was going on and had not given consent, and it was done with a purpose of proselytizing rather than children learning to think for themselves.

I really hope it was poor judgment rather than malice that led to this incident, but either way it was highly inappropriate.

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Judging from the photos put up by the Desmoine Register that @Catey linked to it looks  like Fiorina accompanied the kids around the gardens and then brought them in to the rally room.  The photos show adults standing near the children so I would assume they were teachers/chaperons.  Looks to me like "My Learning Safari" had someone in their employ complicit in this Fiorina fiasco.  It appears also that the preschool has been in operation for just over a year.  I don't think this idiocy will help with enrollment.   So when will we find out who Fiorina arranged this accidental attendance with?    Fiorina and My Learning Safari should be sued and someone(s) should lose their job.


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I don't understand how a preschool teacher or parent could think it is appropriate to expose preschoolers to abortion no matter what their personal stance on abortion may be.

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1 hour ago, Catey said:

Wait my head is about to explode.

Here is the link to the Des Moines Register because they are selling pictures of the kids at the event.

Complete with the kids names and the name of the Preschool that they attend.


Here is the Preschool that they attend,


Where the Number 1 rules that they have is....

Personal Responsibility

Oh and last but not least here is the link to the owners of this special place


Can you say "lawsuit"?

Oh, I KNEW you could!

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1 hour ago, Catey said:


Here is the Preschool that they attend,






-Learners need a broad foundation of developmentally appropriate experiences geared toward meeting unique learning needs.


I would like to hear their rationale to why abortion issues were developmentally appropriate learning experiences geared toward these kids unique learning needs at this time. 

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3 hours ago, SummerRocks said:

I can't phantom this ... which adult professional childcare worker / teacher / ... thought this was a good idea?! Is there any news about who this adult in charge was and his/her reasoning behind this fiasco. I need to sign waivers saying I agree my child can appear on the school blog (which is protected by password to which only parents with children currently enrolled have access) and these preschoolers make national headlines now without any consent what so ever?! And then I'm not even talking about in which context they are appearing on national news.

The preschoolers look -rightfully so- bored and they hopefully don't understand what is going on behind them. If that was one of my children sitting there I would not just let this one slip by.


When I was working as a Nicu nurse, we could not take a baby's photo without a parent having signed a consent permitting such. These kids were filmed for political gain, and the reason for such, deplorable. Abortion and children...

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4 year olds don't need to be taken to political rallies. They'd be bored out of their minds! If a parent wants to take their kid, fine. Not my business. A school though? Maybe for teenagers WITH parental permission. Definitely not for small children.

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4 hours ago, Catey said:

Wait my head is about to explode.

Here is the link to the Des Moines Register because they are selling pictures of the kids at the event.

Complete with the kids names and the name of the Preschool that they attend.


Here is the Preschool that they attend,


Where the Number 1 rules that they have is....

Personal Responsibility

Oh and last but not least here is the link to the owners of this special place


What an asshole. 

16 minutes ago, IronicallyMaeve said:

4 year olds don't need to be taken to political rallies. They'd be bored out of their minds! If a parent wants to take their kid, fine. Not my business. A school though? Maybe for teenagers WITH parental permission. Definitely not for small children.

Nah teens aren't cute. Besides  it's only for the babies to save. Ugh. Why can't people  use themselves

18 hours ago, Hellogorgeous said:

Teenagers aren't mature enough for sex-ed that goes beyond abstinence but let's have 3-4 year olds hear about abortion and organ harvesting. Perfect!  

This. Omg. Excellent point. 

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I was watching The Young Turks cover this story. They made the point that pro-lifers are not about people having good lives they are pro-shitty lives (their words not mine). I mean think about they they make abortion impossible for some people and then take away programs that improve quality of life. I really would like a t-shirt with the pro life logo that says pro shitty lives instead.

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This was a caption on one of photos released.

"Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina looks on as Jenifer Bowen with Iowa Right to Life holds up an example of a 26-month old fetus Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016, at a campaign stop at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden." 

That is one hell of a pregnancy. 

Those pictures really, really piss me off. Children should never be used to forward an agenda. Yes, the daycare is very much responsible in this situation, but if Carly is running for president and uses this level of unethical behavior, she needs to get her ass handed to her. You know, this makes me so angry that I am going to reach out to the Fiorina campaign and rip them a new one. 

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15 minutes ago, Mecca said:

This was a caption on one of photos released.

"Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina looks on as Jenifer Bowen with Iowa Right to Life holds up an example of a 26-month old fetus Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016, at a campaign stop at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden." 

That is one hell of a pregnancy. 

Those pictures really, really piss me off. Children should never be used to forward an agenda. Yes, the daycare is very much responsible in this situation, but if Carly is running for president and uses this level of unethical behavior, she needs to get her ass handed to her. You know, this makes me so angry that I am going to reach out to the Fiorina campaign and rip them a new one. 

DeDe, is that you?

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5 minutes ago, sparkles said:

DeDe, is that you?

Haha! Apparently Dede did not practice what she preaches and took her clothes off. Greg could not keep his greasy fingers to himself. <----- Just typing that sentence made me nauseous. 

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20 hours ago, Mecca said:

This was a caption on one of photos released.

"Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina looks on as Jenifer Bowen with Iowa Right to Life holds up an example of a 26-month old fetus Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016, at a campaign stop at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden." 

That is one hell of a pregnancy. 

So that's what happened to XGG and DeeDee's unborn baby!

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Like I said earlier this makes me fucking sick.

I don't have children but if I did and something like this happened it'd be lawyer time.  I'd be making goddamn sure that the message would be sent loud and clear that children are not props for these people to use for their twisted agendas.

And Fiorina is the same one who was spreading all that bullshit about Planned Parenthood videos earlier.  As far as I'm concerned she bears some responsibility for that Colorado shooting of a Planned Parenthood facility.

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