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If her baby is sleeping through the night at 11 weeks chances are she is or has weaned him already. I would be she is looking to get her cycle back sooner then later and get pg again.

Is there linkage with that? I was a giant C-section baby like Izzy, and my mom was petite like Jill. She wasn't ever able to breastfeed because I ate too much and needed too many calories.

Granted, I also didn't sleep the first nine months of life :D

ETA: I also meant to ask - are we sure that she's still breastfeeding? It's as possible that she's not able to at this point as it is that she's trying for Izzy2.

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Cereal. Rice cereal. I'm willing to bet she cashed in on the breastfeeding by now or she's giving him a bottle from time to time and making sure he's so full he sleeps.

They're naturally a backwoods family, and Moochelle strikes me as a typical Southern country mama, if it cries and it's not wet or dirty--Feed It. I'd love to believe she's baby wearing, but she's not. She's using carriers because people gave them to her, thus all the awkward pictures of her not using them exactly right.

Ya'll gotta remember, they're not using midwifery because it's a modern technique, they're doing it to avoid evil modern medicine and keep it as down to earth/country as possible.

That family may have money, but they are classic redneck/hillbilly people. They didn't learn any baby raising techniques from a book or outside source, it's all from what mama told them to do or showed them on their siblings.

what baby wearing?

and I read correctly - you all think that she has weened her son who is not even 3 months and let's presume she wanted to breastfeed him in order to get pregnant quicker

wow jill wow but again doesn't surprise me

Xmas announcement here we come

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Is there linkage with that? I was a giant C-section baby like Izzy, and my mom was petite like Jill. She wasn't ever able to breastfeed because I ate too much and needed too many calories.

Granted, I also didn't sleep the first nine months of life :D

ETA: I also meant to ask - are we sure that she's still breastfeeding? It's as possible that she's not able to at this point as it is that she's trying for Izzy2.

Based on her appearance, I think she is nursing. [i did work with lactating mothers for many years.] Plus, she's always carrying around that water bottle.

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Based on her appearance, I think she is nursing. [i did work with lactating mothers for many years.] Plus, she's always carrying around that water bottle.

again another question because I am not mother

what is the significance of the water bottle ?

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Regarding Jill and parenting advice: Shouldn't the advice be flowing in the other direction?

What qualifies her?

Actually same thing with relationships. My relationship with Jon Snow lasted longer than both of theirs combined.

Edited to change WHY to WHAT.

Omg that Jon Snow reference. Fuck Olly!

But back OT. I read this title as "Dillwads" and laughed. Would it kill Jill (who STILL hasn't gotten that sling right) and Jessa to actually dress up for public speaking events? They can afford to spend $30-$50 on a nice dress. This maxi skirt/chacos combo is trash.

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Sleeping through the night at 11 weeks is not odd. My breastfed baby slept through the night at 11 weeks. Don't forget, through the night simply means 5-6 hours at a stretch. I was also an attachment parent who fed on demand.

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Omg that Jon Snow reference. Fuck Olly!

But back OT. I read this title as "Dillwads" and laughed. Would it kill Jill (who STILL hasn't gotten that sling right) and Jessa to actually dress up for public speaking events? They can afford to spend $30-$50 on a nice dress. This maxi skirt/chacos combo is trash.

Thank you. I have been thinking the same thing. Their everyday dress is the same as their dressy dress. I understand that this was a laid back music festival but it wouldn't hurt to put in effort for the people paying to see you. This is nothing new. Even before the girls married, the boys would be dressed in suits and the girls in their regular clothes for nicer events. I wonder if the only special occasion outfit they get is their wedding dresses. Someone needs to teach them to dress for the occasion. What I wear to grocery shop is not what I would wear to a fancy dinner or a nice event. Then again, their mom only wears the same three shirts so how would they know when to wear something. How is so much effort put into hair and makeup but not clothing? Those things usually go together.

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I don't understand why people care so much what they wear. Who cares what anyone wears? Their clothes aren't dirty, ripped, or otherwise wildly inappropriate. They look fine.

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I don't understand why people care so much what they wear. Who cares what anyone wears? Their clothes aren't dirty, ripped, or otherwise wildly inappropriate. They look fine.

Because in the media world, presentation is important. If you have ever watched a news broadcast you would notice that the folks involved are usually nicely dressed and coiffed. Why do people in the media world get their makeup professionally done before they go on air? In my job I had a specific outfit to wear in the workplace, and when these folks are "working" most usually dress the part.

Outfit should match venue and activity. It's just common sense.

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Nope, I dont get the obsession with what they are wearing either. :?

Also, it seems as though as soon as two or three posters have speculated on the same idea, that idea gets taken as truth! We have no idea whether Jill is trying for another baby and no right to know either.... :shock:

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Thank you. I have been thinking the same thing. Their everyday dress is the same as their dressy dress. I understand that this was a laid back music festival but it wouldn't hurt to put in effort for the people paying to see you. This is nothing new. Even before the girls married, the boys would be dressed in suits and the girls in their regular clothes for nicer events. I wonder if the only special occasion outfit they get is their wedding dresses. Someone needs to teach them to dress for the occasion. What I wear to grocery shop is not what I would wear to a fancy dinner or a nice event. Then again, their mom only wears the same three shirts so how would they know when to wear something. How is so much effort put into hair and makeup but not clothing? Those things usually go together.

Michelle under dressed all the time at political events. If your husband is putting on a suit... and the rest of the people are in tuxes, maybe, just maybe, that button down chartreuse shirt and black skirt isn't appropriate.

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Jill and Jess and Derrick and Ben may as well be a couple of couples together in a relationship.

http://www.people.com/article/jill-dugg ... e-festival

Unlike other People articles, the author of this one isn't even trying to make it interesting. Dillward went to the event. They did this. They talked parenting advice. A few fans support them. A fan said she wouldn't like to be judged for her choices at 14. End article. It was written like a straight recount of events with a slight attempt at appearing sympathetic, but like the author just didn't care.

Also Jill said Izzy's sleeping through the night at 11 weeks. That is so unusual that I wonder if she's using Babywise.

Izzy was a big baby, a bigger stomach can hold more food and so he can sleep longer. My son was over 10 lbs, slept through the night early on, can't remember how old he was... It took me several months to learn to sleep through again lol Books discussing scheduled feedings are nothing new, Dr. Spock wrote about it about 60 yrs. ago or so...

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Because in the media world, presentation is important. If you have ever watched a news broadcast you would notice that the folks involved are usually nicely dressed and coiffed. Why do people in the media world get their makeup professionally done before they go on air? In my job I had a specific outfit to wear in the workplace, and when these folks are "working" most usually dress the part.

Outfit should match venue and activity. It's just common sense.

People that perform or give talks dress for it.

But the reason why I would say that they could dress for these talks more mindfully, is that it gives the impression that they actually prepared for their presentation vs just rocking up to the venue.

If they want this as their career, or even not, they are adults and their clothes need to reflect a certain professionalism: They respect their audience who made the effort to come see them and in turn the Dilwalds take their obligation seriously.

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again another question because I am not mother

what is the significance of the water bottle ?

For many women, lactation, like pregnancy, causes some to be very thirsty.

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Is an exclusively breastfed baby sleeping through the night at 11 weeks that rare? I do know people who've always supplemented and they've said that their babies do sleep longer when given formula, so maybe it is. Though if Jill is giving the baby a bottle of formula at night so he'd sleep longer...good for her. Sleep is precious and I see no point in being so stuck on whatever "parenting philosophy" one has adopted that they make themselves miserable (assuming Jill was hung up on exclusive nursing anyway). I'd be seriously impressed with her if she actually managed to be that flexible.


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People that perform or give talks dress for it.

But the reason why I would say that they could dress for these talks more mindfully, is that it gives the impression that they actually prepared for their presentation vs just rocking up to the venue.

If they want this as their career, or even not, they are adults and their clothes need to reflect a certain professionalism: They respect their audience who made the effort to come see them and in turn the Dilwalds take their obligation seriously.

And their clothing wouldn't be quite so bad if they actually dressed more casually at other times, but it appears they have "a" set of clothing and it doesn't matter it they're hoeing in the backyard {I know theoretical}, grocery shopping, wiping butts, attending a political gala or a paid speaking engagement, it's always the same darn clothes.

Most people don't wear the same outfit to the beach and to a professional business engagement.

BUT, as we've been told many times, the Duggars do things differently.

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And their clothing wouldn't be quite so bad if they actually dressed more casually at other times, but it appears they have "a" set of clothing and it doesn't matter it they're hoeing in the backyard {I know theoretical}, grocery shopping, wiping butts, attending a political gala or a paid speaking engagement, it's always the same darn clothes.

Most people don't wear the same outfit to the beach and to a professional business engagement.

BUT, as we've been told many times, the Duggars do things differently.

Exactly, they have no "business casual" when I go to functions that my office is throwing, I'm expected to dress professionally. I don't go in my every day clothes, I wear a nice cocktail dress. How they do not even own one nice dress is beyond me. JCPenney sells modest ones ffs.

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Exactly, they have no "business casual" when I go to functions that my office is throwing, I'm expected to dress professionally. I don't go in my every day clothes, I wear a nice cocktail dress. How they do not even own one nice dress is beyond me. JCPenney sells modest ones ffs.

I actually have seen Jessa in a dress, but now that's she's PG, I'd imagine the wardrobe is more limited. Jill, OTOH, always looks the same- always very casual. Their husbands- just horrible.

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I think they looked like total slobs. Even though it was an outdoor venue, they should have put in a bit more effort. imo

However it seems rather common for their generation these days. Sadly, I am getting used to seeing people in their pyjamas at the grocery store or even on a plane for that matter. But who cares if if you look like a slob when all that matters is comfort? :roll:

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I actually have seen Jessa in a dress, but now that's she's PG, I'd imagine the wardrobe is more limited. Jill, OTOH, always looks the same- always very casual. Their husbands- just horrible.

I will not stand for this unwarranted attack on Benjermin. He is a class act. He took off his backwards facing baseball hat.

But I have notice the only time worthy of special attire for Duggars is a wedding (and you need to be in it)

The Duggars are the bizarro version of my tuxedo cat Sprinkles. Sprinkles, not matter what is always dressed way too formal.

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I think they looked like total slobs. Even though it was an outdoor venue, they should have put in a bit more effort. imo

However it seems rather common for their generation these days. Sadly, I am getting used to seeing people in their pyjamas at the grocery store or even on a plane for that matter. But who cares if if you look like a slob when all that matters is comfort? :roll:

I do not care what people wear when they are going about their day, but I think that people do need to dress appropriately for the work day/work at hand, and for a work related event.

I'm assuming this event cost money to attend, and I also bet the Dilwalds got paid to speak- dress the part; put in the effort.

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Quote trimmed.

I have to disagree about the wedding comment. Jill's bridesmaids dresses looked like something I would wear to go to the mall. And Jessa's? That jersey crap that looked like the 80's with out shoulder pads. Just UGH.

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You have to admit it's a little odd that the Duggar women always wear the same clothes but the Duggar men wear different levels: jeans and shirt, chinos and polo, or suit and tie. Normally in our society it is the men who tend to underdress whenever possible and the women who overdress or at least have stricter guidelines: casual, good casual (for shopping) day time, night time casual, night time dressy, full length gowns. In DC Anna started to show some good dress sense but the Duggar daughters all take after their mom. I've always thought it a bit strange that the daughters didn't dress a bit more glamorous when given the chance but I've seen them wearing flip flops at weddings so maybe there is something drilled into them about not dressing up. Maybe Michelle thinks dressing up is too immodest or something.

I spent many years in public speaking and commanding a stage is a valuable gift. There is a lot to learn: posture, dynamics, enunciation, body language, eye contact, and presentation. Clothes are important and convey a certain message to your audience: your status, your intentions towards your audience, even your intellectual and/or artistic nature. One important rule is if you take yourself seriously your audience will find it easier to take you and your message seriously. Shoddy shoes, bad hair, missing buttons, poor fit-- all these things can cause your audience to switch off and tune your message out.

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Quote trimmed.

I have to disagree about the wedding comment. Jill's bridesmaids dresses looked like something I would wear to go to the mall. And Jessa's? That jersey crap that looked like the 80's with out shoulder pads. Just UGH.

I was being kind about their bridesmaid dresses since technically they bought them for the event. I've complained about them on another thread and people disagreed. But you're right, those dresses were bad. The jersey knit dresses did not match the formality of the gowns. Further we've seen Joy bumming around TTH wearing Jill's bridesmaid dress. Wearing a bridesmaid dress again should mean you could wear it to a dinner or a nice brunch/lunch not pushing the Lost Girls on a tire swing.

But will give the Duggar women points for at least buying something for the occasion.

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