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Robert: Women think electricity is magic


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Report back! I'm curious about that too!

It seems that

a man with the same name graduated from the WELS seminary in 2009. It's not on his FB profile. I looked at a bunch of sights for WELS churches.

All of the church we sights were way better and had more information. Even the dumpy looking church I drive past on occasion in a very rual area surrounded by cornfields had a really nice site. There is one in my hometown that made me want to go. It was probably the best church website I ever saw. It was very clear about what they believed, what to expect during the service, even addressed what to wear( you are welcome to wear casual clothes) encouraged you to try it a few times and get to know people. I'm not crazy about the docterine but it was so welcoming! Another internist ing fact. The headquarters for said church is about 45 minutes from me. I have been to the town a few times as a kid, and used to go raspberry picking real close to it.

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Robert's posts have been really 'woe is me' lately. I think he's in a rough spot and falling into the breadwinner trap of 'you damn womenz have it so easy'.

Being the breadwinner myself I know when things get tough I often imagine how nice it would be to be the one that's "taken care of".

But I'm a rational person and don't blame my partner, or start writing a blog about all those "damn menz who have it so easy".

It might be because I can remember those 4 months after university I was the one taken care of. Those were 4 of the lonliest and most depressing months of my life. My spouse would try to comfort me as I bawled my eyes out at the lack of value of my life. (Not to say a stay at home spouse lacks value. This was my perception of my life).

If Robert could get over himself for one damn minut and attempt to walk a mile in Amanda's shoes ( or any womens shoes for that matter ) he would see that his problems aren't "mens" problems. They are people problems.

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Robert's posts have been really 'woe is me' lately. I think he's in a rough spot and falling into the breadwinner trap of 'you damn womenz have it so easy'.

Being the breadwinner myself I know when things get tough I often imagine how nice it would be to be the one that's "taken care of".

But I'm a rational person and don't blame my partner, or start writing a blog about all those "damn menz who have it so easy".

It might be because I can remember those 4 months after university I was the one taken care of. Those were 4 of the lonliest and most depressing months of my life. My spouse would try to comfort me as I bawled my eyes out at the lack of value of my life. (Not to say a stay at home spouse lacks value. This was my perception of my life).

If Robert could get over himself for one damn minut and attempt to walk a mile in Amanda's shoes ( or any womens shoes for that matter ) he would see that his problems aren't "mens" problems. They are people problems.

I feel staying home with littles is lonely and isolating. And OMFG the endless cleaning.....I find it depressing at times. You finish the laundry and there is another pile- no sense of accomplishment.I wish the HappyHooligans blog was around when my bigs were little. And not to beat a dead horse but Boobert might earn the bacon, Amanda shops for it, cooks it, and cleans up after it. It does not happen magically. Neither does laundry, or clean toilettes.

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I think Robert's most recent post reads as though he is once again disappointed in Amanda. The way he generalizes in all of his thinking, the misery he sees in the world probably starts at home, in his own mind. If he's unappreciated, every husband in the whole wide world is unappreciated.

People with a good outlook in their own life often have a good outlook in the world in general. Clearly, he has a very negative view of society, American families and the church. His posts are all about projecting the disappointment he feels in his own little world.


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Reading the thread title again as I scanned the list, I thought

"And Fundie Men think Penises are Magic." Because to fundies, Penises endow the person with one complete authority over wives if not all women. It makes them more holy, more capable, more responsible and well, clearly God's favorites in creation.

When Fundie Men Grab their magic wands, they feel a sense of power surging through them. :lol:

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Robert's posts have been really 'woe is me' lately. I think he's in a rough spot and falling into the breadwinner trap of 'you damn womenz have it so easy'.

Being the breadwinner myself I know when things get tough I often imagine how nice it would be to be the one that's "taken care of".

But I'm a rational person and don't blame my partner, or start writing a blog about all those "damn menz who have it so easy".

It might be because I can remember those 4 months after university I was the one taken care of. Those were 4 of the lonliest and most depressing months of my life. My spouse would try to comfort me as I bawled my eyes out at the lack of value of my life. (Not to say a stay at home spouse lacks value. This was my perception of my life).

If Robert could get over himself for one damn minut and attempt to walk a mile in Amanda's shoes ( or any womens shoes for that matter ) he would see that his problems aren't "mens" problems. They are people problems.

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Interesting that Amanda doesn't have a problem creating fake accounts online but they both lambast anyone here who doesn't do so as dishonest and cowardly.

Also, anyone want to track down this woodworking forum that Robert is a part of?

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Interesting that Amanda doesn't have a problem creating fake accounts online but they both lambast anyone here who doesn't do so as dishonest and cowardly.

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Interesting that Amanda doesn't have a problem creating fake accounts online but they both lambast anyone here who doesn't do so as dishonest and cowardly.

Also, anyone want to track down this woodworking forum that Robert is a part of?

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So it appears that Robert was a youth pastor, not a head pastor as he claimed. (That's what he said, right?)

I can see a young guy getting hired as a youth pastor for a small church with no degree. Unlikely, but it happens.

ETA: She says he was a youth pastor twice and that he was a youth pastor for two years. Two churches in two years and then out of the ministry? That's fishy!

I can imagine these hidden tags are driving Robert and Amanda nuts.

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A new-ish comment on the blog:


January 8, 2015 at 12:39 pm

I’m glad you’re keeping files on the FJ people. They think that they can poke and poke and “dox†other people, but if anyone dares to post info on any of them, they flip out. There have been multiple blogs against FJ but they all get reported and pulled for nebulous reasons. I’d be wary of posting any info you find for that reason. They make me sick.

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...Aaaaand last but not least:


Post by Amanda:

It is absolutely a power struggle. I think that he just needs to prove he doesn't need me or something. I don't know. I don't understand. He has so many weird things, he totally needs to counseling or something. He gets mad if I have activities planned more than 2 days a week. In the past (he's finally learned to leave this one alone), he works hard to passively push my friends away. He has weird control and power struggle issues. I haven't figured it out. I've finally figured how to abide to keep a peaceful house, but much to my own sacrifices. Thank goodness I found this MB when I did or I seriously think I would have lost it due to being put in a life of seclusion! I gave up everything because it was easier to just give up than to fight.

Funny thing is he's always telling ME I need counseling. Yeah, there might be some truth to it, but I always say I won't go unless YOU go. I went to one lady and she told me my perspective was understandable and such. Anyway, he asked me not to go back. Hmmm....I wonder why.

Honestly, Angie...I guess I feel so jealous that your problems are your husband breaking dishes. I WISH that was the worst of my marital problems.

Well, not that I've thoroughly beat him down to you....he really is a good man. He just came in and apologized for being a butthead the last day. He has his moments as we all do. Marriage is about compromise, give and take. I guess sometimes it's easier to want them to give huh?

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Of course, that was when she was "rebellious," so it was probably all exaggerated and imagined. :roll:

Funny thing is, most of her posts are very respectful of him and marriage. She comes off as a very kind, caring, and good-natured individual.

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Of course, that was when she was "rebellious," so it was probably all exaggerated and imagined. :roll:

Funny thing is, most of her posts are very respectful of him and marriage. She comes off as a very kind, caring, and good-natured individual.

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Robert incompetence:


We had a LONG day today. A delivery (in which I had to drive a trailer as well as DH - ughhh on the road we had to drive - Becky can confirm how horrible it is to haul a trailer on Hwy 97).

Well, after the delivery, DH went to meet with another customer. We left my Suburban at the bottom of the road we live on and then he took us to Walmart while he went to meet with another customer.

But this is the good part!!!! We were finishing up at WM and my phone rings. I'm thinking, okay, he's on his way. Welllllll, he was on his way, but not because he was done. You see, he LOCKED HIS KEYS IN HIS TRUCK!! Oh, I'm laughing to myself right now. Not because I'm vengeful or anything, but if I did it, oh he'd razz me (and probably be mad too). I said nothing other than agreed to meet him outside to give him mine (because he bummed a ride from the customer to come get the keys).

When they got there, he said they were all suprised I didn't give him a hard time over it! Oh, if they only knew!!! It's coming later when he can NEVER get mad at me for something hairbrained again!!! Because oddly enough, the only one in this marriage who has ever had a speeding ticket (multiple), caused damage to the car (multiple times), lost his wallet (multiple times) and locked his keys in the car is HIM!!!!!!!!!!!

I just LOVE it!!! hee hee

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I actually have chills reading these things and am further convinced of what I've said before:

That these submissive wives don't finally see the light and "begin living the way God ordains," they give up. They resign themselves to this miserable life because they believe it is better than living in fear of further emotional and physical abuse.

Just as many of us said Robert's "Shed Post" was a how to manual for abuse; Amanda's words read like the diary of an abuse victim.

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I actually have chills reading these things and am further convinced of what I've said before:

That these submissive wives don't finally see the light and "begin living the way God ordains," they give up. They resign themselves to this miserable life because they believe it is better than living in fear of further emotional and physical abuse.

Just as many of us said Robert's "Shed Post" was a how to manual for abuse; Amanda's words read like the diary of an abuse victim.

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