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Jahi McMath back in the news - Part 2


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How long will that mother sit there with her dead daughter's body, and how much will her other children resent her for it? I can totally see them cutting all ties with her. I probably would, if my mother didn't shape the hell up and take care of me (her living child). There is nothing about this that isn't completely disgusting, and there is no reason any of her family members should put up with her.

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I believe this vote yesterday will mean her attorney is going to lose interest. He was a major backer of the passage of this bill, and she was always on the side, not exactly a poster child--but. If her family is stuck with "chump change" (to quote her uncle) they may sadly discover she has passed away one day in the not to distant future.

I haven't figured out what they are living on in NJ.


California Voters Decline to Raise Medical Malpractice Cap


Californians Tuesday overwhelmingly voted down Proposition 46, an initiative that would have raised a cap on medical malpractice awards and required routine drug and alcohol testing for hospital doctors.

Update: With most votes counted early Wednesday, the no votes outnumbered yes votes by a 2-to-1 margin.

The high-spending battle over Prop. 46 pitted two special-interest groups in the state against each other: doctors and trial lawyers.

Lawyers in the state have long sought to raise California’s malpractice cap of $250,000 set by the state’s Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act of 1975. The cap is near the low end among the 35 states that have some ceiling for such damages. Backers of Proposition 46 argued the current amount is outdated, making it hard to bring cases to trial. The measure would have raised the cap to $1.1 million and allowed for inflation adjustments.

The state’s medical and hospital associations opposed the measure and objected to pairing malpractice changes with the doctor drug-testing requirement. Opponents said the campaign for the initiative was misleading.

Major medical malpractice insurers in the state were among the largest contributors to the “no†campaign, which raised $57.5 million, according to MapLight, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that tracks campaign contributions. Proponents of the measure, mostly lawyers, raised $8.5 million to promote the measure.

The initiative also included a third component: requiring medical professionals to check the prescription-drug histories of patients against a state database.


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I believe this vote yesterday will mean her attorney is going to lose interest. He was a major backer of the passage of this bill...

Dolan apparently donated $25 000 to the Yes on Prop 46 campaign. Now that the vote is done and the lawyer lobby lost 2-1, I suspect that family will see the back end of their lawyer any time now.

It's possible he really thinks that kid is alive and will stick around, but it just seems so unlikely - especially since she's...um...dead. That's not going to change.

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I haven't figured out what they are living on in NJ.

They still get a lot of donations, and they don't have to pay for her medical are. NJ allows families to reject brain death as death, so I think Medicaid or Medicare really have to pay.

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They still get a lot of donations, and they don't have to pay for her medical are. NJ allows families to reject brain death as death, so I think Medicaid or Medicare really have to pay.

Whatt?? So who determines death? If that's the case many people wouldn't have their loved ones buried or cremated

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Kinda ironic that the conservative types who believe in "life at all costs" but don't want wasteful government spending don't seem to have problem with the government paying for her care.

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Kinda ironic that the conservative types who believe in "life at all costs" but don't want wasteful government spending don't seem to have problem with the government paying for her care.

they're the same conservatives that insist in no abortion, but then don't want to provide support, education, and medical care for children who are here NOW and who need help NOW. logic fails are par for the course. :roll:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little off topic but I am surprised that Jahi has not yet developed a catastrophic pneumonia...In the state I live in(about 10 yrs ago) there were twin girls around 19 living in a skilled facility for children. They were preemies and suffered horrendous brain damage...on vents, considered "vegatative", both were in horrible condition. Some psychopath male CNA molested one of the girls and she became pregnant...not discovered for 7 months. A female CNA repeatedly reported her fears that the girl was pregnant including her observations of seeing movement of the baby. It was all ignored...Until 7 months along. It was newsworthy around here for quite some time. Male staff were DNA swabbed and the perp was found and jailed. The baby was taken early by c-section and was born with numerous severe disabilities..the mother was on seizure meds, no pre natal care,etc. I received an admission packet for the sister for placement. One of the worst I have ever read..I cried, the disabilities were extensive. We are not a skilled facility so placement with us was not a option. Jahi's condition trumps the conditions of the twins..can't imagine...Since I was in a position of making the decision to discontinue life support for my husband this topic is raw for me and I do not want to judge, it is a horrible decision to have to make. My prayer is that natural causes peacefully take her...the whole case just sickens me.

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Little off topic but I am surprised that Jahi has not yet developed a catastrophic pneumonia...

i'm a little surprised as well that something like that hasn't happened yet, but perhaps where she is at is very strict and closely monitors their patients. really, though, it's only a matter of time.

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Every time this thread is bumped, I desperately hope it's because they've finally given up this farce and buried her. At least Jahi's not alive to be hurt by all this. Unfortunately, her siblings are. Those kids are going to need so much therapy.

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I hope for the same thing LadyBlue when I see this topic bumped. I have followed this case since it first became newsworthy. There are so many layers of tragedy with this case. I had 3 kids when my husband was removed from life support. They were 20,12,2. The Dr. (Who is a saint..) met with my oldest 2 to explain why removing life support was a decision of love. He said to my then 12 y/o "Part of your dad has already gone to heaven. Now we need to allow the rest of him go". I know it sounds corny..and I don't want this to become snark material..but at the time no words were more perfect to help a devastated 12 y/o boy understand and accept that his father was going to die. Those words are appropriate for Jahi..that child needs to be set free. I pray that nature intervenes soon. It is unlikely that her family will change their course of thinking and that is simply not a place that I can go to snark-wise however, I dearly hope for them to become enlightened. Free Jahi..

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I hope for the same thing LadyBlue when I see this topic bumped. I have followed this case since it first became newsworthy. There are so many layers of tragedy with this case. I had 3 kids when my husband was removed from life support. They were 20,12,2. The Dr. (Who is a saint..) met with my oldest 2 to explain why removing life support was a decision of love. He said to my then 12 y/o "Part of your dad has already gone to heaven. Now we need to allow the rest of him go". I know it sounds corny..and I don't want this to become snark material..but at the time no words were more perfect to help a devastated 12 y/o boy understand and accept that his father was going to die. Those words are appropriate for Jahi..that child needs to be set free. I pray that nature intervenes soon. It is unlikely that her family will change their course of thinking and that is simply not a place that I can go to snark-wise however, I dearly hope for them to become enlightened. Free Jahi..

Anyone here who would snark you needs to be kicked out.

I'm so sorry your family had to go through that. :(

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Thank you both...the 13th anniversary of my husband's death was on 11/21...it was the day before Thanksgiving 2001. I never want to be in that place again...Life goes on though...we all survived, the kids are great! Prayers for Jahi to be set free...

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bluebird, allow me to add my condolences. In March, it'll be ten years since I lost my own husband, although I was fortunate not to have to make the same decision you did.

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I'm so sorry for your loss, bluebird. I agree with DGayle, your loss and pain shouldn't become snark fodder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has been one year today. There was a court date for today at one point, I don't remember if it got dismissed or what. I suppose we will be hearing about it if it happened.

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Just think of where the family would be now if they had laid Jahi's body to rest, dealt with their grief and started adjusting to life without Jahi. Instead they've made a mockery of her life and damaged the mental health of the remaining children by their almost ghoulish focus on the remains of this poor child. So sad. Please, all the powers greater than us, let it end!

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Just think of where the family would be now if they had laid Jahi's body to rest, dealt with their grief and started adjusting to life without Jahi. Instead they've made a mockery of her life and damaged the mental health of the remaining children by their almost ghoulish focus on the remains of this poor child. So sad. Please, all the powers greater than us, let it end!

I expect those other kids will grow up to resent their mother and sue for therapy bills.

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I expect those other kids will grow up to resent their mother and sue for therapy bills.

That's also what I think, that those other kids are going to need serious therapy because their parents wouldn't let their sister go a year ago. Like others, every time this thread is bumped, I hope that Jahi was allowed to be taken off support and buried so the family could process their grief. If one believes in an afterlife, it's especially cruel to keep someone from moving on because the family is too much in denial to let someone go to heaven.

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Jahi will be taken off support only when the money runs dry. This travesty has been dragging on for over a year now and people are fickle. As soon as the Next Big Thing comes down the pike it's "Oooh! Something shiny!" and they'll be shoveling their money into another bottomless pit. She's already been declared dead so no hospital is required to take her on and no other facility, reputable or not, is going to "treat" this poor girl's body for free. The family, aided and abetted by their attorney is desperately trying to have the brain-death ruling reversed, but thankfully it ain't gonna happen. So definitely, once the money dries up and it comes down to new handbags for mom or manicures for Jahi, you know who's going to win.

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