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Anyone know much about Todd Wilson, the "Family Man"?


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I don't think I'm familiar with this guy, but he apparently has a podcast/blog/speaking ministry of some sort. I saw his name in this announcement of a "Marriage for God's Glory" banquet. proverbs14verse1.blogspot.com/2014/09/marriage-for-gods-glory-dinner-banquet.html

Not quite sure what this is, but since these folks also do Father and Daughter conferences, it's putting me in mind of some of the old Vision Forum events. Anyone know more?

I don't think I'm familiar with this guy, but he apparently has a podcast/blog/speaking ministry of some sort. I saw his name in this announcement of a "Marriage for God's Glory" banquet. proverbs14verse1.blogspot.com/2014/09/marriage-for-gods-glory-dinner-banquet.html

Not quite sure what this is, but since these folks also do Father and Daughter conferences, it's putting me in mind of some of the old Vision Forum events. Anyone know more?

Nope. Never heard of him but here's his website Familymanweb.com. Looks very VF. Not to be confused with the Family Guy. :mrgreen:

I'm somewhat encouraged by this Amazon review of his book How to Be a Great Wife ... Even Though You Homeschool though.

I'm going to start by saying that I believe I fit in the demographic this book is intended . I am a Christian Homeschool mom/wife of 4. This book doesn't deal with Christian submission of wives, but in fact how to (mis)treat your husband as a child. Don't waste your money. "Any good husband would be insulted if you followed his advice," my husband commented and I believe he is right. Horrible book.

Popped out to the blog. He was surprised that more men didn't feel demeaned by their wives drivi g when they were in the car together. I was most interested in why he is a Former Minister? Anyone know? Most people are not former ministers unless they were very very bad.

  • 11 months later...

From Homeschoolers Anon today.

Gonna give his blog a peek in a bit



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