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TTUAC shares a billboard with Adolf Hitler.


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patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2014/06/03/christian-ministry-quotes-adolf-hitler-on-billboard-not-realizing-thats-a-bad-idea/?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed *

The story is about a billboard that uses a Hitler quote, but notice just below the quote it says "Train Up A Child In The Way He Should Go..."

I went to the billboard sponsor's site (linked in the article) and they don't list the Pearls or appear to endorse them. However, this story is making the facebook rounds and it's a great opportunity to let people know about the Pearls and their child abuse manual.

The billboard is coming down due to public outcry about the Hitler quote (surprise surprise), but I saw TTUAC and just had to share with freejinger.

*link broken because it contains the word blog.

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