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19 Kids & Courting - Duggar Snark for Season 8

happy atheist

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I don't know where you got this information, but my brief research conflicts with this. Hair and skin are extremely NOT sterile because of exposure to air, products, pollution, etc. The most sterile parts of your body would be internal organs which are not exposed to air.

I vote will telling them to tie up their hair while they cook. Even after they wash their hair, they coat it with product and hair spray. Not in my tater to casserole thank you very much.

All I know is that I have long hair (it touches my butt when down) that I wear in a bun 99% of the time to keep it out of my way and I STILL find hair in everything, including food. I'm not even worried about hair in the food, I just can't imagine having all of those crunchy curls in my way while I was trying to use the stove. (between me and the cat, keeping hair completely out of the food is pretty futile)

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I've been wondering if Boob is going to treat JillnDill differently than he treats Bessa.

IRL, I mean...

Of course, on camera, he's going to put both young men through the wringer with his childish antics, but I'm wondering if once the cameras are off, will Dill step up to the plate and ever so politely tell Boob to shove it? There's a big difference between pushing around an 18 year old and pushing around a 25 year old (especially considering that Derrick lost his father at a youngish age, and has since gone on to travel and do missionary work in very poor countries - all of which equals real, true, life experience). Notice how nobody has been calling Derrick childish, or a man-boy, yet that's all many of us see when presented with Ben.

It's not that I would expect Derrick to treat Boob with any disrespect but I kind of hope that he can at least stand up for himself and his girlfriend. How freaking hard can it possibly be to say, to both Boob and Jill, "Listen up. I respect both of you, and I respect your values and your commitment to them, however, I CAN NOT be expected to get to know a woman well enough to marry her with a chaperone hanging onto our every word. I will treat your daughter with respect and not cross any boundaries that we have set, but we MUST spend some one-on-one time together in order for this relationship to move forward."

eta: word correction


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There's no way that any of these kids will get away without chaperones, and having their courtships taped for the world to see. Boob will probably be more of an ass as more kids court.

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I agree that this is quite unlikely to happen right now (say with Ben), but as I said before, there's a big difference between an 18 year old man and a 25 year old man.

For example, take Jana. Already 24, and as far as we know, no courtship yet in sight. I think it's fair to assume that she will not be courting an 18 year old, let's say someone more like 25-27. Is there really an unending supply of 25 year old men who are willing to let JB walk all over them just for a chance at courting a Duggar daughter? Surely, some young man WILL stand up for himself at some point...

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Even if Josie is on some kind of medication due to her prematurity, that does not mean she isn't caught up. My preemies

(not quite as early as Josie was, thank god) aren't on any medication but they are still behind in speech... so not caught up. While the general wisdom is that most preemies catch up by age 2, I would say most preemie parents think that's crap. Those extra months in the ute are invaluable!! But like I've said before, a lot of Josie's development probably also has to do with being the 19th child. As a fellow parent of two near micropreemies (in weight, not gestation), I wish they would be more open about her challenges if she has any. I think it's fucking amazing that a baby can be born so small and so early and be as alright as Josie appears to be. Any challenges she has do not lessen that in the least.

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Any young man, whether 18 or 28, who wants to court and marry a Duggar daughter will know that he has to jump through Jim Bob's hoops. If he's truly intent on marrying her, he will jump through those hoops. And to Jim Bob I very much doubt there is much difference in his mind between an 18-year-old and a 25-year-old.

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All I know is that I have long hair (it touches my butt when down) that I wear in a bun 99% of the time to keep it out of my way and I STILL find hair in everything, including food. I'm not even worried about hair in the food, I just can't imagine having all of those crunchy curls in my way while I was trying to use the stove. (between me and the cat, keeping hair completely out of the food is pretty futile)

I think there'd be a risk of their hair catching fire at the stove. :angry-fire:

When my hair was still long, I had it pulled back in a ponytail one morning when I was cleaning the upholstery of the wing chairs before my in-laws arrived later that day. I promptly sucked my ponytail up into the Dirt Devil and wound up not only having to cut myself free, but also ruining the Dirt Devil.

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Even if Josie is on some kind of medication due to her prematurity, that does not mean she isn't caught up. My preemies

(not quite as early as Josie was, thank god) aren't on any medication but they are still behind in speech... so not caught up. While the general wisdom is that most preemies catch up by age 2, I would say most preemie parents think that's crap. Those extra months in the ute are invaluable!! But like I've said before, a lot of Josie's development probably also has to do with being the 19th child. As a fellow parent of two near micropreemies (in weight, not gestation), I wish they would be more open about her challenges if she has any. I think it's fucking amazing that a baby can be born so small and so early and be as alright as Josie appears to be. Any challenges she has do not lessen that in the least.

I've mentioned before that I have a cousin who was a micropreemie and is still developmentally delayed even though he grew up getting therapy. He was actually lucky to have survived birth as most micropreemies died in the NICU when he was born nearly 30 years ago. I would actually say that Josie is lucky that she's the youngest Duggar child and not the oldest, as she might have died if she was born before Smuggar.

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When my hair was still long, I had it pulled back in a ponytail one morning when I was cleaning the upholstery of the wing chairs before my in-laws arrived later that day. I promptly sucked my ponytail up into the Dirt Devil and wound up not only having to cut myself free, but also ruining the Dirt Devil.

Oh my. Quite the story. I hope the in-laws weren't like Jim Bob about it.

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All I know is that I have long hair (it touches my butt when down) that I wear in a bun 99% of the time to keep it out of my way and I STILL find hair in everything, including food. I'm not even worried about hair in the food, I just can't imagine having all of those crunchy curls in my way while I was trying to use the stove. (between me and the cat, keeping hair completely out of the food is pretty futile)

Whether or not it's sterile, I won't weigh in on. But my first thought about it being Michelle's hair (until someone rightly pointed out that it would actually be J-slaves doing the prep) was How. Much. Hair. falls out after pregnancy. I felt like mine was coming out in hunks after my kiddo was born. DQ has had so many post-natal periods of time, that's a lot of stray hair to find around, sterile or not.

*Please forgive the absolutely atrocious grammar. I am flinging this off just before said kiddo needs to get ready for naptime.

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I don't think it's sterile, and it's disgusting to get a long hair in your mouth. I always put my long hair up before cooking.

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Even if Josie is on some kind of medication due to her prematurity, that does not mean she isn't caught up. My preemies

(not quite as early as Josie was, thank god) aren't on any medication but they are still behind in speech... so not caught up. While the general wisdom is that most preemies catch up by age 2, I would say most preemie parents think that's crap. Those extra months in the ute are invaluable!! But like I've said before, a lot of Josie's development probably also has to do with being the 19th child. As a fellow parent of two near micropreemies (in weight, not gestation), I wish they would be more open about her challenges if she has any. I think it's fucking amazing that a baby can be born so small and so early and be as alright as Josie appears to be. Any challenges she has do not lessen that in the least.

When this subject came up before I looked up the statistics on, iirc the March of Dimes website, and it said preemies born at Josie's gestation had a 25% of no special needs or on-going need for therapies and interventions. This is after the age of ( I think ) one, or possibly two.

I was surprised actually that a quarter of babies born that prematurely had no on- going issues.

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I got to thinking about the "proposal" scene and why it was so weird. Here is my theory: the real deal happened awhile ago, before they started filming the new series. When it happened in real life the couple were so excited they thoughtlessly hugged. Then came the ground rules and JB and Michelle watching like hawks. At some point JB announced that they had to recreate the moment for the TV show. This time Ben and Jessa knew they were not supposed to hug and the thrill of the moment was hard to recreate. Maybe Ben even attempted a half-hearted hug but JB vetoed that. Instead he gave Ben a cup to remind him not to put his hands on Jessa. Hence the weird stiltedness and the strange moment of Ben asking the girl he "loves" to court him all the while he is holding a cup in his hand. I still don't get the prayer hug that followed, however.

By the way, urine is sterile. It doesn't mean I want someone's urine in my food.

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I agree that this is quite unlikely to happen right now (say with Ben), but as I said before, there's a big difference between an 18 year old man and a 25 year old man.

For example, take Jana. Already 24, and as far as we know, no courtship yet in sight. I think it's fair to assume that she will not be courting an 18 year old, let's say someone more like 25-27. Is there really an unending supply of 25 year old men who are willing to let JB walk all over them just for a chance at courting a Duggar daughter? Surely, some young man WILL stand up for himself at some point...

Eh, I seriously doubt all these older kid "chaperones" are on board with these ridiculous rules. I bet it's a don't ask don't tell situation and they do get some time alone together, as would be reasonable for two adults who are considering marrying each other. It's probably easier to go through the motions on camera and ditch your chaperone than to argue with that moron.

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If Josie does have problems, they should show it on the show. And the whole courtship thing is ridiculous. Even some fans are starting to question their values.

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There's no way that any of these kids will get away without chaperones, and having their courtships taped for the world to see. Boob will probably be more of an ass as more kids court.

Agreed. I just hope that one or more of the spouses/married adult Duggar offspring will tell JB - now that we're married, I (husband) am the head of this household and my spouse and I will be making any further decisions. Thanks for your advice though! I think JB looks for suitors for his daughters that he thinks are malleable and his plan is that they live in Tonitown or even worse, on the Duggar compound, right under his watchful eye and thumb.

Will even one of the young adults involved have enough spine to tell him "thanks, but no thanks"?

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Idolatry, off topic, but your avatar made me cackle with glee. Watch out for those ebil front hugs, everybody!

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I found another link yesterday that worked and is of better quality than youtube, if that helps some of you who are outside of the US like me. http://www.tubeplus.me/player/2140085/1 ... _Says_Yes/

I went to the link, selected the top choice and hit Play Now in HD, and got a warning that this was a trap, a phishing site. I closed out immediately.

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Even if Josie has no issues, I think she should be getting occupational therapy and possibly other therapies to help her catch up. Jordyn and Jennifer may also benefit greatly from speech therapy.

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this one is fine. Watching it just now and I use gorillavid a lot :)

I don't find Jessa all that disinclined to him! She and I are very similar in being obviously uncomfortable with public displays of lovey-dovey-ness and I'm right there with her on the compliments. But in her THs she does light up

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Even if Josie has no issues, I think she should be getting occupational therapy and possibly other therapies to help her catch up. Jordyn and Jennifer may also benefit greatly from speech therapy.

I know people keep saying that, but I have several granddaughters and nieces around the same age, and they sound the same. They are all in pre-school and all are developing normally. Two of them are far ahead in language skills according to their schools. But if they were doing talking head shots they would probably be giggly or shy or distracted ( depending on the kid and their mood). With the children who are on target but not advanced at 4 years old, when I see them frequently I understand every word they say,but the ones I see only once a month or so, I still have to pay attention or they still sound a little garbled here and there. Of the two who are very advanced in their language skills, one of them is very shy and I could definitely see her responding very little like Jenny. The other is very much like Hannie at that age...outgoing, articulate, very direct. But I think that " made for tv" type of personality is more the exception than the norm.

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I thought we'd heard that Michelle had "a friend" who was doing speech therapy with some of the kids or was that reading therapy and Josie was getting speech therapy. Where is FMJ?

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I went to the link, selected the top choice and hit Play Now in HD, and got a warning that this was a trap, a phishing site. I closed out immediately.

Oh, I am sorry about that! It worked fine for me, no problems at all. I just clicked play on the video below.

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I thought we'd heard that Michelle had "a friend" who was doing speech therapy with some of the kids or was that reading therapy and Josie was getting speech therapy. Where is FMJ?

Michelle told me she was seeing a speech therapist, an audiologist, and an ENT all at Children's. I think she also mentioned occupational therapy.

I don't know if its true though!

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