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Make everything about you when your daughter gets married

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Lori's latest post really irritated me. Her daughter Cassi just got married, and it sounds like Lori made the experience all about Lori.

In the weeks leading up to the wedding, Lori suddenly got head and "gut" pain. She starts worrying she cannot go to the wedding. Instead of helping Cassie or enjoying her last weeks with her, Lori fires off an email to all their friends and family, letting them know her head aches. So everyone, naturally, starts focusing on Lori instead of Cassi.

The rehearsal dinner was at Lori's home but her head and gut pains prevented her from helping out. When the guest arrived, she becomes miraculously better and goes down and joins the party. I wonder how Cassi, who was probablly stuck with most of the work, felt about that.

As the family dressed for the wedding, no one is sure if Lori will be able to go. Low and behold, once all the attentin is focused on her, Lori announces she can go.

Interestingly, in the last few weeks, through all her pain, Lori has posted relentlessly on her facebook and blog. Yet she considers skipping Cassi's wedding. Frankly, no amount of "gut pain" would make me miss my daughter's wedding! They could bring me there in a wheelchair with a bucket in my lap.

So here's what Lori got: lots of attention, all the work done for the rehearsal dinner, and the fun of attending the parties with very little work on her part.

Here's what Cassi got: she got to worry about her mom's health. She got to do lots of cooking and cleaning on the day before her wedding. She got the stress of worrying if her mom was going to come. She lost the fun of focusing just on her special day.

Honestly, it felt like Lori was punishing Cassi for leaving.

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OTOH, considering as this was probably absolutely in no way surprise behavior from her mom, I hope that she felt even happier to be *gone* finally!

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Frankly, no amount of "gut pain" would make me miss my daughter's wedding! They could bring me there in a wheelchair with a bucket in my lap.

Yes, this. I wouldn't care if I had to drag my ass, I would be at my daughter's/son's wedding. Hell, I was miffed that Lori didn't stay to see them drive away. I am sure there was a big production made of the fact that she was leaving.

I remember a story coming out recently about a mom with cancer who spent her last hours at her daughters' weddings. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2013 ... ers-marry/

I totally agree with your assessment that this was a grab to make this the Lori show. Even after the wedding the focus wasn't on Cassi and her husband, but the fact that Ken performed the ceremony and used the words "submit and obey". ALL.ABOUT.KEN.AND.LORI.

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And I'll bet that after the wedding, Ken made Lori have sex with him despite the headache and stomach pains and she submitted. Wait for the next installment in the "Cassie wedding" trilogy.

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Lori has done similar stuff before. IIRC, she didn't attend her son's dental school graduation ceremony because of headaches.

Yes, this is the same song second verse for Lori:

Yes, I have a very bad neck. I landed on my head doing a back hand spring in high school. I ran into a plate glass window in college. I was smashed between two semi-trucks when I was thirty. I had my neck fused three years ago. I have a very bad neck. It flares up often causing me a lot of pain.

I just missed Steven graduating from dental school. I just missed my best friend's son's wedding. I have missed many Christmas celebrations, weddings, birthdays, etc. in my life. I lay at home with an ice pack on my neck while everyone else is having fun.

However, don't feel sorry for me {but I do appreciate prayers!}.

But don't feel sorry for me... :roll:


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I went to two of my daughter's school shows in a wheelchair: once after getting an ovary nuked out, and once with my right foot in a cast. I also don't give my daughter crappy marital and sexual advice, and she and her fiancé decided what kind of wedding they wanted (it was all about family and friends, and there was NO prima donna).

Once again, I win at mothering, and Lori can go fuck herself.

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It's funny--I used to think nothing about someone referring to their stomach as a "gut." Now, if someone uses the word in any context other than "I've got a gut feeling about . . ." I assume they are into alternative medicine and pseudoscience.

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It's funny--I used to think nothing about someone referring to their stomach as a "gut." Now, if someone uses the word in any context other than "I've got a gut feeling about . . ." I assume they are into alternative medicine and pseudoscience.

I hate that word...don't ask me why, I'm just weird :lol:

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Seems like she can't stand to be involved in events where the focus is on someone else, including her own kids. It's not just attention, it's also a competition in the minds of people like this. I know someone who gets this way at family events including funerals and it's gets a bit weird when you think of a live person competing with a corpse.

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Seems like she can't stand to be involved in events where the focus is on someone else, including her own kids. It's not just attention, it's also a competition in the minds of people like this. I know someone who gets this way at family events including funerals and it's gets a bit weird when you think of a live person competing with a corpse.

She proved it in her own words: she wants to be the bride at every wedding and the stiff at every funeral.

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Lori's latest post really irritated me.

The rehearsal dinner was at Lori's home but her head and gut pains prevented her from helping out. When the guest arrived, she becomes miraculously better and goes down and joins the party. I wonder how Cassi, who was probably stuck with most of the work, felt about that.

I thought the groom's family was responsible for the rehearsal dinner. Why was Lori doing it to begin with? On another note, it seems that many weddings are more about what the mother's (groom's mom and bride's mom) want than what the couple really want. Cassi has lived with Lori long enough to expect this. Too bad she can't get away from it permanently.

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I won't say that NOTHING would ever keep me away from my child's wedding, because my best friend's father couldn't attend her wedding when he had lung cancer. She was totally devastated, and he died 5 weeks later. I know he would have come if there was any way that he could have gotten out of bed.

Lori's tumor is real. I wonder, though, if the pain and gut problems are triggered by stress? That's pretty common with conditions like fibromyalgia and Crohn's disease - they flare under stress.

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On top of that, she wrote in an earlier post that she almost never takes pain pills. She just uses ice packs. So I really question how severe this pain is. I'd've taken a pain pill and gone down to prepare for the rehearsal dinner, to take the stress off my daughter so she could prepare for her wedding day.

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OT, but this is on her fb:

Many parents feel the responsibility of providing for another mouth to feed and therefore don't want to have more children. However, when we hold this attitude we confess that we trust in our own ability to provide rather than in God's provision. David confessed, "I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread" (Psalm 37:25). When God gives a baby, He always provides. He doesn't provide BEFORE the baby comes, but WHEN the baby comes!

{Nancy Campbell}

Umm, yay for no more starving children. Because God always provides, amIright? :roll:

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smashed between 2 semis? I know someone who got caught between 2 trains many years ago, and he had his leg amputated. Anyone have more backstory?

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And I'll bet that after the wedding, Ken made Lori have sex with him despite the headache and stomach pains and she submitted. Wait for the next installment in the "Cassie wedding" trilogy

Later when Ken & Lori were copulating doggystyle, Ken thrust his last into Lori and came, Lori projectile vomited and barfed a hole in the wall. :ew:

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Seems like she can't stand to be involved in events where the focus is on someone else, including her own kids. It's not just attention, it's also a competition in the minds of people like this. I know someone who gets this way at family events including funerals and it's gets a bit weird when you think of a live person competing with a corpse.

Have to agree w/ u.

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