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The maxwells wanted you to know that they enjoy each other's company. All the time. Thank you very much. Also, they work out. It's the subject of their latest blog. They work off those animal crackers with exercises like virtual shoveling.

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I can't believe the girls exercise in those skirts. It does not look safe at all. I wonder how often they fall or slip.

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I can't believe the girls exercise in those skirts. It does not look safe at all. I wonder how often they fall or slip.

Was wondering the same thing when I saw the pictures!

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Was wondering the same thing when I saw the pictures!

Seriously, they can't even exercise in pants when they are in their own basement where no one will see them??????!!!!???

I can almost kind of sort of grasp the hiking in skirts since others might see them and they women must keep their modesty, but Christ on a cracker even in their own freaking basement with no one around...

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Do they have snow in the Maxwell's area of Kansas? Why not some real snow shoveling? It's great exercise if done correctly and you're out in the fresh air.

Seriously those exercises look as boring as hell.

There brothers will see them. Or their dad.

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Do they have snow in the Maxwell's area of Kansas? Why not some real snow shoveling? It's great exercise if done correctly and you're out in the fresh air.

Seriously those exercises look as boring as hell.

There brothers will see them. Or their dad.

We do have snow in their area of KS, but it is not very frequent. Might get some next week.

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I can't believe the girls exercise in those skirts. It does not look safe at all. I wonder how often they fall or slip.

I am pretty sure they each came out of the womb wearing one of those ugly old skirts, so they probably do okay since they don't know any different (the reversals, anyway). I agree it's ridiculous and hazardous for exercise, though.

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Seriously, they can't even exercise in pants when they are in their own basement where no one will see them??????!!!!???

I can almost kind of sort of grasp the hiking in skirts since others might see them and they women must keep their modesty, but Christ on a cracker even in their own freaking basement with no one around...

The skirts stop being modest when you're hiking down a hill, jump onto a (seemingly) flat boulder, land in the (unnoticed) crevice and while trying to save your balance and dignity you fall and roll ass over tea kettle most of the rest of the way down. Not that that's ever happened to me or anything... :shhh: And I wasn't wearing a skirt, but my shorts travelled into very uncomfortable territory, so I can only imagine if I had been. :)

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The skirts stop being modest when you're hiking down a hill, jump onto a (seemingly) flat boulder, land in the (unnoticed) crevice and while trying to save your balance and dignity you fall and roll ass over tea kettle most of the rest of the way down. Not that that's ever happened to me or anything... :shhh: And I wasn't wearing a skirt, but my shorts travelled into very uncomfortable territory, so I can only imagine if I had been. :)

See I've never understood why skirts are thought to be more modest than pants. Skirts privide far easier access to the nether regions than do pants. To be truly modest they should wear pants with a zipper and lots of buttons.

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I am pretty sure they each came out of the womb wearing one of those ugly old skirts, so they probably do okay since they don't know any different (the reversals, anyway). I agree it's ridiculous and hazardous for exercise, though.

I think they came out in frumpers the skirts are when they decided to switch to more of a "modern modest" attire like the Duggars.

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The skirts stop being modest when you're hiking down a hill, jump onto a (seemingly) flat boulder, land in the (unnoticed) crevice and while trying to save your balance and dignity you fall and roll ass over tea kettle most of the rest of the way down. Not that that's ever happened to me or anything... :shhh: And I wasn't wearing a skirt, but my shorts travelled into very uncomfortable territory, so I can only imagine if I had been. :)

Your story reminds me of the time my sister fell down the library steps at Clemson University. It happened on the only day that semester that she wore a dress/skirt.

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Do they have snow in the Maxwell's area of Kansas? Why not some real snow shoveling? It's great exercise if done correctly and you're out in the fresh air.

Seriously those exercises look as boring as hell.

There brothers will see them. Or their dad.

Jesus. Jesus will see them.

Can they come by my place & do some real work to burn calories? I have dusty light fixtures, a spice cabinet in need of wiping out, a terrarium & 3 litter boxes to clean, and a ginormous driveway and another like 7 inches of snow expected the next couple of days.

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I seriously fucking love the Maxwells. They remind me every day how awesome my little life is.

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Normally the girls exercise together and the guys also are a team, but on this day we decided to join up for a special workout.

We enjoy our time together: whether it’s sharing at conferences, working on projects, or yes, gasping for breath as we exercise. Team Maxwell!

Ok, now they're just taunting us.....when do the Maxwells NOT do something together? The fact that the family live in the same house, eat all their meals together, have three hours of Bible study every night, do their "nursing home ministry" every weekend etc.....what could possibly make working out "together" special?!?! The family treat their time together like it's a rare, infrequent occurrence when they probably spend more time together than most children spend with their immediate families. Good God. If I met a Maxwell, I'd kidnap him/her and plop them in room for a few days just to see what happens. Maybe they start melting when they aren't within proximity of each other for more than 24 hours.

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Speaking of the Maxwell, can someone read the subject on this forum moth.titus2.com/forums/moth/ ? My computer say "Error 404"

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This has got to be in response to our snarking on the girls and boys, sorry MEN and WOMEN exercising separately on those scary schedules.

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Speaking of the Maxwell, can someone read the subject on this forum moth.titus2.com/forums/moth/ ? My computer say "Error 404"

It works for me.

I thought they had shut their forums down? :?

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I can only get the board with the list of posts, but if I click on the thread I just get a 404 Error. I suspect it might be because I'm not logged in. Damn, there's some corkers on there I'd love to read. Here's a taste of some of them (let us give thanks for hovertext):

On Scheduling a SAHD:

Teri, How did you schedule your oldest dd at home after graduation from homeschool? Did you have any imput(sic) into the schedule for her or just allow her to schedule herself? I have a 19yo dd who is a stay-at-home dd and it seems we a floundering a little...

I wonder whether Teri admits to writing Sarah's schedule or if she insists that Sarah chooses to schedule herself in a way that magically fits in with the rest of the family. (Imagine if she decided she wanted to schedule an hour every evening to go to the gym, or if she decided to give morning Bible time a miss and sleep in schedule in her own Bible Study between 10.30 and 11.30 every morning. Somehow, I don't see that going down well).

On Personal Grooming time:

As I'm looking ahead to fall, I would love to cut down the amount of time spent on hygiene and grooming in the morning. right now it takes 30-45 mins for me to brush teeth, shower, shave, put on a bit of makeup and dry my hair. I noticed in some schedules that were on the MOTH...

I want to know what the rest of that last sentence is. I'm guessing it is something to the effect of "I noticed in some schedules that were on the MOTH board that women only schedule 5 minutes grooming time a day."

I want to know if she got slammed for wasting so much time with such fripperies. I can imagine Teri exhorting her to throw away her makeup and her razors and trying to convince her that concerning herself with such things is worldly and sinful.

I'm sulking. I want to see. :shifty-kitty:

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Okay, I thought you guys were fucking with me with the "virtual shoveling". Like they were virtual shoveling the shit that pours out of Steve and Terrified's mouths. So I went to the website....again....damn it! :lol: I have never seen anyone take a barbell with one weight on the end and abuse it in the manner that Mary did. Also, how does that really help your fitness? I would think it would make your dominant side stronger unless they switch sides. I admit I didn't read it. I just can't, my eyes refuse. I was lucky they withstood the pictures.

If they want to shovel, it's January in Kansas. Go reality shovel everyone's sidewalks and driveways. They are so bizarre.

ETA: Sparkles, you're off the hook for this one! :D

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Normally the girls exercise together and the guys also are a team, but on this day we decided to join up for a special workout.

We enjoy our time together: whether it’s sharing at conferences, working on projects, or yes, gasping for breath as we exercise. Team Maxwell!

Ok, now they're just taunting us.....when do the Maxwells NOT do something together? The fact that the family live in the same house, eat all their meals together, have three hours of Bible study every night, do their "nursing home ministry" every weekend etc.....what could possibly make working out "together" special?!?! The family treat their time together like it's a rare, infrequent occurrence when they probably spend more time together than most children spend with their immediate families. Good God. If I met a Maxwell, I'd kidnap him/her and plop them in room for a few days just to see what happens. Maybe they start melting when they aren't within proximity of each other for more than 24 hours.

But it was a break from the routine, therefore "special!!!!!"

And the whole 24/7 time together still has me confused as to why Mary needed email to be able to know what the family is doing each day. Completely boggles me. Makes me wonder if Steve types up a conversation itinerary for each day and if he did not schedule time to tell Mary that they're going to Walmart that day, no one could tell her. Seriously, I don't get it.

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On Personal Grooming time:

As I'm looking ahead to fall, I would love to cut down the amount of time spent on hygiene and grooming in the morning. right now it takes 30-45 mins for me to brush teeth, shower, shave, put on a bit of makeup and dry my hair. I noticed in some schedules that were on the MOTH...

I want to know what the rest of that last sentence is. I'm guessing it is something to the effect of "I noticed in some schedules that were on the MOTH board that women only schedule 5 minutes grooming time a day."

I want to know if she got slammed for wasting so much time with such fripperies. I can imagine Teri exhorting her to throw away her makeup and her razors and trying to convince her that concerning herself with such things is worldly and sinful.

Nah, not gonna happen. One of the most important roles of a helpmeet is to be attractive for her husband. Godly men don't want a hairy woman with BO and bad breath. The solution is quite simply to get up earlier, say 4 am, so that you can thoroughly groom and still have the Fuhrer's breakfast on the table by 6. In fact, Terri's probably wondering why women should be allowed to sleep at all. It doesn't say women should sleep in the bible does it? :naughty:

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