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Baker's Dozen daughter is engaged


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What Lilah said. If you adopt, that is now your kid.

I do not have much time for the feelings of "naive" people who adopted from Liberia. So they did no research into what had happened in Liberia and what the kids they got might have experienced? Not even a little bit? They just believed everything they were told?

People who are stupid enough (and lazy and first-world enough) to think that getting a kid from a country which has experienced major and horrific civil war would be just fine and no problems would crop up don't deserve that child at all. I am sickened every time I hear about the neglect and abuse of children who have come from a third-world nation because they had mental and emotional issues which didn't fit into the parents' lifestyle. I really want to ask the parents what they were expecting.

Amen. This story is incredibly sad and nothing justifies uprooting a challenged child from his homeland and dumping him on the streets. These people are hideous and there is no justification for that.

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  • 3 months later...

Ben and Adalia are getting married on May 6th and will be streaming their ceremony: benandadalia.com/

I can't believe these two are old enough to commit to each other for life. They look like kids playing at being grown ups :(


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I'm not a fan of kids getting married the minute the clock strikes 12 on the 18th year. I know she will be legally an adult and it is her choice, so whatever, but still...she just looks so young. On another note, I would like to add that he is quite good looking. Not at all the usual we see around here.

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  • 3 years later...

I know Fundies don't drink, but these kids aren't old enough to choose their favorite adult beverage, much less who they want to spend the rest of their life with. During the ages of 15-25, the brain undergoes massive changes and mental development, it's why people in their late 20's are so much more emotionally stable than teenagers. I'm worried one of them will discover they're a totally different person and this will end in tragedy

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