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Thanks a Lot, Mr. President - a letter from a single mom


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Dear President Obama,

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all you have done and are doing. You see I am a single Mom located in the very small town of Palmer, Texas. I live in a small rental house with my two children. I drive an older car that I pray daily runs just a little longer. I work at a mediocre job bringing home a much lower paycheck than you or your wife could even imagine living on. I have a lot of concerns about the new “Obamacare†along with the taxes being forced on us Americans and debts you are adding to our country. I have a few questions for you Mr. President.

Have you ever struggled to pay your bills? I have.

Have you ever sat and watched your children eat and you eat what was left on their plates when they were done, because there wasn’t enough for you to eat to? I have.

Have you ever had to rob Peter to pay Paul, and it still not be enough? I have.

Have you ever been so sick that you needed to see a doctor and get medicine, but had no health insurance because it was too expensive? I have.

Have you ever had to tell your children no, when they asked for something they needed? I have.

Have you ever patched holes in pants, glued shoes, replaced zippers, because it was cheaper than buying new? I have.

Have you ever had to put an item or two back at the grocery store, because you didn’t have enough money? I have.

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep, because you had no clue how you were going to make ends meet? I have.

My questions could go on and on. I don’t believe you have a clue what Americans are actually going through and honestly, I don’t believe you care. Not everyone lives extravagantly. While your family takes expensive trips that cost more than most of us make in two-four years, there are so many of us that suffer. Yet, you are doing all you can to add to the suffering. I think you are a very selfish and cold hearted man, who does not care what is best for the people he was elected by (not by me) to represent, but more so out for the glory of your name attached to history. So thank you Mr. President, thank you for pushing those of us that are barely staying afloat completely under water and driving America into the ground. You have made your mark in history, as the absolute worst and most hated president of the United States. God have mercy on your soul!


Yolanda Vestal

Average American

This is moving like wild-fire through my conservative friends' pages. What bugs me is she is the type of person that if she wasn't bashing Obama they'd be bashing her for being a poor, single mother, who hasn't managed to pull herself up by her bootstraps.

Now, don't get me wrong, I sympathize with this woman, and anyone else who struggles financially, but I think she's misdirecting her anger. Maybe she should take up some of her issues with Republican lawmakers who oppose food stamp legislation that would help keep her kids from going hungry or block bills that would allow her a living wage at her mediocre job, or even take some of her ire out of her Republican governor who refused to expand Medicare under the ACA which would have eased some of her heath care woes, instead of laying it all on Obama.

"Have you ever patched holes in pants, glued shoes, replaced zippers, because it was cheaper than buying new? I have." So have I, both when I was poor and now that I am doing okay. Why? Because I don't think everything has to be a throw-away. Repair instead of replace isn't a bad thing, it makes sound financial sense for anyone at any economic level.

and Obama as "the absolute worst and most hated president of the United States" Really?

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:roll: Yeah, I had this one show up on my newsfeed too. I pointed out that if this lady actually is as poor as she says she would definitely qualify for Medicaid now, and if she is in a state that opted out she should bitch about her governor, not the president. One of the conservatives did complain about her being a leech, but that wasn't the point I was trying to get across. I said if her income was at the level that some people are getting shafted by the A CA - making too much for a significant subsidy, not covered by an employer, and she was already struggling with basic food and shelter, than she was absolutely awful at money management. So basically she's either a liar or has some other issues going on.

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Is this legit? The letter would work if it was addressed to Dear Conservative Republicans. Last I checked, they're the ones who despise single mothers and destitute people and blame them, along with politicians who try to help them, for "driving America into the ground".

Has it been verified this letter is from a real person?

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It seems like it is legit.

follow up article: bizpacreview.com/2013/11/07/texas-mom-speaks-out-about-viral-letter-to-obama-im-one-of-millions-86683

her FB page: facebook.com/yovestal

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Have you ever been so sick that you needed to see a doctor and get medicine, but had no health insurance because it was too expensive? I have.

Umm...what does she think heathcare reform is trying to eliminate? :? I mean, I understand there are issues to resolve with the ACA, and it may face significant changes to be able to actually help the people it was designed to help. But at least Obama has made an effort to resolve this country's healthcare crisis. How on earth is he the one who is singlehandedly responsible for all of her problems?

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Also, this isn't Mitt Romney we're talking about. Barack Obama grew up as an "average American," raised by a single mother, and he and Michelle just finished paying off their law school debt a few years before he was elected president. While he has not had to deal with those same struggles with his own kids, his mother probably did. He was lucky enough to better his life, and is trying to make it easier, especially for single mothers like this woman, to do the same.

ETA: people complaining about Obama's vacations really get to me. The man has probably the most important and difficult job in the country. I'm sure he works at least 12 hour days, and he's on call even on vacation. He doesn't get a weekend or a holiday at all. While there are many people in this world who are hardworking, I don't think many of their jobs even begin to compare in difficulty with the president of the United States. Beyond that, his every move is criticized and scrutinized, and his family has to live with that too. And I'm not talking about just Obama, I would say this is true of every modern president. Give the guy a damn vacation to Hawaii. Good lord.

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Also, this isn't Mitt Romney we're talking about. Barack Obama grew up as an "average American," raised by a single mother, and he and Michelle just finished paying off their law school debt a few years before he was elected president. While he has not had to deal with those same struggles with his own kids, his mother probably did. He was lucky enough to better his life, and is trying to make it easier, especially for single mothers like this woman, to do the same.

ETA: people complaining about Obama's vacations really get to me. The man has probably the most important and difficult job in the country. I'm sure he works at least 12 hour days, and he's on call even on vacation. He doesn't get a weekend or a holiday at all. While there are many people in this world who are hardworking, I don't think many of their jobs even begin to compare in difficulty with the president of the United States. Beyond that, his every move is criticized and scrutinized, and his family has to live with that too. And I'm not talking about just Obama, I would say this is true of every modern president. Give the guy a damn vacation to Hawaii. Good lord.

Amen. And presidents don't get real vacations, anyway. The WH packs up and goes with them. They have daily briefings and deal with everything they would deal with when at home and "working".

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Also, this isn't Mitt Romney we're talking about. Barack Obama grew up as an "average American," raised by a single mother, and he and Michelle just finished paying off their law school debt a few years before he was elected president. While he has not had to deal with those same struggles with his own kids, his mother probably did. He was lucky enough to better his life, and is trying to make it easier, especially for single mothers like this woman, to do the same.

ETA: people complaining about Obama's vacations really get to me. The man has probably the most important and difficult job in the country. I'm sure he works at least 12 hour days, and he's on call even on vacation. He doesn't get a weekend or a holiday at all. While there are many people in this world who are hardworking, I don't think many of their jobs even begin to compare in difficulty with the president of the United States. Beyond that, his every move is criticized and scrutinized, and his family has to live with that too. And I'm not talking about just Obama, I would say this is true of every modern president. Give the guy a damn vacation to Hawaii. Good lord.

And these idiots overlook the fact that Dumbya took a whole month off after being on the job for only six months and after he got the memo that bin Laden was planning an attack on the US. Fucker.

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There was a similar reaction when they introduced the National Health System in the UK. A lot of working people railed against the extra cost. But you just try taking the NHS off us now :lol:

Ever had a kid rushed to hospital after a serious accident and in need of major surgery? I have. And all I can say is thank god for the NHS.

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And doesn't Obama still have family in Hawaii? So, like, Obama going on vacation to Hawaii is like the equivalent of me schlepping home to Illinois, or Bush going to his ranch in Texas. Sure, it's exotic to a lot of people, but it's where he's from- should he never go home and visit family?

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You have made your mark in history, as the absolute worst and most hated president of the United States.

James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon, and George W. Bush would all like a word about that.

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I can't even with this.

No health insurance... no health insurance... why don't Americans understand the point of socialised health care is that you won't NEED insurance to get medical care?! How is that a bad thing?! Why would you begrudge your fellow man that just because YOU have health insurance or think you don't need it. Gah!

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This woman is so much like my dad's side of the family. Poor, uneducated, drifting from minimum wage job to minimum wage job, GETTING food stamps and Medicaid...but ranting about people on food stamps and Medicaid.

And Obama was raised by a single mom for a portion of his life. He did know what it was like to be poor.

Because he is no longer poor, that's a bad thing? Does she think if she won the lottery tomorrow she would be a generous spirit, running around donating to the poor and making sure they are provided for? She doesn't strike me as that kind of person.

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James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon, and George W. Bush would all like a word about that.

So would Andrew Johnson.

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Basically she's admitting to the world that she's as thick as two short planks?

Yes, but apparently so is an unfortunately large portion of the population.

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LOL. Fucking turkeys voting for Christmas.

What bugs me is she is the type of person that if she wasn't bashing Obama they'd be bashing her for being a poor, single mother, who hasn't managed to pull herself up by her bootstraps

This is it. Writing lady, do you believe those who share your sentiments are actually your friends? Clue: They're not. If you had declared your passionate love for Obama, and your circumstances were exactly the same, you'd stop being the salt of the earth and be a slut who opened her legs for the wrong man because she was too stupid to know what he was like and too uneducated to ever get a real job like real people do.

Case in point - the bedroom tax (underoccupancy penalty) in the UK. This hits social housing tenants in certain groups (two thirds of them are disabled) who are perceived as underoccupying their home and removes some of their benefits, leaving many of them struggling to pay the bills.

Now these people are really amongst the poorest in society. They are surviving on housing benefit and disability benefits and many of them are finding it really tough to make ends meet. They're going into arrears and facing eviction because the wiggle room in their budgets just doesn't exist.

Judging by letters like this, conservatives should be embracing these poor folk, right? They should be condemning a state which tries to make money out of society's weakest. Except (and this is where it gets weird!) they don't at all. In fact, they love it, and mock at them.

Common responses:

"They're just scroungers anyway."

"I own my own home, and if I want to build a conservatory I expect to pay money, so if they have an extra room paid for by me, I expect to get some money back from them."

"I pay 40% in tax to keep them, my heart bleeds". (Incorrect, but this is not the point).

Writing lady is jumping from the frying pan to the fire if she expects the Right to have more compassion and care for her than Obama the mild-mannered centrist.

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Here's the bimbo's Facebook page.


Her likes are just what you can imagine-Ted Cruz, Fox News, various Tea Party groups, Kirk Cameron, Chik-Fil-A, and other assorted fundie/conservative sundries.

Well then she is getting what she deserves. I love the poor struggling people who want politicans who will make their lives worse and complain it is the other guy causing it.

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So it's OK for Dubya to start nearly a trillion dollar war? Yea the economy stinks, but blame games won't help. I bet many people like her don't know Obama refused the Presidential salary. And what's wrong with wanting a better life for yourself or kids? Some parents try their best to keep their kids from the abject poverty they faced. ThIs espcailly happened for the Depression era parents who vowed to make life better for their kids.

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This woman is so much like my dad's side of the family. Poor, uneducated, drifting from minimum wage job to minimum wage job, GETTING food stamps and Medicaid...but ranting about people on food stamps and Medicaid.

And Obama was raised by a single mom for a portion of his life. He did know what it was like to be poor.

Because he is no longer poor, that's a bad thing? Does she think if she won the lottery tomorrow she would be a generous spirit, running around donating to the poor and making sure they are provided for? She doesn't strike me as that kind of person.

Conservatives have no problem when other conservatives are rich and successful, but when liberals are rich and successful, conservatives totally lose their collective shit.

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