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Ted Cruz's Dad Declares God Is Pro Death Penalty


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You wonder why sun is so screwed up? well the coconut does not fall far from the tree.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/0 ... 35831.html

Evangelical pastor Rafael Cruz, father of shutdown dramatist Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), served up a stemwinder this week, laying out God’s positions on the death penalty, guns in schools, gay marriage, communism and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), all in an impassioned 45 minutes.

The Cuban-American creationist quoted Bible verses that he said described God’s hardline position on capital punishment. “You know, the Bible is so clear," he said. "Go to Genesis chapter nine and you will find the death penalty clearly stated in Genesis chapter nine ... God ordains the death penalty!â€

He brushed off “all these people that want to come home with their violins to tell you, ‘Oh, we need to show mercy,'" declaring that the death penalty rightly shows no mercy.

On the subject of mass shootings on school campuses, Cruz blamed Democrats who have lobbied for gun control in response to the atrocities.

“Look at all the massacres that we’ve had in the last year or two that the left is using to try to tell us that we need to control guns. Every one of those was in a gun-free zone,†Cruz said, amid exclamations of “Amen!†and “Exactly!†from the audience.

“You want to eliminate school massacres? Have the teachers carry [guns]! … How stupid can you be?†Cruz said. An audience member answered, “It’s doggone stupid!â€

Cruz also spoke at length against same-sex marriage, arguing, “It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.â€

He said the legalization of gay marriage would lead to a deluge of hate speech claims.

“After this homosexual marriage law gets passed, do you know what the next thing that is coming very soon is? ... Hate speech,†Cruz said. “You preach Romans chapter one in your church, you’re going to be called before a court for hate speech. Now what are you gonna do? Are you going to take that page and cut it out of your Bible? Because it’s not politically correct? So it’s going to come to a head.â€

More broadly, the senator's father warned that “social justice very quickly leads to socialism and ultimately communism.†He squeezed in a jab at the National Rifle Association's past support for the Senate majority leader, asking, “How can you call yourself righteous and go endorse Harry Reid?â€

Cruz attacked President Barack Obama as a “king†and a “tyrant,†before closing with “God bless you all.â€

The event at which Cruz spoke was sponsored by the gun rights advocacy group OK2A and the anti-government Tulsa 9.12 Project.

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You want to know what's stupid? Having teachers carry guns!

And, for fuck's sake, the old Adam and Steve thing has been around since Jerry Falwell. Can't Rafael Cruz think of something more original?

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Well when you only have a one shot pea shooter everything looks like a enemy. New study out about the more a person is pro gun and pro no gun laws the more racist they tend to be.

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This guy is an idiot. The part about teachers carrying guns would never work because not all people would feel comfortable being armed.

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This guy is an idiot. The part about teachers carrying guns would never work because not all people would feel comfortable being armed.

I teach high school special education and have several students with severe behavior problems. If I knew they could potentially steal a gun from a teacher, I'd be terrified.

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I teach high school special education and have several students with severe behavior problems. If I knew they could potentially steal a gun from a teacher, I'd be terrified.

I was thinking very similar thoughts. Putting guns in schools certainly isn't going to solve any problems - it would just create more.

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I teach high school special education and have several students with severe behavior problems. If I knew they could potentially steal a gun from a teacher, I'd be terrified.

I never thought about stuff like that, but that is a very good point.

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Such people think if someone has a gun they become hero's and incapable of screwing up. Kind of like they think Christians are more trustworthy just because of what they believe

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The idea of armed teachers is a scary thought, and I think if it was allowed I would homeschool. Luckily I live in the UK where nobody would even suggest such a silly idea.

There are so many reasons why it would be dangerous for guns to be in schools and why more guns will not mean less shootings.

Most people who say that they could easily have stopped a mass shooting have only shot a gun in controlled situations-like at a target or at most a slow moving animal that doesn't pose a threat to them. Its harder than it looks, with all of the chaos from terrified people running around and getting in the way, and there's a big chance they might accidentally shoot an innocent person. Also when the police come, they and the witnesses will see two people with guns shooting.

There's also where exactly in schools the guns should be kept. If they lock it up securely enough to stop a child getting into it (and they are little ninjas anyway, and may still find a way in), the teachers wont be able to get to it in an emergency. If they make it accessible in an emergency, it makes it insecure enough that children could get to it and might play with it and accidentally shoot someone, or worse, they are giving some messed up kid the chance to get hold of a weapon and kill.

There's also the chance of a teacher losing their temper at their badly behaved class and snapping, shooting them all. Being a teacher is a frustrating job, I remember all the kinds of things some of the more badly behaved kids in my class at school used to do to wind up the teachers. All it takes is one teacher who is not entirely stable, dealing with some badly behaved students.

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So much :wtf: . Yeah teachers with guns are a great idea until a) One gets stolen, b) Teacher uses it, c) teacher shoots wrong person, d) Teacher shoots wrong person in front of kiddies, e) Teacher accidently shoots kiddies while involved in b through d, f) Guess how many lawsuits get filed, g) Board of Education and Teachers Union bail on Teacher. And that's just off the top of my head for the whole teacher armed scenario.

As to God talking to Rafael Cruz. I'm thinking several things about that. 1. He needs to take his meds regularly, 2. He needs to see a doctor about getting some meds, 3. Is he sure it is God?, 4. The more he talks the more sure I am that Teddy boy WILL NOT be in the White House, and 5. He is certainly helping sort the crazy out, (Said in my best Price is Right announcer voice) so Rafael Cruz, on behalf of all the non crazy judgmental Americans who wish you would go back to Cuba (if they would have you) and take your son with you, thank you very very much. :cray-cray:

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There have been at least 3 accidental gun discharges with a police officer giving a safety demos in schools. one shot himself in the foot. So the stupid idea teachers are going to become a perfect in control marksmen is the real illusion guns foster.

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Well, Old Testament God certainly was pro death penalty. I mean, look what he did to Sodom and Gomorrah, Onan, and all the Firstborn of Egypt.

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Dumb fuck.

Jesus must have meant something else by "Some have said an eye for an I, but I say unto you, if a man strikes you on the cheek, turn and offer the other cheek."

Obviously he knows better that Jesus totes meant something else.

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Come on now real Christians only follow the Old Testament not the new tangled words of Jesus. Nothing like glowing the worst of your religion instead of the best.

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Actually, there was an armed security guard during the Columbine High shooting. The problem is that in the chaos the guard had no idea who he was supposed to be shooting at. Given how much ammo these spree killers seem to be carrying and the fact that they favor automatic weapons, I don't think that a mere pistol would be of much help. And how do we know that a teacher wouldn't snap and be the one to kill students? Having more guns in American schools is the last thing we need.

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