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Lori:Our God Rules Over Everything

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Lori's posting from today.


Fornication is rampant. Couples have sex before marriage. They live together before marriage and think it is okay. One can watch others have sex on television or movies whenever they want. Women can have their babies murdered and be protected under the law. Pornography takes what is beautiful and makes it profane.

Emptiness always come from an indulgent life that lives far away from God's order and beauty. Sin brings death. Righteousness brings life.

Many bad things have been happening in our country for a long time. It is getting worse and worse so what can we do?

Make your home a happy home. Let the world see Jesus shining through you. Make your marriage strong and love your husband dearly. Raise your children to be well-disciplined walking with Jesus. Dwell on the lovely and the good.

This isn't our home. Satan is the prince of the power of the air and most people are listening to him. He produces ugliness, immorality, and unpleasantness. We listen to the King of Kings who He brings beauty, morality, and things that are pleasant and pure. We know how the story ends. Don't let the condition of our country take away your joy. God is still on His throne.

We are strangers and aliens. We must never forget this important fact. We must be full of peace and joy or what will attract the world to us and Jesus? We are the salt and light of this earth. Live like salt and light. Put your hope and trust in God, not in this country.

Love the homosexuals in your life. Love the couples who are living together. Love wins others, not hate and condemnation. Remember, they don't live under biblical standards. They don't know our God so why should we expect them to live like us?

Show them Jesus. Love them. Never be cruel to them. They need Jesus as much as we did. They are looking for meaning in life. They are just looking in all the wrong places. True meaning only comes from knowing Jesus and walking with Him. Show them the way.

Again Lori is showing her "I'm a speshul Christian" and "Christianity is the most important thing in the world" attitudes. These postings from Lori show that she doesn't give a shit about non-Christians. I hope Lori tells her "We need Jesus" speech to non-Christians one of these days out in public. Also we know Lori doesn't do a lot of things her Jesus did.

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Meh, this is just her usual "everything is getting worse with sex" moaning. The rest is just typical Evangelical Christian speak. Lori needs some new material.

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I guess Lori is thinking about Genesis 19. If she and her believers ask hard enough God will wipe out the rest of us. She is one who hides behind her posts and all this junk about 'loving' is just BS.

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Meh. My husband and I had sex before we were married. We also lived together before we were married. We have a happy, healthy relationship and are best friends. In no way did premarital sex and premarital co-habitation do any damage at all. Why should I bemoan that people do it when it obviously doesn't destroy anyone or anything.

Sorry Lori. There are much bigger things I need to spend my time worrying about (economic woes, starving children, endless war, etc.). Two people enjoying themselves doesn't even register on my radar.

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Someone needs to make a Hypocritical Lori Alexander meme.

"Speaks out against hate and condemnation

'Victims of spousal abuse? Just don't hang out with people like that.'"

"Against chemicals

Unless they're to burn off your moles."

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Is this post slightly less awful than Lori Alexander Is A Fucking Monster's usual shit? Yeah its sooper-speshul Christianese with a good dash of holier-than-thou mixed in but the point of the post at least pays lip service to the idea of loving instead of 'make them see they're wrong and we're right by any means necessary'. Whether or not she means it is another thing.

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To paraphrase: Love the sinner, hate the sin. Yeah, this is slightly less awful than the usual shit she posts. However, Lori, you can't truly love someone unless you accept them for who they are. It's God's place to judge, not yours, mine, or anybody else's.

ETA: spelling

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Imagine the good she could do in the world if she actually lived as Jesus taught as opposed to living every day obsessed with other people's sex lives. If she went out and worked a soup line or read to someone in a nursing home, she'd be too tired and content to be bitter about unauthorized shagging.

Ken just makes her tired. No point in looking for contentment there.

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It seems so pathetic for this middle-aged lady to be spending her time tsk-tsking about the sex lives of the young people around her. That's what it comes down to. She is unhappy that the 20 and 30-somethings around her are having sex without God's special stamp of approval. Instead of letting God rebuke them (strike them with lightening, or whatever) she complains about it on her blog.

I've always said that trying to stop someone's sex drive is like stopping the tide. I was referring mostly to one's adult children, but Lori is taking on a bigger task than that--she wants to stop a whole generation from fornicating in a way that displeases her.

Seems like she spends her time watching TV and tsk tsking about how much sex is in the shows (but watching them anyway). I understand she is sick now, but seems like she's been doing this for a while. She must drive her adult children crazy. . .

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Someone needs to make a Hypocritical Lori Alexander meme.

"Speaks out against hate and condemnation

'Victims of spousal abuse? Just don't hang out with people like that.'"

"Against chemicals

Unless they're to burn off your moles."

Seriously. Does she even listen to herself? I was going to try to quote parts of the post that are completely counter to most of the things she says, but I would be quoting the entire post :?

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Honestly, half that shit didn't make any sort of sense. "Satan is the prince of the power of the air..." - wtf is that supposed to mean?

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Honestly, half that shit didn't make any sort of sense. "Satan is the prince of the power of the air..." - wtf is that supposed to mean?

Ephesians 2:2

http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?se ... on=KJV;NIV

Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience

It's one of Satan's many cute nicknames, apparently.

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I wish this woman would shut up. She says she is always learning, but she insults womanhood left and right to no end by not learning a thing from those who have differing viewpoints. Have any of you all read her most recent blog post regarding whether men marry just for sex. She wrote this lovely gem:

"Have you noticed that almost all worldly creations and inventions have been made by or discovered by a man. This is not by accident, or because women are somehow inferior to men, or not given the opportunities that men have been given, but because men have in their DNA, and in their hormones, the need to create, to discover, to conquer, and to achieve great success. We are far from content when it comes to finding our purpose in life."

Seriously? She thinks it's in men's DNA to create and discover new things. So, forget about Marie Curie. Forget about all of the women who helped develop the technology that she uses to write her stupid blog or the medicines and procedures to keep her alive.

And does she realize how she makes her headship sound, by discussing men and sex so much? Probably not. It seems that every other post is about men and sex. Give it a rest already, Lori. I'm starting to think that her husband is either a) lousy in bed or b) not into sex that much that she has to submit whenever he wants, because she isn't getting enough.

As for bashing women who work, next time she's in a hospital, she needs to refuse care from any doctor or nurse who is female and has kids, because of her religious beliefs. She should refuse care at a hospital if their hospital administrator is female and has kids. Next time there is a disaster of some sort at her house (say some contractor cuts a gas line in front of her house, like it happened to me recently), she needs to first tell whatever agency that she is dealing with, that she will refuse all assistance until all the working women with school-age kids are not handling her case. Let's see how she views getting no help or hospital care. I think that she needs a dose of her own medicine.

And as someone who was once on public assistance, it is nothing to make light of and I was able to get on it, despite having a job. Not all of us can rely on church/temple/family when we fall on hard times. I think that a lot of churches and temples struggle just to make ends meet. One of my neighbors' husband died and she went to her local church for help. Guess what the church said? Get a job.

Yes, Lori forgets that things change for a reason, that change is inevitable, and usually for the betterment of society. She yearns for a time that never was, and says things like, "it wasn't portrayed on tv back in the day." She should go to her local college and take some courses in history and sociology. Then she may learn a thing or two and can really say she is "always learning."

Argh. Rant over.

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Seriously? She thinks it's in men's DNA to create and discover new things. So, forget about Marie Curie. Forget about all of the women who helped develop the technology that she uses to write her stupid blog or the medicines and procedures to keep her alive.

And forget about Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, the computer genius whose work helped make it possible for Lori to spew her bile all over the interwebs. Without her pioneering work in computer science all of this might not be possible. It boggles the mind that according to Lori, Rear Admiral Hopper should have squashed her intellect, ignored her talents and never pursued and education because only men are worthy.

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