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Taking Away Your Big Gulp Is The Same As Nazism


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This is a speech that Glenn Beck gave at an NRA meeting

When somebody argues for gun control, they are either living in self-imposed ignorance or they are just living an argument of control...I am amazed at how many of my New York friends have become absolute dopes and just will accept the soda ban, the popcorn ban, the salt ban. I've come up with a new advertisement for New York, a new slogan: "You will love New York!"

I hope the NRA keeps bringing out the crazies. It hurts their cause not to be for background checks and to have Beck as a speaker. Apparently, the far right has a different definition of freedom than I do. I value our right to freedom of speech, the press, freedom from torture etc. The availability of a Big Gulp isn't that big a deal to me.

This was interesting also:

Nearly 70,000 people attended the national conference, where another speaker, Rob Pincus, raised eyebrows when he advised members to keep weapons inside their kids' bedrooms as a safety measure.
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Uh...huh? So, banning a soft drink is the same as murdering millions of Jews, Sinti and Rroma, homosexuals and dissenters, invading your neighbours and starting a war that killed millions more, never mind destroying homes and livelihoods? That makes no sense at all. If anyone needs me, I'll be under my desk again, rocking back and forth.

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Would I be unhappy with restrictions on the kind of food I can buy? Sure. But it's not comparable to the Holocaust. What a dumbass.

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Uh...huh? So, banning a soft drink is the same as murdering millions of Jews, Sinti and Rroma, homosexuals and dissenters, invading your neighbours and starting a war that killed millions more, never mind destroying homes and livelihoods? That makes no sense at all. If anyone needs me, I'll be under my desk again, rocking back and forth.

Can I join you?

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Well, I'd be pretty pissed off if my mayor had the super sized Slurpee banned. You know, the one that's almost too big to comfortably hold in one hand? I'm hooked on Coke Slurpees, and no other size will do (I have cut back recently, but still like one once every week or two).

But I doubt I'd start screaming Nazism. :roll:

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Uh...huh? So, banning a soft drink is the same as murdering millions of Jews, Sinti and Rroma, homosexuals and dissenters, invading your neighbours and starting a war that killed millions more, never mind destroying homes and livelihoods? That makes no sense at all. If anyone needs me, I'll be under my desk again, rocking back and forth.

OMG please show me this whole article, I need to read this! That bastard, soda ban is like killing Jews?? Is there a place to write response diectly on that article? Please link it asap, I am so angry!

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Ok. The largest size big gulp is 64 ozs, or 1.9 liters.

A drink that large equates to 777 calories in Coca cola. Nobody needs a single serve drink with 777 calories. Not really the same as the holocaust.

http://caloriecount.about.com/calories- ... sic-i98047

ETA nobody really needs to drink that much coke in a day either. Gross.

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OMG please show me this whole article, I need to read this! That bastard, soda ban is like killing Jews?? Is there a place to write response diectly on that article? Please link it asap, I am so angry!

The words didn't come out of his mouth (I mean, they may have at some point during his speech, but I'm not watching it to find out), but they may as well have. [link=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/06/glenn-beck-uses-nazi-bloomberg-nra-video_n_3224917.html]Here's[/link] a description of the image he showed at his speech. The video at the beginning of the article shows it too.

During a speech at the NRA convention in Houston this weekend-- the organization's first since the shootings in Aurora and Newtown-- Glenn Beck showed a giant image of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg delivering a Nazi salute, while criticizing the mayor's extensive gun control efforts.

Glenn Beck is a shart.

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OMG please show me this whole article, I need to read this! That bastard, soda ban is like killing Jews?? Is there a place to write response diectly on that article? Please link it asap, I am so angry!

Sorry, my words and reaction, whenever anyone compares a comparatively minor issue to Nazism.

Also, if anyone wants to join me under my desk: I have cake. Bring booze.

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The reference and attempt at comparison to what the Jewish people suffered at the hands of Hitler is typical of Beck, and wholly beyond the pale. There just isn't any comparison. I absolutely loathe and despise that man, to the depths of my being.

That said, NY's mayor oversteps a lot, with some of his stuff. I think the more apt comparison would be that he seems to want to be able to run his own little fiefdom.

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What does Limbaugh think of Beck? Has he ever said? I can't help but think even he is like, "Whoa, slow your roll, crazycakes..."

The soda ban makes me ragey. I don't drink soda and I'm the most left wing liberal there is, but it's just :roll: It's not for me or anyone to say how many calories or how much sugar someone else gets to have in a sitting. I hope this and perhaps "Oxygen is good" is about all Beck and I agree on.

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The words didn't come out of his mouth (I mean, they may have at some point during his speech, but I'm not watching it to find out), but they may as well have.

Glenn Beck is a shart.

Oh, ok, you had my chest tight ready to break open from anger lol.

So he didnt actually compare it to Nazi, I understand. When I saw some posters saying comparing soda ban to the Holocaust, I went freaking out in my mind!

I was wanting to get this articles so I can tell him to go to hell saying Big Gulp is Nazism, but ok, I am calmed down now he didnt really say it. You saved my day! :lol: I dont wanted stress today!

Edit: HOLY FUCK yes I just saw that Heil photo of Bloomberg, yes Nazi shit. Ok, I have to go crazy now! Thank you for the link, debrand.

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What does Limbaugh think of Beck? Has he ever said? I can't help but think even he is like, "Whoa, slow your roll, crazycakes..."

The soda ban makes me ragey. I don't drink soda and I'm the most left wing liberal there is, but it's just :roll: It's not for me or anyone to say how many calories or how much sugar someone else gets to have in a sitting. I hope this and perhaps "Oxygen is good" is about all Beck and I agree on.

ITA with the bolded. Paternalism plain and simple and every statement I read that starts with "nobody needs..." gives me a case of the sads.

Of course, it's not the holocaust (that said, from this thread I cannot see where Beck made that comparison.)

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Here's the visual Beck put up.


Of course, it's made all the more offensive by the fact Bloomberg is Jewish.

Limiting the size of drinks that can be sold in a city is total government control, hence Mayor Bloomberg is a Nazi. However, I'm sure that many of the people in that room, including Beck himself, would be pleased as punch if the government forced unnecessary transvaganial ultrasounds on pregnant women seeking legal abortions.

Limiting the size of drink containers and asking people to voluntarily hand in illegal guns = Nazism.

Forcing women to undergo unnecessary and unwanted internal medical procedures = Good government policy.

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Well the ban was shot down, so it didn't even happen. And I think if you lived here, you'd understand there was no way in hell the soft drink companies or the courts would let the ban go through. When I heard about the ban, I rolled my eyes and knew what the ultimate outcome would be.

But damn, comparing soft drink bans to Nazi-ism? that's just sick.

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OMG please show me this whole article, I need to read this! That bastard, soda ban is like killing Jews?? Is there a place to write response diectly on that article? Please link it asap, I am so angry!

I read an article where a Jewish group called Beck out on his bullsh*t, but unfortunately I don't have it b/c I was on my smartphone. But I was so happy to see that people are taking him to task, esp. for the way the ridiculous comparison trivializes the actual Holocaust.

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ITA with the bolded. Paternalism plain and simple and every statement I read that starts with "nobody needs..." gives me a case of the sads.

Of course, it's not the holocaust (that said, from this thread I cannot see where Beck made that comparison.)

As a liberal I am outraged at the existence of supersized soda.

Before the existence of the Big Gulp et al, were there really hordes of people asking for gallon-sized cups of soda? Really?

Soda is the biggest way fast foods joints make money. There isn't much profit margin on a $1 burger, but you will need a soda to wash that salty burger down. A squirt of syrup and a healthy dose of soda water and ice costs them just pennies. They charge $1 for it. So they come up with a 1.50 supersize, make the buyer think that cheap extra .50 is a great value, when it's a huge ripoff. Some people love a bargain, so they suck up far more soda than they wanted because it seems like a good deal. Next thing you know they're addicted to drinking that much soda and the cycle continues.

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How often does Beck get Big Gulps while in NYC? I'm guessing it's not that often, so the ban wouldn't really have affected him.

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Not everyone buys regular soda, though. I drink diet varieties. And whether you disagree with over sized soda or not, there's nothing to prevent someone from ordering a regular glass of soda at a restaurant and drinking five or six glasses, or more. Or buying two liters at the store. If you're going to hate on soda, then where draw the line?

I agree that portion sizes are generally outrageous but there's really no way to stop people from eating or drinking too much.

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The difference for me is, the Big Gulp gives the drinker a false security that they are drinking only a serving or two. At least at a restaurant or drinking from a 2 liter, you have to pour each individual glass. You get a better idea of portion sizes.

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Yeah, but some people really don't care about that. And some people might not know 8 oz is a serving. And besides, the ban would be only limited to NYC. People would still be able to get Big Gulps elsewhere. It's not hard to hop on a train and go outside of NYC. 7-11's are everywhere.

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I don't live in NYC. I guess my issue is with 7-11 even offering single serve drinks that size. Even McDonald's pulled that same size soda (Supersize) off the menu after Morgan Spurlock's documentary SuperSize Me came out. It really is a ridiculously sized beverage. That's the average person's daily recommendation of water.

ETA in other words, it's an entire day's worth of beverage in a single serve cup.

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Not everyone buys regular soda, though. I drink diet varieties. And whether you disagree with over sized soda or not, there's nothing to prevent someone from ordering a regular glass of soda at a restaurant and drinking five or six glasses, or more. Or buying two liters at the store. If you're going to hate on soda, then where draw the line?

I agree that portion sizes are generally outrageous but there's really no way to stop people from eating or drinking too much.

I agree, but it's sort of like the marketing of cigarettes to kids. When I was young, half the ads on TV and in magazines were for cigarettes. They still come to mind instantly. Carlton is Lowest. Come to Marlboro Country. And then all of the ads about which brand "tasted best". Surgeon general's warning or not, kids grew up thinking cigarette smoking was okay. And cool.

Kids today have grown up thinking those massive gulps are normal and okay. Given the Type 2 diabetes crisis we're going to be facing in the next decade or two, I see no problem with pressuring fast food or convenience stores to use a little individual size restraint. If someone is really that thirsty, s/he can always order more.

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