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"You Deserve Rape."


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I had to go back and take a further look and read this lovely excerpt from his testimony about the day he went to speak (in Christian love, of course) about ... well, you know.

There's a masturbating community on that campus? I wonder what their yearbook picture looks like....

Probably kind of like this.....


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Regardless of the circumstances nobody ever deserves to be raped but I do think some women need to take more responsibility for their actions. I was just reading a story about how this teenage girl was raped at a party after she got drunk and passed out. Of course she didn't deserve it but her actions were beyond stupid. Think of it this way, if I was walking through a bad neighborhood at night with a few grand on me and got robbed, yeah I'd still be a victim but I'd be an idiot for doing that wouldn't I? By the way I know most rape victims are just minding their own business and I'm only talking about certain situations.

Oh, and the kid holding the sign is a scumbag but that goes without saying.


Say that five times fast. It's a fundie tongue twister.

Erm. Hate to be their janitor.


Janitor reporting for duty to mop up after the masturbating community.


And "Masturbating Community" and "Lusty Hussy" sound like some great song titles for our official band The Rebellious Harlots of Babylon.

Regardless of the circumstances nobody ever deserves to be raped but I do think some women need to take more responsibility for their actions. I was just reading a story about how this teenage girl was raped at a party after she got drunk and passed out. Of course she didn't deserve it but her actions were beyond stupid. Think of it this way, if I was walking through a bad neighborhood at night with a few grand on me and got robbed, yeah I'd still be a victim but I'd be an idiot for doing that wouldn't I? By the way I know most rape victims are just minding their own business and I'm only talking about certain situations.

Oh, and the kid holding the sign is a scumbag but that goes without saying.

BZZZZZZZZZZZ Wrong! Thanks for playing.


BZZZZZZZZZZZ Wrong! Thanks for playing.


We've had several cases here in Milwaukee where young men have gotten shit-faced at local bars and have ended up drowning in the Milwaukee River. Somehow they are rarely blamed or have their actions called stupid.

Oh by the way, I was walking around my neighborhood with some money in my wallet and I was mugged and beaten. I guess I was just stupid.


According to the "fine folks" at Traditional Christianity women really want to get raped.


Quotes from Vanessa (the Artist Formerly Known as Alte)

"Newsflash: Women tend to get raped because they’re attracted to men who tend to rape women. Feminists don’t want to admit this, so they develop an army of non-rapey men to go after the rapey men, all while eluding said army to sleep with the rapey guys, knowing that the rapey guys are going to control themselves because of fear of said army.

And they say women can’t think strategically."

"The ideal is a man who’s just a tiny little bit rapey. Just enough to make you slightly nervous, but not enough to scare you."

"My running theory is that women’s sexuality turns masochistic when the men around them are too tame."

"Oh right. Yes, it’s important to rape them the right way, otherwise they’ll get very angry with you. It’s a very exact science, similar to cold fusion."

Seriously? Women want a man who is a tiny bit rapey, and you need to rape them the right way otherwise they will get angry with you? That is unbelievably insane.


when I read stuff like this I weep for the fact I have daughters.

BZZZZZZZZZZZ Wrong! Thanks for playing.

I'm right just by not being a lib-turd. ;)


We've had several cases here in Milwaukee where young men have gotten shit-faced at local bars and have ended up drowning in the Milwaukee River. Somehow they are rarely blamed or have their actions called stupid.

Probably because they are usually not major news stories. Anyway their actions were stupid whether they were called out on it or not. Doesn't mean you can't feel sorry for them.

Oh by the way, I was walking around my neighborhood with some money in my wallet and I was mugged and beaten. I guess I was just stupid.

You didn't read where I said "certain situations".


I'm right just by not being a lib-turd. ;)

Probably because they are usually not major news stories. Anyway their actions were stupid whether they were called out on it or not. Doesn't mean you can't feel sorry for them.

You didn't read where I said "certain situations".

You neocons say that liberals call you names; but then it's ok for you to call us lib-turds? How childish and double-standardish of you. By the way, here's the thread where you still haven't answered people's questions: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=16167. And it's not stalking you because you posted here and like to rile people up. Deal with it. As long as you keep posting; I will keep posting this link to you in my replies.


I can't believe Brother Jed and Sister Cindy are still at it. They used to preach on my campus way back in the day. I bet Bro. Jed just does it year after year to watch all the college women walk by.

Regardless of the circumstances nobody ever deserves to be raped but I do think some women need to take more responsibility for their actions. I was just reading a story about how this teenage girl was raped at a party after she got drunk and passed out. Of course she didn't deserve it but her actions were beyond stupid. Think of it this way, if I was walking through a bad neighborhood at night with a few grand on me and got robbed, yeah I'd still be a victim but I'd be an idiot for doing that wouldn't I? By the way I know most rape victims are just minding their own business and I'm only talking about certain situations.

Oh, and the kid holding the sign is a scumbag but that goes without saying.

Wrong. I've been drunk at plenty of parties, even frat parties. And I've been dressed sexy while there. I've never been raped at any of them. Why? Because there weren't any rapists there.

I have lots of male friends and have been gotten drunk with them, while being the only woman there. I've never been raped there either.

Gee, it's almost as if it takes a rapist for a rape to occur! Not a drunk woman, or a woman who's clothes were less than "modest", or a woman walking alone at night.


Wrong. I've been drunk at plenty of parties, even frat parties. And I've been dressed sexy while there. I've never been raped at any of them. Why? Because there weren't any rapists there.

Sure, but you're taking a chance especially if you're at a party where you don't know anyone.

Gee, it's almost as if it takes a rapist for a rape to occur! Not a drunk woman, or a woman who's clothes were less than "modest", or a woman walking alone at night.

Yeah and a guy walking down a dirt road at night with a big wad of cash isn't going to rob himself. Your point?


I'm right just by not being a lib-turd. ;)

U mad, bro?


Nah if I was mad I'd be like :( but I was like ;). Git your smilies straight!

Nah if I was mad I'd be like :( but I was like ;). Git your smilies straight!

... Just because you have a smilie face when you're angry doesn't mean that other people do; just like you believe that you wouldn't have an abortion doesn't mean that other people shouldn't have abortion. Deal with it. Oh, and here's your thread, you shit-stirring troll: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=16167.

Regardless of the circumstances nobody ever deserves to be raped but I do think some women need to take more responsibility for their actions. I was just reading a story about how this teenage girl was raped at a party after she got drunk and passed out. Of course she didn't deserve it but her actions were beyond stupid. Think of it this way, if I was walking through a bad neighborhood at night with a few grand on me and got robbed, yeah I'd still be a victim but I'd be an idiot for doing that wouldn't I? By the way I know most rape victims are just minding their own business and I'm only talking about certain situations.

Oh, and the kid holding the sign is a scumbag but that goes without saying.

In what "certain situations" is it okay to blame a victim of rape? Please let us know posthaste.

To the bolded: The only responsibility drunk, faded, and/or passed out people need to take for their actions is dealing with their hangover the next day or paying for some shit they broke or saying sorry for puking on the carpet. Rape victims should not be held responsible for the actions of their rapist(s). This is so fucking obvious.

I have been drunk to the point of passing out before. I wasn't raped. Know why? I wasn't in the presence of a rapist. That's the only difference between me and that teenage girl in the story you read. The presence of a rapist is the ONLY thing ALL rapes have in common. The onus to prevent rape should be on the perpetrators. Again, so. Fucking. Obvious.


Sure, but you're taking a chance especially if you're at a party where you don't know anyone.

Why is the onus on women to avoid going to parties? How can we be sure the people we know at a party, or their acquaintances, will help us if we're attacked or won't attack us themselves? Why is it the victim's responsibility to not drink "too much"? You save yourself a lot of time and mental gymnastics if you just place the blame where it belongs: on the criminal, not the victim.

Yeah and a guy walking down a dirt road at night with a big wad of cash isn't going to rob himself. Your point?

The male equivalent of a woman being raped is not being mugged. It's being raped. It is dehumanizing to imply that the violation of a woman's body is equivalent to a property crime.

It's also disconcerting, to say the least, that you implied that not victim-blaming rape victims is a liberal value or agenda. :wtf: I'm not conservative, but not blaming rape victims for the crimes committed against them is a value that decent human beings have, not one that's tied (or should be tied) to political beliefs.


The male equivalent of a woman being raped is not being mugged. It's being raped. It is dehumanizing to imply that the violation of a woman's body is equivalent to a property crime.[\b]

It's also disconcerting, to say the least, that you implied that not victim-blaming rape victims is a liberal value or agenda. :wtf: I'm not conservative, but not blaming rape victims for the crimes committed against them is a value that decent human beings have, not one that's tied (or should be tied) to political beliefs.

First paragraph: QF FUCKING T. Argh.

With that sort of mindset you may as well tell women to stay home. I've been harassed, assaulted. I carry on as normal, because if I don't, the fuckers have won.

ETA tapatalk bolding fail

Sure, but you're taking a chance especially if you're at a party where you don't know anyone.

How about no. How am I taking a bigger chance at a party than man who has had too much to drink?

Yeah and a guy walking down a dirt road at night with a big wad of cash isn't going to rob himself. Your point?

My body is not anyone's property.


Should women act responsibly? Yes.

Should men act responsibly? Yes.

However, for one of these groups, far too many people think that rape is an appropriate consequence for doing something stupid.

Did I advise the young women (military trainees) I was responsible for to take basic precautions? You bet. But no one deserves to get raped because they failed to take precautions.

Women do not cause rape. We are not responsible for being raped. Rapists are responsible for raping.

Regardless of the circumstances nobody ever deserves to be raped but I do think some women need to take more responsibility for their actions. I was just reading a story about how this teenage girl was raped at a party after she got drunk and passed out. Of course she didn't deserve it but her actions were beyond stupid. Think of it this way, if I was walking through a bad neighborhood at night with a few grand on me and got robbed, yeah I'd still be a victim but I'd be an idiot for doing that wouldn't I? By the way I know most rape victims are just minding their own business and I'm only talking about certain situations.

Oh, and the kid holding the sign is a scumbag but that goes without saying.

Soooooooo, if I'm unconscious and am physically unable to say "don't assault me", then I deserve it? That's good to know, that people aren't decent enough to /not/ violate someone else's personal space. So, when I'm sedated at least twice yearly for medical exams, I should keep my fingers crossed that the medical professionals taking care of me aren't going to rape me? Maybe if we all tattooed "don't rape me" on our foreheads, then maybe the message would get across. *eyeroll* :angry-banghead:


I could be floating down the river Thames on the Queen's own barge, naked as the day I was born, surrounded by men doped to the gills with on Viagra and Cialis with hard-ons for days, with me dead asleep, or passed out or whatever and it still wouldn't mean I was asking for it, or deserved to be raped.

What twattery flows from the fingers and mind of the 4th survivor. So trolly.


patsymae; your experiences sound horrific. i'm so sorry you went through those things


In what "certain situations" is it okay to blame a victim of rape? Please let us know posthaste.

Um, did you miss the part where I said "nobody under any circumstances deserves to be raped"? It's not about victim blaming.

To the bolded: The only responsibility drunk, faded, and/or passed out people need to take for their actions is dealing with their hangover the next day or paying for some shit they broke or saying sorry for puking on the carpet.

You live in a fantasy world. The reality is there are rapists out there and getting drunk to the point of unconsciousness at a party is putting yourself at risk. I agree that you shouldn't have to worry about that sort of thing, but you do because that is the society we live in and it's unlikely to change any time soon. You shouldn't have to worry about being mugged or killed if I walk through a bad neighborhood at night but you do. That's part of life.

I have been drunk to the point of passing out before. I wasn't raped. Know why? I wasn't in the presence of a rapist. That's the only difference between me and that teenage girl in the story you read. The presence of a rapist is the ONLY thing ALL rapes have in common. The onus to prevent rape should be on the perpetrators. Again, so. Fucking. Obvious.

Absolutely right, however you can't control the actions of other people, only your own. While most rapes and crime in general probably can't be prevented, you can do things to reduce your risk of being a victim. That is the point. It's not about blaming the victim.


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