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Christians Against Obama


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I know of a tool who currently has leukemia he is undergoing chemo for, is most probably using Medicaid as he does not have a job or health insurance, and...........wait for it..........sent my friend an email petition for the repeal of Obamacare. I kid you not, when she told me and forwarded the proof I couldn't decide whether to curl up in a ball and rock back and forth or reach for the smelling salts.

That is some serious and incurable stupid.

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"Mine comp". And I get called an elitist snob for not taking these people seriously.

Guess what, baggers. I don't take you seriously.

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I want to snark, but I can't. I have breast cancer and, due to the timing of my job, no health insurance. SO...I went on Medicaid to pay the close to 300K I will rack up in medical bills.

I was told by a teabagger who KNEW my situation that I should just deal with the consequences, pray, and if (his) god sees fit, I will be healed. Otherwise, I will die. But it isn't the government's job to pay for it.

Yes. To my bald-headed face. Since I am an atheist, I guess prayers won't work.

So...I just can't read that hatred and vitriol with humor right now. Those people are dangerous and should be faced with a situation like mine to realize how precarious life is. Fuck them.

Ask him why, if his plan works, Little Tait's parents (who are well connected) have spent 4 years begging among the anti gov help, rely on god, christians should all come together to pay for one anothers needs groups and still hadn't paid their damn bills.

I wish you continued good health.

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Mine Comp sounds like some kind of awful rip-off of Minecraft, which everyone knows is an evil, addicting, Satanic game made by an evil, liberal Swede*.

Obama is too much of a geek to ever worship something like Mine Comp.

*I have no clue what Notch's political beliefs are, but I figure any Swede would be liberal compared to these morons.

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What I don't get is that many of them are the poor, undeserving underlings! They preach constantly about their fear of being told what to do by the govenment (although it's fine for the government to tell other people- see woman/body- what to do) but are perfectly happy to have large companies tell them what to do (buy guns! drink Coke! smoke RJPhilips tobacco!). I guess an unelected CEO of a for-profit company has your personal welfare in mind much more so than the ebil government health care provider.

Personally I am probably better off than most of these folks and yet I understand that it is only because the ebil government in Britain after WWII decided that it would be a good idea to level the playing field and allow poor but bright kids to get a great, free education. This allowed my parents to attend university, giving me a middle class upbringing and the ability to go to medical school myself. The opportunity to live up to your true ability is freedom in my book!

But they're poor undeserving underlings who think of themselves as being, to quote John Steinbeck, temporarily embarrassed millionaires. They either don't know the statistics about how much likelier it is for someone born poor to remain poor than to move substantially up the income ladder, or they believe they'll be the exceptions. So they don't agitate for social reforms that actually increase social mobility (e.g., universal higher ed on the G.I. Bill model, permanent payroll tax reform, and a way of handling health care that won't bankrupt you if you actually need to use it).

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There is another photo comparing Obama Car to Germany's health care and linking both to Hitler. I don't know what the T-4 Program is but they claim that is Obama Care.

Fritz Geiger What is sad is those that DO NOT know American or world history to see this is a FACT!!

Tuesday at 3:22pm · Like · 4

DrHoward Robbins Mine comp is his Bible

Tuesday at 3:22pm · Like · 2

The last quote is funny in a depressing way.

The T-4 program was the one instituted in Germany in the years before WWII in which the Nazis experimented with different killing methods on the mentally and/or physically disabled. It all fell apart when they got careless with the death records and started sending out multiple death notices (with differing methods of death) for the same person, or doing something like notifying the family that their loved one had died of appendicitis when the victim no longer had their appendix, and there was a huge public outcry. Essentially I think the person on the photo was trying to make a (weak) reference to the "death panels" that were supposedly a part of the ACA. At least that's all I can think of. :?

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I'm loving these responses but have a serious question. Just what do these people think FREEDOM is? And how, exactly, do things like a social safety net, free health care and equality affect it? Seriously, freedom is thrown around by these people all. the. time but I've never seen them define it.

AFAICT, "freedom," to people who squall about being taxed for "entitlements" (but only the ones for the poor, not the much bigger ones for the rich), means just this: If nobody is taking my money for nothin', then I can sit around daydreaming that someday my pile of money will be so big I can swim in it.

The fact that the very rich of this country pretty much all started life with nice fat trust funds escapes them.

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