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Xgay Greg & Dede's Neverending Miracle Pregnancy - pt 2

happy atheist

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Based on her recent FB posts she and the ex man are about to blow up in the media. They are going to save everyone from homesexuality with the help of an exgay army or something. See her post on Rob Bells FB.

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I think that referring to people with mental health problems as "loonies" is fucking rude. Perhaps you are a genuine mental health professional and just happen to be fucking rude. If so, I apologise for doubting your credentials. Maybe when you have grown up and developed some awareness of the impact of your words, you will be a fine therapist. :roll:

Oh FFS. Because every health professional has to be 100% professional,100% of the time. Espescially on a snark board on the interwebs.

If you're going to call her out for using "Looney" then everyone else that's called Dede and EEG crazy deserves to be singled out too.

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Guest Anonymous

Oh FFS. Because every health professional has to be 100% professional,100% of the time. Espescially on a snark board on the interwebs.

If you're going to call her out for using "Looney" then everyone else that's called Dede and EEG crazy deserves to be singled out too.

My point is that the mental health professionals that I know personally tend to find those terms abhorrent. That's what pinged my troll-dar and aroused my skepticism. If you want to believe otherwise, carry on. There are plenty of FJers that are still respectful of people with mental health issues, thankfully.

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My point is that the mental health professionals that I know personally tend to find those terms abhorrent. That's what pinged my troll-dar and aroused my skepticism. If you want to believe otherwise, carry on. There are plenty of FJers that are still respectful of people with mental health issues, thankfully.

Actually no. I work in the Mental health sector. Whilst it is generally respectful, there is very much a culture of using terms that might not appear PC. Dark professional humour, between professionals. Most workplaces have in-jokes I imagine. Using them willy-nilly though in a public setting or on a forum where you do not know you may come off as offensive, not so much.

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I think that referring to people with mental health problems as "loonies" is fucking rude. Perhaps you are a genuine mental health professional and just happen to be fucking rude. If so, I apologise for doubting your credentials. Maybe when you have grown up and developed some awareness of the impact of your words, you will be a fine therapist. :roll:

Oh, so everything else that has been said on this forum is 100% caring & compassionate? It's OK for everyone else to say whatever they want but because I disclosed I'm in the mental health field, when I say something it is fucking rude? That makes sense. You don't know that these two are in fact mentally ill. Sometimes people don't meet diagnostic criteria for any mental illness and they're just plain crazy. If these two had come to my office as patients, would I be talking about them with strangers and laughing at their attention seeking shenanigans? Absolutely not. These two have put their crazy on full public display and are practically begging people to comment. How dare I join in the discussion about people who are not my patients.

Well congratulations anniec and koala, I'm leaving. I'm packing up my toys and going home. I'm way too rude and immature to hang with you guys. I've got an Easter pageant to go to.

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[attachment=0]2013-02-12_12-51-47_80.JPG[/attachment][attachment=1]2013-02-12_12-55-01_427.JPG[/attachment]I blacked out his license plate number, but this is what I saw on that fateful day I first learned of these people. I haven't seen this same SUV in pictures he has posted on his page in the past. The sign is different than he has on his youtube video. Maybe this is their back-up ride, the one they only drive to McDonalds to Skype about the evils of homosexuality. Notice the Lee University license plate holder.

You are my new hero. Thank you! It's like taking a real picture of Sasquatch. They are real!

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Well congratulations anniec and koala, I'm leaving. I'm packing up my toys and going home. I'm way too rude and immature to hang with you guys. I've got an Easter pageant to go to.

No don't go. Some folk just wanna ruin a good thing for whatever reason. I for one could not give a toss what you do for a living or not. Lets face it you could be just about anybody as could I. As can anybody here. But you happen to be the one with a camera.

Take it to the Easter parade PLEASE!!!!

I have this theory mentioned on this thread that Dede is carrying the Easter bunny. TODAY could be the day!!! :lol:

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Oh, so everything else that has been said on this forum is 100% caring & compassionate? It's OK for everyone else to say whatever they want but because I disclosed I'm in the mental health field, when I say something it is fucking rude? That makes sense. You don't know that these two are in fact mentally ill. Sometimes people don't meet diagnostic criteria for any mental illness and they're just plain crazy. If these two had come to my office as patients, would I be talking about them with strangers and laughing at their attention seeking shenanigans? Absolutely not. These two have put their crazy on full public display and are practically begging people to comment. How dare I join in the discussion about people who are not my patients.

Well congratulations anniec and koala, I'm leaving. I'm packing up my toys and going home. I'm way too rude and immature to hang with you guys. I've got an Easter pageant to go to.

Go and you'll only prove them right.

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Mother's maiden name, maybe? It is unusual. The other Greg Haislip (whose wife teaches at Bob Jones University!) is in the other Greenville (South Carolina, not North Carolina like XGayGreg).

Wait - these people are in Greenville, NC????

HOLY SHIT :shock: I live about 45 minutes up the road now, but grew up 10 minutes from Greenville, and go there about every week or so. Where do these cray-cray people go to church? Now I'm wondering if I know any people who might be acquainted with these nuts. :?

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[attachment=0]2013-02-12_12-51-47_80.JPG[/attachment][attachment=1]2013-02-12_12-55-01_427.JPG[/attachment]I blacked out his license plate number, but this is what I saw on that fateful day I first learned of these people. I haven't seen this same SUV in pictures he has posted on his page in the past. The sign is different than he has on his youtube video. Maybe this is their back-up ride, the one they only drive to McDonalds to Skype about the evils of homosexuality. Notice the Lee University license plate holder.

AAAAAAHHH!!! I know where that is!! Is that the new McDonald's (they tore the old one down recently and built a new one) and is that where they do their "ministry"?? Holy shitballs. Now I'm going to be stopping by there and looking for them from now on.

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Wait - these people are in Greenville, NC????

HOLY SHIT :shock: I live about 45 minutes up the road now, but grew up 10 minutes from Greenville, and go there about every week or so. Where do these cray-cray people go to church? Now I'm wondering if I know any people who might be acquainted with these nuts. :?

University Church of God


Please go on a mission for us. However there is some indication that DD&X2G may have been asked to leave the church.

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Oh, so everything else that has been said on this forum is 100% caring & compassionate? It's OK for everyone else to say whatever they want but because I disclosed I'm in the mental health field, when I say something it is fucking rude? That makes sense. You don't know that these two are in fact mentally ill. Sometimes people don't meet diagnostic criteria for any mental illness and they're just plain crazy. If these two had come to my office as patients, would I be talking about them with strangers and laughing at their attention seeking shenanigans? Absolutely not. These two have put their crazy on full public display and are practically begging people to comment. How dare I join in the discussion about people who are not my patients.

Well congratulations anniec and koala, I'm leaving. I'm packing up my toys and going home. I'm way too rude and immature to hang with you guys. I've got an Easter pageant to go to.

Hey - don't go! I mean, yeah, go to the Easter pageant because we have to see what is going on at that and I have to work so I won't be able to make it over there (if I didn't, I would SO be all up in there). But yeah, don't let the skepticism and snarkiness of a few give you reason to leave. To be fair to them, there have been a lot of trolls up in here over the years (I've been lurking forever though I rarely post) and I think it's the general nature of most of the long-time members to be wary of anyone new. Seriously. Stay around. It's nice to know there are some people on here that are fairly local to me :)

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University Church of God


Please go on a mission for us. However there is some indication that DD&X2G may have been asked to leave the church.

If I didn't have to work (I know, I'm a heathen, working on Easter Sunday of all times), I would go. I think my headship would watch the kids for me while I did a little surveillance for the FJ cause. ;)

EDIT: I just realized I know someone who goes to that church. I wish I could ask her to do some surveillance for me, but I don't think she'd be down with it. She's pretty fundy.

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Please don't go! I love your insight on these two loonies.

I've also had a shit ton of therapizing and assessin' and if I found out one of my therapists or my psychiatrist were on this thread calling them a couple of loonies I'd have zero issue with it. I have a mental illness myself and can attest that the term "crazy" feels more offensive and loaded to me, anyway. (Not that I'm actually getting my knickers in a knot over that, either.) Crazy, to me, seems to mean "mentally ill" while loony can mean "silly, eccentric, weird". Fits those two to a tee.

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My point is that the mental health professionals that I know personally tend to find those terms abhorrent. That's what pinged my troll-dar and aroused my skepticism. If you want to believe otherwise, carry on. There are plenty of FJers that are still respectful of people with mental health issues, thankfully.

Ffs, I have some pretty serious mental health issues, me and my friends I've met in treatment use humor and poke fun at ourselves all the time.

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I also use the terms "redonkulous" and "sketchy", but I know the difference between being a professional and being my humorous self. Would I talk like that in a therapy session? No. Am I free to say whatever I want when I'm in my home & commenting on an internet forum? Yes.

"It's a free country!" sort of sounds like something a petulant middle schooler declares while stamping her foot.

No one has told you to leave, although I guess you're flouncing. You seem to hold in contempt and dehumanize people with mental illness, which functions as a good reminder of why I avoid your industry. It somehow doesn't comfort me that all your peers do the same. I really don't care how frustrating your job is, sorry; your willingness to insult the people that you are supposed to help because "you're free to say whatever you want" comes off pretty reprehensible on this side of a screen.

This is a snark board. If you are unable to handle discussions because Freejinger is just too mean, then flouncing might be a good idea. If you can put on your big girl panties then you should stay -- with the reminder, of course, that there are plenty of "loonies" here.

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Well congratulations anniec and koala, I'm leaving. I'm packing up my toys and going home. I'm way too rude and immature to hang with you guys. I've got an Easter pageant to go to.

You are way overplaying my interest in whether you stay or go.

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If I didn't have to work (I know, I'm a heathen, working on Easter Sunday of all times), I would go. I think my headship would watch the kids for me while I did a little surveillance for the FJ cause. ;)

EDIT: I just realized I know someone who goes to that church. I wish I could ask her to do some surveillance for me, but I don't think she'd be down with it. She's pretty fundy.

You could always ask how her Easter weekend went and if her church put on any special pagents ;)

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We love the ID channel. My guy calls it the killer channel.

I have ID on 24/7 because no infomercials!

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I think that referring to people with mental health problems as "loonies" is fucking rude. Perhaps you are a genuine mental health professional and just happen to be fucking rude. If so, I apologise for doubting your credentials. Maybe when you have grown up and developed some awareness of the impact of your words, you will be a fine therapist. :roll:

Cause all the other descriptive terms in this thread are sooooo polite


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Cause all the other descriptive terms in this thread are sooooo polite


Good point...isn't it all a bit of a double standard then? I'm not a mental health professional, so I can use any term I want...but if you are a MHP, you better not use those terms on people posting their life stories on the Internet? And if calling X2G and Dede loonies is outright wrong, then we are all guilty and should just stfu.

I'm just trying to sort it out.

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Cause all the other descriptive terms in this thread are sooooo polite


FJ is absolutely known for it's genteel politically correct use of language. Nobody has a sense of humour or ever, ever did anything to offend anybody else EVER in their whole life. NEVER. To be an accepted member you need to take a test. Nobody knows what the test is. Rumour has it it changes on an hourly basis sometimes post by post basis, it also changes depending on who you talk to and who answers you, who has a sense of humour, irony, have a nasty mindset, a kind mindset, a don't give a flying fuck mindset, a sense of the ridiculous, something intelligent to say, something stupid to say. Nothing to say *waves* at lurkers. Somebody might like what you say, some might question you on it, some might hate it, some might just be looking to not like it cos' that's what they like.

Sometimes you need to wear big girl knickers, but sometimes you need to take them down so somebody else can skelp your arse. You have to be ready to back up any fact/opinion you may make with a fact/more opinion. Sometimes you can be bothered and sometimes you just think, fuck it can't be bothered. FJ WOOHOO!!!

Tis the interwebs babee :dance:

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Also, I have to cast my vote with stillgay and Dede for the craziest crazy we have ever stumbled upon. They make Emily look practically normal.

Maybe we need separate categories. Emily is certainly the queen of the crazy in the category of fundie lifestyle bloggers.

In the pregnancy category, I just don't know. Dede is certainly giving Franki a run for the money, but the tampon funerals. . .I just have to leave the sash and tiara with Franki, for a while anyway.

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Sometimes you need to wear big girl knickers, but sometimes you need to take them down so somebody else can skelp your arse. You have to be ready to back up any fact/opinion you may make with a fact/more opinion. Sometimes you can be bothered and sometimes you just think, fuck it can't be bothered. FJ WOOHOO!!!

I don't know what this means, but it sounds like something I might like! :twisted: :lol:

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