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What's the deal with Shabby Apple?


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The first time I saw the link... I clicked and looked at and loved all of the beautiful clothes. At this point, I am ready to vomit all over those lovely dresses after I've just read a post containing a laundry list of how rewarding and challenging it is to be a stay-at-home-daughter. Honestly, I don't want to support a company that is advertised by girls in their late teens who don't believe in college and think they need to stay home feeling pretty and feminine because it's God's desire for them. And I'm a Christian!

So does anyone know what the deal is with Shabby Apple? Is it some SAHD and her dad's dream company realized? Everything I've read about it seems to suggest it's a normal girl who found her niche designing clothes...

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The founder is a Mormon woman, Athelia Woolley LeSueur.


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I was just trying to remember the name of that site. I bought a dress from them awhile back and it wasn't particularly conservative. At the time they had been promoting their site by sending free dresses to fashion and mommy bloggers.

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Honestly, the quality of their clothes looks awful. While the prints are nice, the fabric itself looks cheap and not suitable for apparel. For example, this shirt (shabbyapple.com/p-2011-roller-rink-blouse.aspx), the fit is just AWFUL. See how it crinkles and bubbles around her figure? It hovers at her shoulders? That is not good dressmaking.

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I'm just a little frustrated with the company in general. They make a point of being able to fit multiple body types, as long as you're tall or average sized. If you're short, you're out of luck. I wrote to their style advice page asking if certain dresses would hang well on shorter figures. No response. I made a post on their FB page asking if they would consider offering petite sizes. They deleted it! I decided they really weren't a company I wanted to do business with.

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My sister bought one of their dresses at a resale shop. It's cute, but of very average quality. Not nearly as well-made as items I've purchased from eshakti.

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I thought it was cool because I saw they have an "intern" program where you can design a dress for them and they will sell it. You have to cover all of the production costs and they will do the selling and you get a cut. Seems like a lot of money to have to front so it doesn't seem like a great program, really. I just get annoyed by how they are on every SAHD blog. It's so in-your-face I don't want to shop there. It's also expensive. I had no idea it was a Mormon-run company. I've no problem with that just that I believe a woman can and should be more than the driving force behind a vacuum cleaner.

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I've done giveaways for them in the past (heck, have one on my blog now). I did a review for them and was none too impressed, but so many people go on about the clothes that I don't mind giving them away. I can find better looking, better quality, stuff at Goodwill.

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I'm seeing an awful lot of defrauding knees and collarbones on the site. I think I better go pray now.

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My sister bought one of their dresses at a resale shop. It's cute, but of very average quality. Not nearly as well-made as items I've purchased from eshakti.

I've been meaning to try eshakti. I keep pinning their clothes on pintrest because they are so cute.

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