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Duggars on Valentine's Day


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The Duggars "celebrate" Valentine's Day by helping out at a banquet for widows and divorcees. Is this the event that Grandma Duggar went to in one episode?




I would like to see one of the adult Duggarettes to have a REGULAR community service gig, rather than these once-a-year or once-for-the-camera charity events.

Working in a soup kitchen once a week. Tutoring children at the library two afternoons a week. Volunteering at the animal shelter 3 afternoons a week. The type of thing that Jesus told people to do.

And I'd love it to be just 1 or 2 of them doing it, rather than carting the whole damn family along for a photo op.

I'd also love to see Sarah Maxwell do the same thing.

Of course, it will never happen, because they might be exposed to the evil outside world.


But we're holier than the Bates! Why didn't WE get a trip to Hawaii?? Eleventy!!

Tutoring children at the library two afternoons a week.

:lol: :lol:


:lol: :lol:

QFT! :lol:


Working in a soup kitchen once a week. Tutoring children at the library two afternoons a week. Volunteering at the animal shelter 3 afternoons a week. The type of thing that Jesus told people to do.

How about being tutored by children in the library and we can work our way up from there.


Yeah . . . they never really seem to do anything for people who actually need it. aI think they're too afraid to associate with those "less" than them - ie, poor, sick, and god forbid, NON CHRISTIANS OR MINORITIES.

So much for that "what you do for the least of people, you do for me" business


I have a feeling that the Duggars have only started doing this last year. Michelle tends to exaggerate.


A charity for divorcees? What is this 1850.


And on Valentine's day! Aren't they aware Valentine was a Roman Catholic martyr who became the patron of couples in love because he was marrying them, giving them flowers and such? (If he existed at all, which is doubtful). Not to speak about the commercialisation.

Duggars, I am disappoint and a sad panda.


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