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Women: Embrace your role as the weaker vessel!


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Ashley Schnarr (stayathomedaughter.com) says:

God created women to be the weaker vessel but our weakness isn’t something to despise or something we strive to overcome, it’s a quality to be embraced.

A good man wants to meet the needs of those who are weaker. When a woman realizes this desire in a man and recognizes her own limitations she has the opportunity to direct his assistance.

Embrace your role as a weaker vessel. Encourage the men in your life toward godly, masculinity. Encourage them to accomplish great things conquer the evils in our world, for His glory!

Oh joy! :roll:



They are only the weaker vessel if you follow some lame verse in the bible. Otherwise they tend to be stronger.


She wrote a book?

From stayathomedaughter.com/about-me-2/ (bolding is mine)

She is a homeschool graduate and stay-at-home daughter who lives and serves at home with her family.

She dicided to forgo college at least at this time in order to pursue homemaking skills, ministeries and various vocations. You can read about her decision not to be to college here.


She wrote and published her first paperback book, “Keeping House…. While Keeping Sane†at the age of seventeen. Recently she came out with a new book “Single Girl… the single woman’s guide to life, liberty and the pursuit of godlinessâ€.

Child prodigy or completely empty vessel? And why does she sit on a railway line?


To this vapid idiot, I present that video of the two Dutch guys undergoing a simulation of contractions and labor. They lasted TWO hours. My brother-in-law was brought to tears at the thought of spending a weekend without my sister, having to take care of their very active doesn't sleep a lot 9month old by himself, as well as the house and meals and everything. Yet she does it every day. Weaker vessel, my ass.


Here is MY weakness: I can't resist the urge to be bitchy. So I'd am itching to ask her: how's that weaker vessel thing working for you? One or is it two broken engagements so far....


Oh joy indeed!

Why should I embrace this supposed weakness of mine? Why can't I meet my own needs (if I'm healthy and normal-functioning)? Or does she somehow assume that women in general aren't "normal-functioning"? I don't fully understand... I have brains, thank you very much. I don't need anyone to make decisions for me. I know best what's best for me (no one else does!).


I'd love to embrace my inner weaker vessel; I could use a vacation.

This weaker vessel is supposed to educate the next generation? It sounds like a godly ministery to dicide on!

Ashley Schnarr (stayathomedaughter.com) says:

Oh joy! :roll:


Fixed it for her.

She wrote a book?

From stayathomedaughter.com/about-me-2/ (bolding is mine)

Child prodigy or completely empty vessel? And why does she sit on a railway line?

You weren't joking about that. :shock: Who thinks posing on train tracks typing on laptop is a good idea for a picture?


So, fundies want me to be the "weaker vessel" and not make any decisions for myself? That sounds heavenly. I make so many choices every day, it's exhausting, I tell you. I won't have to choose a career, a place to live, what to cook for dinner, what to wear...I can just chill out, read cool books with the kids and stream Netflix while the Headship works to keep me on my pedastle.


I'm fairly certain many men prefer a woman who has a spine and a brain and know how to use them.

Emotionally women tend to be more tender, sensitive and soft.


I had a teacher in the first grade who terrified grown men. It was said if you didn't have the fear of God in you going into her class you sure did when you came out. She did scare the living hell out of me that year.


... Yeah, but no thanks. I may not be physically strong; but I'm proud of being book-smart. If you're so proud of being weak, stayathomedaughter, then stop writing your own blog. After all, if you truly ARE the weaker vessel as you claim, you wouldn't be able to type it. Your job is to do nothing but keep house, never give into what you want and always give and obey whatever your husband tells you.

Why can't fundies give Biblical advice but not apply it to themselves? Are they God's super-speshul-awesome snowflakes or something? :roll:


She is so out of touch with reality that it's sad. My husband could care less about traditional gender roles - he just wants to get everything done, regardless of who does it. If I said that I couldn't do certain things because I'm a female, he would assume that I was just trying to weasel out of it, and become mad at me. He may be physically stronger than I am, but brute strength isn't necessary in most chores around our house.


Become a weaker vessel? Fuck off.


And all the English 101 profs and TAs in the land rejoiced!



That's some of the sloppiest writing I've seen in a long time. I hope she edits her books better than her blog. It looks like she free-writes and doesn't check it afterward, since this is not the only place I saw this sort of double wording where one should have been edited out. The rest look like typos.

For someone who appears to want to have a serious blog (soliciting advertising etc), she isn't very careful at all.

Typically men are taller, have larger muscles and longer physical strength endurance. I was reading an article the other day that explained that, in general, a woman’s bone structure is actually lighter than a man’s. She may be able to preform some of the same takes a man dose but because of her build her endurance level is much lower.


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