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Did you vote for Obama?


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Man did I ever! And I'll do it again. BUT I have to say - I still think Hilary Clinton would have been a better president. I think Clinton was a terrific president, and I don't care what he did with his own private wee-wee. Hilary is whip-smart and very schooled in politics. The country isn't ready for someone like Hilary, and that makes me sad.

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Yes. There wasn't a better choice then and there won't be next time. I wish we could have a different democratic candidate. I do regret voting for him in the primary. I think Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice now.

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I voted for him. I also gave his campaign a fair chunk of change. I am extremely disappointed. I don't know what I'm going to do about the 2012 vote, but I know for damn sure that my wallet is going to stay very firmly closed. He can go hit up the rich banksters for money. (And I say that as someone who works on the tech side for a Too Big To Fail bank.) I'll give mine to candidates downballot.

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Yup, and I was SO proud to do so. I lived in DC during the election and inauguration and it makes me weepy just thinking about it all. I agree with others that H. Clinton would have been a better president. Like someone else said, if there's a choice between a conservative and a liberal, I'm going to vote liberal every single time. I love myself and you all too much to vote for a conservative. :D

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nope, and I wouldn't this time either. I voted third party. We need one.

I also, though, would have had to think long and hard about that if it had been Hillary, not Obama. I think she's got more brains in her pinky than most of the other politicians have in both hands.

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Nope and I wont this time either, regardless of who runs against him. Eat your peas... kiss my ass...


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Yes, I voted for President Obama and financially supported his campaign, much to my husband's chagrin (he's a Republican :lol: ). Nevertheless, I've voted for Republican candidates for various positions of government over the years. My parents, especially my Dad, drilled into my head that I should vote for whomever I thought was the best person for the job with the best skills regardless of their "party". My parents demonstrated during the late fifties in the South for the right to even cast a vote, so they passed down to my siblings and their grandchildren the importance of voting in itself.

I am proud of what Obama has accomplished is his first term, would I like more, well of course, who wouldn't? At this moment I can't foresee anyone on the Democratic side of the fence, much less any one on the Republican side who could entice me to vote for them. So in 2012, Obama gets my vote again!

p.s. My Mom, who is in her 80's, is still upset that Hillary isn't the President and really kind of held her nose when she voted for Obama.

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I did, and I don't regret it. I think he's trying hard to find solutions everyone can be happy with, but he's not liberal enough and I wish he'd stop cowtowing to the Republicans- they're just taking advantage of it at this point. I also think Hilary would be an amazing president. I wish she'd run in 2012, because I'd definitely vote for her. She knows what she's doing and she sticks to her guns.

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I did. If I could do it all over again I would probably have to vote for him again. I do think his inexperience is showing and this makes me sad.

I did vote for him. I don't vote party lines, but I have only ever voted Democrats. I thought he was the right person, and I been sorely disappointed with his lack of experience and his inability to cross a line. If he states one more time that the recession is over I will scream, and invite him to come speak with social services clients laid off 29 months ago and still unable to find work. I'd like him to do something.

However, I will vote for him again. Or maybe I just won't vote at all.

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Like a friend of mine always says, he walked into a disaster,you cannot expect him to clean up 8 years worth of shit overnight.

I totally agree.

I did vote for him, and I'm not sorry. He's not perfect, and I wish he had been less conciliatory to the Republicans when he had the majority in both houses, because the Republican Party as it is today will NEVER compromise, as we have seen this past week.

And honestly, I don't think we would be in any better shape if McCain had been elected. The economy will recover when it recovers, and whoever is in power will take credit. This is the worst mess since the Great Depression, and it's not going away overnight.

I have voted Republican in the past. I voted for John Ensign because I thought he was doing a good job for Nevada, and I liked the way he and Harry Reid worked together for the state. This was when Yucca Mountain was still a possibility, and they both worked to stop it.

Of course, I guess the joke was on me. It's not so much that he did cheat on his wife- I don't condone infidelity, but what happens between a couple is none of my business. However, I can't stand hypocrites, and Ensign, who was so vocal about Clinton's scandal, turned around and did the same thing, with his wife's best friend, no less.

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Bananacat said it best. I did, and would again, even if my husband's vote immediately cancels mine out ;)

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I tried to give him money, because I considered it an investment in the future of the world, but noooo you had to be a U.S. citizen *rolls eyes*. I was not impressed.

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I voted for him and campaigned for him and will do so again next year although I wish that he were truly liberal. I totally agree with 3 is Enough that he should have been less conciliatory to the Republicans when the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. I wish he'd adopted the attitude of FDR who said in 1935 that he welcomed the hatred of the Republicans in Congress. Obama should have realized from the start that Republicans were not going to like him no matter what and were not going to work with him.

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I voted for him and will again. I voted for McCain in the primary against Bush but these days, the Repubs have gotten very scary. I would like to see a moderate Repub. run but they no longer seem to exist.

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Couldn't but I would have, probably, in the US. I don't believe in the parliamentary road but there would have been some symbolic and political value in having him elected. I hate voting for the lesser of two evils but some days a gal's just gotta do it.

Now though, if I was American? So would not.

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Had I been an American I would have done. I find it quite bizarre that you really only have choice of two candidates - right or left. OK I know there are some others in there but how much effect do they have?

Here in the UK we have three main parties; last election I voted liberal democrat which is pretty much the center party. I was demoralised with Labour (left) due to the economic situation. Whilst I do not blame the labour government for the cause of it (it was a huge multinational issue), I do not think that the then labour government responded to the effects it had on the UK fast enough. Although I quite liked David Cameron and agreed with some then conservative ideas on their manifesto, I have deep distrust of them so I couldn't vote for them. That distrust was proven correct and I do not like what this conservative government is doing now. Voting liberal democrat seemed the only way and I felt they deserved a chance.

Now what we have is a so called coalition with the lib dems and the conservatives and it seems that it is a coalition in name only. I don't think the lib dems have spoken up enough against the conservatives and have let them ride rough shod over them.

As for next time I have absolutely no idea who I will vote for. I don't think labour is ready yet to govern. The conservatives have proven themselves untrustworthy again and the lib dems have not stood up for what they believe.

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I did, although I saw him more as the lesser of two evils than as the best candidate. I would much rather have seen Hillary Clinton or (until it was revealed what a slimeball he really is) John Edwards as the Democratic candidate. Had Giuliani been the Republican candidate, I'd have voted for him. Either way, it wasn't going to be easy to try to fix all the damage Dubya did; I wasn't even sure how much of it could have been fixed in one term.

That said, none of the potential Presidential candidates who might run in 2012 impress me. At least three relatives are trying to convince me to jump on the Cain train, but I'm not biting. I have a feeling I'm going to be holding my nose when I cast my vote.

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I voted for him. And while I think that some of his appeasing tendencies towards Reppublicans are poorly thought out (he should really try to leverage it more to get them to meet him halfway, these guys are so freaking obstructionist) in gerneal I'd say he's a very intelligent and thoughtful President and I haven't seen a single Republican Candidate I'd want to give a second thought. And Michelle Bachman winning the nomination is pretty scary

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Nope. I wasn't happy with any of the options, but unfortunately he was a tad bit "more worse" politically for me.

Would have loved to have cast my vote for the first African American president, and I was happy that I could tell my children with honesty that they really, truly *could* be President someday. But to vote for him would have been voting purely based on his race, since I disagree with his politics, and I just couldn't do that.

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I voted for him. Twice. :) Once for Senator, and once for President.

There's an interesting article - I think it's in the WSJ - about how President Obama is not actually a liberal. If anything, he's center-right on fiscal issues and center-left on social issues. Of course, to some people, anyone who isn't going to shut down the government entirely is a Socialist, so it probably doesn't matter what his actual governing style is.

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I did not. I didn't like his politics and didn't like his inexperience.

I WAS however, thrilled that the color barrier was finally broken, I just wish it had been by someone with more background. I think that Hillary would have made a better president and the male-only barrier would have been broken with her. I'm expecting to see that in my lifetime.

I don't like any of the candidates for either party so far. I vote according to platforms in all the elections, small to big, rather than by party, so I haven't decided anything, yet.

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No, I did not vote for Obama. I'm fairly conservative in my politics. Held my nose and voted for McCain.

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