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Another death because of Jesus


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I take this another way. You are the parent, you are the adult. You should show more self-control and grace than a small child.

That is how I view things. Beating (if it doesn't kill them!) teaches a child that the way to solve your problems is to hit the other person. So... is that REALLY how we want our children to be? *sigh* But yes, one would think an adult has the ability to show more grace and self control than a small child but sometimes it's just the opposite and that's pretty sad. This... it is just beyond sad. It pisses me off that people do this shit in the name of Jesus. Pisses me off that people... *sigh* People just piss me off. Christians, non Christians, it seems like most people are just asswipes. :( Stealing money from people who now have no way to buy Christmas presents and food for their family. Stealing Christmas presents, hell... HURTING people to GET the dang gift, shooting a dog in it's genitals and then posting the picture as if they're PROUD, and killing a child "in the name of Jesus". It's enough to make me want to NEVER get out of my house. People are shitty.

Honestly... they're not following Jesus in all that. Jesus doesn't say "Hey, don't take your kid to the doctor" or "Beat the shit out of your child until they submit". It's bullshit.

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I am fairly certain I knew this little boy. I if he was the child i think he was he was a very sweet land funny little guy. can't believe this happened. Awful.

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This story has reminded me to ring my mum tonight and tell her I love her. And thank her for not being like this evil bitch.

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Those mother-fucking batshit crazy sorry ass excuse for humans! There is a svery special place in hell for them! :evil: :angry-cussingblack: :angry-fire: :angry-screaming: :angry-teeth: :obscene-birdiered:

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