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Another Person Defends Slavery


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What the hell? Has the world gone crazy?

In two letters, Mauch wrote about the Bible and slavery. The Arkansas Times quotes from a letter Mauch wrote in 2009:

In 2010, it was reported that Mauch was a member of the Sons of Confederates Veterans and the League of the South, which has been described as a "neo-Confederacy" group advocating for second southern secession

This is from a Republican member of the Arkansas House of Representatives

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Is this guy related to JosiahW? At least these nutjobs will get noticed and maybe people won't vote for them. Mommy, make it stop! * rocks back and forth in a fetal position and cries :cry: *

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Perhaps Mr. Mauch would like to volunteer himself as the first slave, if he believes it's so beneficial.

That's always been my argument when someone defends slavery because it's in the Bible. I once also reminded a guy that there are also eunuchs in the Bible.* The story of the Ethiopian eunuch is quite powerful for those who stress biblical conversion and baptism.

* it was not a very gracious response, but we were in a Bible study and the guy always pissed me off in that class.

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Is there any way to check this guy's list of donors? The Duggars donated to Fuqua. What are the chances that they are supporting only one highly questionable Arkansas state representative?

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