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Another crazy fundie


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I mentioned this blog in one of the threads about Zsu. This blogger, Allison, has commented on Zsu's blog before and I followed the link to her own blog. She's a 19 year old stay at home wife. The smug is strong with this one. I feel sorry for her because she's so obviously naive and is not allowed to make even small decisions, but I also feel utter repulsion at what a bigoted little snot she is. She also really wants a baby and I hope she doesn't have one anytime soon. I have dealt with infertility and don't really wish it on anyone, but dang, it's heartbreaking to imagine a child being raised by someone so hateful. Anyways, the blog is new, with just a few entries, and she's already showing a tendency towards completely insane pronouncements, so I just had to give her her own thread.


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We want to allow the Lord to decide when to open and close my womb

Classic. They want the LORD to decide, but she has no peace month to month, obsessing about being pregnant (buying a pregnancy test based on one craving? Making [seemingly] unnecessary appointments with a midwife [what happened to being a good steward of money? Or is this some kind of free midwife?]) They want the LORD to decide, but they are "praying daily that the Lord would see fit to give [them] a baby", reminding the LORD of their earthly desires.

As we have seen over and over again, this is not about the LORD being in control. This is about the Fundie Baby Badge of Honor.

Seriously, I still have a little bit of faith left. When I took a science class right before I met my husband and I learned about the high risks that come with late in life pregnancies, I knew I did not want children. When I confessed this about 2 months into the relationship and he said he did not want children either, I took this as confirmation that I was not to have children. I cannot possibly be the only woman in all of (wavering) Christendom who was joyously blessed with no children.

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I pray that when God rains judgement down on this modern day Sodom and Gomorrah the sinners elsewhere will learn their lessons and repent while their heathen brother burn and suffer in eternal damnation

I pray that when God rains down thought and contemplation on Allison she will get a fucking clue as to what Christ truly wants for her. In the meantime, she's in my prayers and hopefully she won't do too much damage to others.

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To be honest I was wondering why we were not yet prenant, we have been married for 6 months and both my sister and sister in law who is married to my brother and Adams sister were all pregnant with in 3 months of their wedding.

1. Please learn to spell, it is pregnant

2. Your lust and lack of trust in the LAWDS timing is showing. :roll:

Also, Atlanta is a Godless city?! Girl better never leave the south and come to an actual city up north, and God forbid it be in the Northwest. :shock:

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1. Please learn to spell, it is pregnant

2. Your lust and lack of trust in the LAWDS timing is showing. :roll:

Also, Atlanta is a Godless city?! Girl better never leave the south and come to an actual city up north, and God forbid it be in the Northwest. :shock:

Yeah, I was recently in the south and... yeah. She should not come to the PNW. The south seems like a theme park for Christians, what with the huge churches and Jesus of Liberties.

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Classic. They want the LORD to decide, but she has no peace month to month, obsessing about being pregnant (buying a pregnancy test based on one craving? Making [seemingly] unnecessary appointments with a midwife [what happened to being a good steward of money? Or is this some kind of free midwife?]) They want the LORD to decide, but they are "praying daily that the Lord would see fit to give [them] a baby", reminding the LORD of their earthly desires.

As we have seen over and over again, this is not about the LORD being in control. This is about the Fundie Baby Badge of Honor.

Seriously, I still have a little bit of faith left. When I took a science class right before I met my husband and I learned about the high risks that come with late in life pregnancies, I knew I did not want children. When I confessed this about 2 months into the relationship and he said he did not want children either, I took this as confirmation that I was not to have children. I cannot possibly be the only woman in all of (wavering) Christendom who was joyously blessed with no children.

The husband and I deliberately decided not to peruse fertility treatment and adopt from the foster care system instead. And the more pregnancy/infant/toddler stories I hear the happier I am with that decision. Close enough?

Ya know, given their age and general repressed "fundie"-ness, I have to wonder if they're, ahem, going about trying for a baby the right way.

Edited to add: I see in her first post that she was taking BCP to regulate her cycle. I'm guessing no one ever told her that BCP can be used to fix your fertility, not just to shut it down. That "ungodly" medication might be just what she needs to get that baby she wants so badly.

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At that time I was also on a birth control pill to try to regulate my cycle, I had spent countless night lying in bed crying and praying to the Lord to ease the pain I felt every month. My father thought it would be best for me to go off of this ungodly medication as it could encourage Adam and I to stumble in our walk with the Lord.

That's one way of putting it: "stumble in our walk with the Lord." It also makes the poor Lord sound somewhat voyeuristic.

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That's one way of putting it: "stumble in our walk with the Lord." It also makes the poor Lord sound somewhat voyeuristic.

This one line made me feel less snark, and more sympathy toward her. She clearly is emotionally very stunted, and both ther father and husband seem to hvae extreme control over her. Starting a family of unlimited blessings at 19 is very, very hard. But moreso than that - what sort of sick, controlling bastard forces his teenaged daughter to go off medication for gynological pain?

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I couldn't help myself, I had to comment on her blog too. I don't get why these Fundies continue to spout that our country was founded on all these Christian values. Our country was founded by atheists and agnostics who wrote into the constitution that we must have separation and church and state. Want to know why they wrote that in there? Cause they probably understood how psycho these Christians could get and wanted them to have a limited amount of power in the government to try and control our country. Those were our founding fathers, not some whacko Christian people that would take over this country if given half a chance.

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This one line made me feel less snark, and more sympathy toward her. She clearly is emotionally very stunted, and both ther father and husband seem to hvae extreme control over her. Starting a family of unlimited blessings at 19 is very, very hard. But moreso than that - what sort of sick, controlling bastard forces his teenaged daughter to go off medication for gynological pain?

I know someone who, when she was a teenager, started birth control because of extremely heavy periods that were causing her to lose too much blood. She and her mom had to hide it from her dad because it was ebil/not appropriate for Catholics. :roll: I couldn't imagine not being allowed to take medication that, at that point, was basically keeping her out of the hospital because she was losing so much blood every month.

I feel like it would be better, once she and her husband are ready to have kids, to talk with her gyn about how to manage the pain while they are trying to have kids. But of course fundies don't make sense.

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1. Please learn to spell, it is pregnant

2. Your lust and lack of trust in the LAWDS timing is showing. :roll:

Also, Atlanta is a Godless city?! Girl better never leave the south and come to an actual city up north, and God forbid it be in the Northwest. :shock:

This. She isn't trusting the Lord to open and close her womb or whatever, she's eager to get pregnant right now. If she was really trusting the Lord she wouldn't be obsessed with why she wasn't pregnant after 6 months, and would just say something about the Lord's timing.

And I agree, in what world is Atlanta Godless? I've been there once in my life, and it's the most God filled place I've ever seen, I was shocked by the level of Jesus in everyday public life there. I was told "God bless you" by the cashier at McDonald's there...now that was a shocking level of Godliness to me, and people just don't do that here. She would see what Godless really was if she ever came here to Canada, especially a bigger city.

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We want to allow the Lord to decide when to open and close my womb

I imagine the womb flapping open and shut like the mouth of one of those battery-operated fish that flap in time to a recorded tune. Or like one of those coin purses that opens and shuts with a pinch of your fingers. Clap on! Clap off! I just realized that I don't only disbelieve in their phony God, I hate Him with a stabby passion. He is such a jerk.

Nevertheless, I pray that He will vouchsafe to stick Allison's husband's head up Allison's father's ass, which is probably where it resides anyway. I also pray Allison will not try to homeschool, since she does not know the difference between objective and nominative case in pronouns.

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To be honest I was wondering why we were not yet prenant, we have been married for 6 months and both my sister and sister in law who is married to my brother and Adams sister were all pregnant with in 3 months of their wedding.

So, wait her sister-in-law is married to the brother and Adam's sister? Bisexual polygamy, awesome!

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I just cant make myself be mad at her because I feel so sorry for her. I have seen a tiny sliver of intelligence in a few of her replies and it makes me hope one day she will escape.

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I know that most people reading this don't like me but my family is really in need of prayer. I just found out why I have not been able to reach my father, Momma has thrown him out. Apparently he has been gone for a month! Christy had been acting funny and having some problems so Charlotte decided to keep an eye on her. When Charlotte heard her crying she went to her room and sent Katie to get Momma. This was apparently Daddy's last night there. I wish I could find him. I know its not christian but my heart is full of hate right now and anger. This is all my fault, if I hadn't started courting Adam and got married he would have left the baby alone. I can't stand myself knowing that I have caused her all this pain. Please, please, please pray for us. If you hate me that's fine I deserve it and I can handle it, just pray for the girls.


Does anyone know what she is talking about? It almost sounds like a case of sexual abuse? I can't imagine that's really true.

Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but this reads like satire. It's too over the top, especially the Atlanta post.

I agree. I am not sure this is real. It's a little too "on the mark fundie."

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Does anyone know what she is talking about? It almost sounds like a case of sexual abuse? I can't imagine that's really true.

I agree. I am not sure this is real. It's a little too "on the mark fundie."

It hits on many fundie talking points too perfectly. One post talks about Momma, another talks about Mama. Out of 5 posts, isn't it a bit odd to change how you refer to your mother?

Aaaaand it looks like the post about Momma throwing Daddy out has been deleted already.

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Well, I hope this blog is satire because she sounds like she'd fit right in with the folks at Westboro Baptist Church.

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Well, I hope this blog is satire because she sounds like she'd fit right in with the folks at Westboro Baptist Church.

Not really. Most of the able-bodied women at WBC have post-secondary degrees - including about four female lawyers among the 13 children of Fred and Marge Phelps. A high premium is placed on education among them, regardless of gender. And those members who aren't rearing young children tend to work at least part time.

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That Atlanta post sounds a little too much like satire to be taken seriously. I hope.

After all the other nonsense fundies are pulling, it's easy to develop a tin ear for satire. That said, I don't think this is a joke. It sounds like the immature ramblings of a 19-year-old girl who was essentially pawned off through marriage to lighten the load within a struggling family.

Now she is merely parroting the line because she isn't willing to exercise any control over her own life.

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After all the other nonsense fundies are pulling, it's easy to develop a tin ear for satire. That said, I don't think this is a joke. It sounds like the immature ramblings of a 19-year-old girl who was essentially pawned off through marriage to lighten the load within a struggling family.

Now she is merely parroting the line because she isn't willing to exercise any control over her own life.

This is what I thought. Yes, it's over the top, but I don't think it's satire. I think it sounds like a smug young person who thinks she knows everything. She thinks she's super smart and superior to anyone who doesn't see it her way. She's not had enough experience at life to have her assumptions challenged. Not uncommon in that age group. I'm certainly not saying all or even most 19 year olds are that way, but I have certainly met some who are (including myself at that age!).

I hope I'm wrong, and it is satire and no one's really this out there. That would be better for the universe in general.

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