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Black man/White woman (AKA why TTH & readers are stupid)

Guest AudreyParker

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Oh, yes... The good old "what are you?" question. Some people just cannot understand that everybody, regardless of their race, has a racial identity process. It is different for multi-racial people than for others, but it is present for everybody.

Congratulations, btw!!

+1. And that worman was very deserving of the reply you gave her. And no, it's not wrong to talk to elders this way when they spew stuff like that. They can be treated like anyone else.

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My husband has a Swiss/German background (tall and white) and I have an East Indian background (short and brown) AND we lived in the same part of Toronto as the Kidist for a long time and we still frequent the stores/restaurants/vet in that area. I wonder if she could have seen us? If she did, I hope the sight of us happily strolling along gave her just that much more heartburn. She is just awful.

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All I can see in this post is a hot, shitless shirtless man I wouldn't mind having sweet sweet fellowship with.

I fixed it for you :D And yea he is hot, great back.

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It's funny this was brought up today, I'm half Greek and half Taiwanese. My husband is black. Tonight we were in Walmart and an older woman told me I should not have gotten pregnant cause ny baby won't know what it is.

Of course I said something like I'm sure he will know he's a human just like the rest of us. I'm not too sure what you are though, other than an old bitch.

I know its wrong to talk to elders that way but these hormones make me crazy.

This might be a case of two wrongs make a right. Besides, when it is ever wrong to talk down to a racist, regardless of age?

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Strange story - I lived in Japan for a bit and once I walked into a room where my boss's wife was sobbing her eyes out over the Japanese equivalent of Jeremy Kyle:


The episode she was watching had a title which translated a bit like "Me and my half baby" and it was about Japanese mums whose kids had dads who were black or white. Boss's wife was weeping over how beautiful the babies are and "how she would like a little half child more than anything else and it makes her cry to see them" but she was also crying about how cruel the mums were. "It would be better if they hadn't been born, wouldn't it? They will get teased so much, and they aren't REALLY Nihonjin [Japanese persons]". She reckoned they were foreigners like their dad, which was apparently a fate worse than death :oops:

Rural people are the same everywhere...

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They need to get over it. We have so much diversity in my family their heads would spin. African-American? Check. Caucasian? Check. African? Check. Hispanic? Check. Jewish? Check. Asian? Check. . You go to a family reunion and you would be hard pressed to correctly label anyone.

Oh yeah, Several of the mixed marriages have lasted for over 50 years.

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Rural people are the same everywhere...

Just because you're rural doesn't make you racist. Look at Kidist - she's in the largest, most multicultural city in a very multicultural country, and she's one of the most racist nutjobs we follow.

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Are interracial couples surprising at all anymore? I mean, really? If you're SHOCKED to see an interracial couple, that might say more about you than the advertiser. Are ads featuring interracial couples actually a rarity in the U.S., or are these people just completely nuts?

I don't know if it's just me but I've been noticing a lot more ads featuring interracial couples this year. I figured it was about time.

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Just because you're rural doesn't make you racist. Look at Kidist - she's in the largest, most multicultural city in a very multicultural country, and she's one of the most racist nutjobs we follow.

I are rural ;) Originally, I'm from a small town in the west of Scotland. A place where it's seen as OK to comment on someone who's come back tanned from a holiday Abroad with "Och, look at ye! Ye're like a wee nigger!" and then debate whether the person in question looks more like "a wee nigger" or "a wee Paki". :doh:

It's mostly not actual hatred of other races (Kidist has the hatred thing going on, natch). It's not knowing people who might be offended and a sort of confusion as to why anyone might be offended by someone just telling the truth and not being Politically Correct. I didn't know it was wrong to call someone a Paki until I was 12 (although I knew "nigger" was bad) and I said and did many things which make me cringe to look back on. My relatives say "Just gannin doon the Paki shop" (going to corner shop with Asian owners) or "Getting a Chinky" (Chinese takeaway). But if they meet an Asian person they wouldn't be rude to them or dislike them automatically in the creepy way Kidist does.

Kidist is sort of a different level. She has consciously decided to hate. There is a difference, but I don't think I explain it well.

(At any rate it is all racism...)

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