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HuffPost And Sandra Fluke


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Although we touched on Sandra Fluke in the Ann Coulter thread, I didn't want to derail the entire thread. I've read some of the comments that right wingers/Republicans are leaving beneath articles about Fluke. Much of it disgusts me but what really bothers me is that these commentors describe a Fluke that doesn't exist.

For the record, she did not ask for free birth control She wanted the government to require insurance companies to cover bc just like it does other medication. Her testimony was not about her sex life either. It was about a friend who couldn't get bc for a medical condition.

Here are some of the comments from Republicans

as a woman of 76 years i have never heard this expressed by a college student .she is the whaepitomy of stupidity...with all the aids to prevent birth control in the world why in hell does the government have to support this with all the folks needing to be helped with jobs, food, housing, etc etc etc..she has had her 15 minutes of fame..get your tubes tied..I'll help you pay for it..dodo..

this is an insult to all women in America because majority of them are thinking about jobs and economy not some 5 dollar pill in CBS

You mean it's humiliating for someone to stand up for THEMSELVES and pay for their OWN contraception? Give me a break!

This pitiful woman. She clearly needs help but I'm not sure it concerns birth control. Does she really believe that the Democrats will give her a ticket to being noticed. Right now she is being used and I'm sure that is heady for someone who has no credentials that would entitle her to be heard. . She will be soon last weeks news like Lindsey Lohan.

I have one question for the women out there. I have ulttra sounds which were in no way were humiliating or invasive. Is there a difference for women?

Why are socialist democratic women so needy? Can't they stand on thier own or take care of themselves?
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What bothers me is the sheer number of Republican comments following any Sandra Fluke article. Sure, Huffpost has both Republican and Democrate commentors but Fluke articles tend to draw an unusual number of right wingers. I wonder why?

Has she hit that big a nerve with them? Or do they feel an unusually strong need to silence her because so many women respond to her.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/0 ... f=politics

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Guest Anonymous
I have one question for the women out there. I have ulttra sounds which were in no way were humiliating or invasive. Is there a difference for women?

I am making the assumption that this is a comment made by a man (he asks his question to the women 'out there') and it references the intravaginal ultrasounds that some laws require before an abortion.

To him I say: the main difference is probably that you didn't have a big, phallic, ultrasound wand shoved up your vagina. That's probably why it didn't feel quite so humiliating or invasive.

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More comments about Fluke's sex life

Nice of her to get off her back and speak up for those that need her

Huffpost deletes any comments that discuss Fluke in a sexual manner. However, a part of me wishes they would gather them into one article so that the world can see how hateful some of the sentiment against Fluke is.

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