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Duggars have a special announcement!/Number 20 merged


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I think a good name for the baby would be Juan/Juanita. :)

I can see them pronouncing Juanita as "June-ita," like in the Andrew Lloyd Webber segment of Musical of Musicals.

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Except 'Cockney' isn't a widely-accepted insult throughout the world. I was fine with you using it once, but clearly now you're shit-stirring. I apologise for my role in derailing too.

My money is on JB finally getting the name he always wanted.

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I can see them pronouncing Juanita as "June-ita," like in the Andrew Lloyd Webber segment of Musical of Musicals.

Totally something they'd do.

I'd also be in favor of Jane Bob, Jimchelle, or Jesus.

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Does anyone know what Jana said as Josiah was walking away? I can hear her say "Josiah, don't ...". On TWOP it's being speculated that she was saying "Josiah, don't cry" but it doesn't totally sound like the word cry. Anyone with better ears than I know what she's saying.

I wonder if he did walk away to cry, though, as later when Jim Bob has his hand on Josiah's shoulder Josiah's eyes aren't red. Now, it could be that Josiah doesn't get red-eyed upon crying or that he didn't fully succumb to tears but he just doesn't look like he was crying. Upset enough to want to collect himself away from everyone, sure, but I don't know about actually crying.

Okay, I just listened to it with the sound up. Jana calls out his name fairly loudly. They cut to a still photo right then, and I do hear a voice - I don't think it's Jana, I think it may be Jinger - say something that sounds like it could be "don't cry". So I can hear what the posters are referring to, but I'm not sure that's what was said.

Jessa has a stern schoolmarmish face on when she's looking towards where Josiah is. You can see Jinger making a gesture towards him in one of the stills. The middle boys are all looking over at him with "uh-oh" expressions.

I hope the poor kid isn't punished for being the only one who had a completely normal reaction to such frightening news. (aside from the happy little ones who don't fully understand what happened the last time around.)

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I think a good name for the baby would be Juan/Juanita. :)

Many years ago, there was a guy in my hometown named Juan except it was pronounced Jew Ann.

As for Juanita, that name makes me think of the Barney Fife and the waitress from the Bluebird Diner in Mayberry.

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watch out. huge post ahead.

Looks like some other Keller in-laws had some responses too. To me, this just highlights the Great Keller Divide.

John Shrader (Esther's husband): It amazes me to see how critical and judgmental some of these comments are. I don't know most of you, but where is the love that followers of Christ are supposed to be known for? As one who has had a super critical spirit in the past for that which I disagreed with, may I humbly encourage all to remember what Jesus said...

while Candace Renee Keller (Daniel's wife): Im so sick of hearing about this [Michelle's pregnancy]!!! its on FB, the radio, the TV.. im ready for next week! Hopefully everyone will be over it! lol

Oh yeah, I wanted to ask who John Schrader was and then forgot to.

Oh, and it's lost world. She corrected it in another comment.

At the end of the last show when Michelle tells all the kids she's pregnant.

Damn, it's not on youtube yet. Anyone know where to watch online? PLEASE?

JB's first 'picture'. Josiah is in black on the right. Sorry for the quality, my tivo was set for super low quality.


A couple seconds later - he's gone! It looks like Michelle was trying to get him back in the frame. Can't ruin Daddy's income stream!


Michelle ANNOYS ME SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!!! Look at her fake uber excited expression! I've always been one to be ok with her voice, act, anything, but it's enough.

How old is Josiah, like, 12?13? He is cute and totally should have his first girlfriend right now. They should hold hands, have their first kiss and leave their initials in a tree. Aaaaaawwwww. We all know that's not going to happen.

I want to see this soo bad!

2) I shall speculate on which Duggar kid grows up to be gay all I like (I think Josiah, personally). I don't see there anything wrong in being gay.

Neither do most of the people on this board, I think, but we all know their parents do and this is not going to get over well with them.

Edited to fix quoting.

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Hi People I see your fabuloso new site!

Its nice!

Im utterly disgusted at Michelle Duggar...

Everything waxes and wanes and its time for the Bates' to "wax" and Michelle needs to accept this.

BTW Michael K from Dlisted is very handsome

Of course, she's a mother and grandmother who abides by the law, pays her taxes and demands nothing from either you or the government. This is only disgusting in your ignorant and hateful mind.

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Of course, she's a mother and grandmother who abides by the law, pays her taxes and demands nothing from either you or the government. This is only disgusting in your ignorant and hateful mind.

Umm, trolling much?

1. There is an ongoing discussion whether or not she takes from the government.

2. She's not taking proper care of her kids. Examples: The older girls are teen moms, who are not free to live their own lives, because she keeps on having babies, she schlepped Josie around the world which made her so sick she had to stay in Israel, she decided to get pregnant again after a life-threatening pregnancy and thereby risks not being able to be there for the kids at all anymore, which would make for the J'slaves having to care for their siblings forever.

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Guest Anonymous
Umm, trolling much?

He is. He's been obviously and desperately seeking attention in all of his posts. He's already getting the pedicure maneuver in another thread.


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If she could only could assault a police officer and take a dump in Zuccotti park. Then she would be accepted by the braindead drones on this site.

while i have no idea what a zuccotti park is, i personally very much disapprove of people who assault police officers. some may disagree.

you have ignored all the reasons i gave you why pretty much everyone is fed up with her. don't you think it's a long shot from having gazillions of children to assaulting authorities? how does that even relate?

edit:googled zuccotti park and educated myself.

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If she could only could assault a police officer and take a dump in Zuccotti park. Then she would be accepted by the braindead drones on this site.

Well, aren't you special? Bless your little heart <3 I'll be praying for you.

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PRESENTING: The Tragic Saga of Josiah and Duggar Spawn 20 (A Drama in Multiple Acts)


Aside from the generally unfortunate nature of this situation (poor Josiah, seriously!) I am disturbed by the fact that Josiah seems to be constantly rubbing his left elbow after he finally makes his reappearance. Did Jim Boob, er, grab him too hard when he went to wrangle him back into the scene?

The original, individual macros from this strip are in an Image Shack album, for closer perusal if anyone is interested. Link: http://imageshack.us/g/508/shot1c.jpg/

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Wow, Gryffindor, well spotted! Look at his arm in the "Look Who's Back!" picture -- classic defensive posture. That is a kid who doesn't want to be anywhere near Jim Bob right now.

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while i have no idea what a zuccotti park is, i personally very much disapprove of people who assault police officers. some may disagree.

you have ignored all the reasons i gave you why pretty much everyone is fed up with her. don't you think it's a long shot from having gazillions of children to assaulting authorities? how does that even relate?

edit:googled zuccotti park and educated myself.

WTF does assault on a police officer have to do with anything? It is not connected to popping out kids that I can see. What a weird troll.

As for the act, push one on the arm and they can do you for it, it's hardly like people are running around doing acts of violence on a grand scale. Honestly between pushing someone on the arm and advocating beating babies with plumbing line and making Gothard and VF propaganda I think I know which is worse for society.

This troll is rubbish, we need a new one. ;)

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Well done, GryffindorFTW! Captures the Josiah drama perfectly, despite the best efforts of the TLC editors to obscure his little "running away" attempt. May it serve as a dry run for the real thing some day.

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WTF does assault on a police officer have to do with anything? It is not connected to popping out kids that I can see. What a weird troll.

As for the act, push one on the arm and they can do you for it, it's hardly like people are running around doing acts of violence on a grand scale. Honestly between pushing someone on the arm and advocating beating babies with plumbing line and making Gothard and VF propaganda I think I know which is worse for society.

This troll is rubbish, we need a new one. ;)

why do you equal assault with pushing someone on the arm? :think:

honestly, to me neither people who run around advertising gothard and vf nor people whose hobbies include assaulting policemen help our society a lot.

as for the troll, go troll somewhere else.

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I like Michelle's pose on the third picture down - it's a kind of staged showbizzy "This is awesome, isn't it guys?" The fact that it's a still image then lends it an air of "...guys? Guys? You're not saying anything. Awesome, huh? Guys?" which I suspect was probably there when it was taken.

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