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‘Hurl Some Acid At Those Female Democratic Senators’


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Ugh. What is with Republicans and violence, anyway? Sick.


Do these people even think before they speak? It's like they have political tourette's (not making fun of actual tourette's at all.) It seems at times like they are actually trying to sabotage themselves. Someone hand them a shovel so they can keep digging that hole.


God, I literally feel sick.

ETA: In good news - woohoo, I'm now Secretly Bill Gothard! :angelic-green:


Yeah, I wonder how many of their party they turned off.

Guest Anonymous
Yeah, I wonder how many of their party they turned off.

Unfortunately, not enough.


Once again they Republican Party lives up being the 'American Taliban.'


someone please flush the toilet that is the republican party it is overflowing with useless turds.

Yeah, I wonder how many of their party they turned off.

It probably woke up some of the idiots who only pay attention to this kind of shit. I bet Pete BRADRICK!!!!! and Smuggar got huge boners.


On what planet is this even remotely okay? If a democrat said "I'd like to throw a drink in his face" in disgust, you'd have Fox News, Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly and Limbaugh screaming their little lungs out about ABUSE and VIOLENCE and THREATS and all this crap.

When did it become acceptable to make comments like this in an official capacity??

someone please flush the toilet that is the republican party it is overflowing with useless turds.



:bow-blue: :bow-yellow: :bow-blue: :bow-yellow:

I have never genuinely wanted to hug and buy a present for someone I've met on an online forum until now.

I am stealing that and spreading it.


Republicans are so scary...


Why am I scared that this threat will come true?

Why am I scared that this threat will come true?

Gabrielle Gifford?

Why am I scared that this threat will come true?

I'm scared as well. It's terrifying the way Republicans have systematically gone after women.

Yeah, I wonder how many of their party they turned off.

I'm sure quite a few, but most of them remain silent. If they speak out they get branded "RINOs"-Republicans in Name Only. I'm sure being a pragmatic, moderate Republican is very difficult these days with the Tea Party, conservative blowhards like Rush, and Fox News.

And I wonder if any Republican women will come out to defend Democratic senators from these horrific remarks? (crickets chirping)

And I wonder if any Republican women will come out to defend Democratic senators from these horrific remarks? (crickets chirping)

I will! I am horrified by those comments, and sadly, it wouldn't surprise me at all if somebody tried to do it. I don't even recognize the Republican party anymore. The fundamentalists have taken it over.


Seriously, what the hell is going on with politicians these days? When did they become part of the Taliban? I don't get it!


Gabrielle Gifford?

I wish Gabby would say something about this. Lay an almighty smack of down. She is class personified, though. Love her.


That comment pissed me off because it reminds me of the acid violent attacks that happen to women in other countries. My aunt's ex-husband is a general practice doctor and years ago he assisted a plastic surgeon with pre-op exams for acid attack victims from Bangladesh. My aunt's ex said he that seeing those women were some of the saddest events in his career.


Why isn't Faux News reporting this? Oh; wait; only opinionated republicans who get offended matter to them. They only care about republican Americans and Christian Americans; not Americans who have different viewpoints! According to Faux News; they don't deserve respect!

typical non apology. when I read this last night thats all it was. good to see he was fired today.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/0 ... 66519.html

Jay Townsend, GOP Spokesman, Fired For Controversial Facebook Comment (UPDATE)

On what planet can those words be "misconstrued" to mean ANYTHING except EXACTLY what he said?

That comment pissed me off because it reminds me of the acid violent attacks that happen to women in other countries. My aunt's ex-husband is a general practice doctor and years ago he assisted a plastic surgeon with pre-op exams for acid attack victims from Bangladesh. My aunt's ex said he that seeing those women were some of the saddest events in his career.

It doesn't just happen in other countries. One of my mom's cousins was horribly burned when her ex-husband threw acid in her face. She had to have many surgeries to deal with the damage he'd done. This occurred in Anchorage, Alaska, btw.


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