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I'm more spiritual then all of them!

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Lori does it again, this time subtly implying she's far more spiritual than other Christian women. Lori says spiritual women don't go out and do ministry work and help others, they have a duty to their house and husbands.

Wives who truly love their husbands and children must be a much greater witness to Him than these "spiritual" women's activities.



Jesus, save us from your followers.

YET, they don't truly love their husbands. They would tell you they do, but they don't act like it. I think secretly they think that they are better and more spiritual than their husbands. They certainly don't treat them with respect or submit to them. They quarrel and argue with them all the time. They are not good wives.

Does she not see the contradiction here? She's blogging away, supposedly telling women to respect and obey their husbands, while basically taking a dump all over her guy in a previous post by saying that they fought all the time until she learned to roll over and play dead and that he is a such a control freak that he NEEDS to be right all the time. How is airing your marital disputes in public and making your husband look like an ass respectful or loving? Sounds sneaky and passive aggressive to me.


This is the dumbest damned thing I've read from her yet. Who does she think is going to pick up the slack at church if all those 'spiritual' women are at home ALL the time? Who's going to minister to the elderly, the infirm, the poor members of their church? Who's going to take meals to the shut-ins of their church? Who's going to teach Sunday school to the children? Who's going to sing in the church choir (because they have practices, you know, and Lori's telling women they shouldn't be at church for things like that)? In other words, Lori, are you saying women should do NOTHING at church except attend the services?

Wait, what was that? The MEN are going to pick up the slack?


Yeah, right. Let us know, please, how that works out for ya. :roll:


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