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Pearls - TTUAC makes #1 on Cracked list


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Naturally there are some comments along the lines of "Spanking worked for me!" If it didn't make me ill I'd try to find some of the more choice bits of that book and post it in the comments.

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What the Pearls advocate isn't spanking. They advocate whipping infants with plumbing pipe and using pipes laying around to instill a sense of constant fear in a child, then setting them up to fail and whipping them more. There's a difference between a spank and beating the hell out of a child with a whip-like object, even though I know some people here see absolutely no difference between a pop on the butt and beating a child all day.

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I've just read #4, and again I think there's a difference between pole-dancing to be sexy, and using a pole to develop strength. I've seen non-sexy dancing involving poles and have just sat there win awe of the strength involved. Very different than gyrating against a pole. If done right, I don't see that as any creepier than ballet, and I do know some people who say ballet is gross because legs are often spread apart and it would be sexual if naked.

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Spanking doesn't work, even if it's done only once or twice. It still makes your kids distrust you when they get older, because they may think along the lines of, Dad/Mom tell me that I can tell them about topics that I feel uncomftorable about the family... but if I say something that they don't like, will they hurt me/riducle me? So they say nothing, or reply to only what the parent(s) want to say, and the parent(s) wonder why their kids who're older now don't talk to them except for at family reunions... Sorry if I'm way off topic here.

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Naturally there are some comments along the lines of "Spanking worked for me!" If it didn't make me ill I'd try to find some of the more choice bits of that book and post it in the comments.

I try really hard not to read the comments on certain sites, and Cracked is one of them. It's amazing how certain places on the internet can bring out the worst humanity has to offer. I actually prefer to read the site on my smartphone so I'm not tempted to even try reading the comments.

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What the Pearls advocate isn't spanking. They advocate whipping infants with plumbing pipe and using pipes laying around to instill a sense of constant fear in a child, then setting them up to fail and whipping them more. There's a difference between a spank and beating the hell out of a child with a whip-like object, even though I know some people here see absolutely no difference between a pop on the butt and beating a child all day.

Stop straw-manning us. We see the difference between hitting a child a few times and hitting constantly; we just think both cases are wrong.

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I have just spent way too long on Cracked :/

Did anyone read the related article on progressive parenting fads that included leaving the placenta attached for days despite risk of infection and practicing baby yoga?

I'd attempted to erase the bit about the child choosing their own switch as a "bonding" experience from my mind...Can there be a section in the library for what NOT to do, where books like this belong accompanied by books explaining all of the (oftentimes obvious) dreadful consequences?

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