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Titanic: Doug Really Likes the Titanic!


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Oh, I really really hope it's actually Dougie's alter ego......

ETA- referring to Artemis' post - LadyBlue hadn't commented when I submitted

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I haven't yet read through all the comments, so I apologise if this has already come up, but:

LOL. He keeps talking about the manly sacrifice men and BOYS made so that women and CHILDREN could live.

Either the men sacrificed their lives so that women and children - meaning male and female - could escape, or men and male children (i.e. BOYS) sacrificed themselves so female women and female children (and, I suppose, male children who were too young or heathen to offer their seat to a lady) could escape.

I think what he meant was men and teenage boys, but it just comes across as more patented Doug stupidity.

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Sponsored by Vision Forum Ministries and the Christian Boy’s and Men’s Titanic Society, Titanic 100 will feature living history presentations, dramatic performances, live music of the 1912 era, stirring messages, costume events, an anniversary banquet riverboat cruise

Let me put this through my Dougie translator.........Output: "Yippee!!! Me and the interns get to play dress up and act like heros!!"

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For many years I lived in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where a prominent city cemetary has an entire section filled with Titanic victims. Haligonians do NOT NOT NOT celebrate the anniversary of its sinking; we commemorate it to remember those poor souls, regardless of economic class, who lost their lives that night.

Shhh . . . don't mention Halifax where Dougie can read it. He might want to make a fun festival to re-enact the explosion of the Mont-Blanc. :(

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Thank you all for giving Dougie "the tool" Phillips the beat-down he deserves over this.

Thank you Nurse Nell for providing the statistics. Fascinating. Of course, it would be impossible for them to be completely accurate, but certain trends are apparent.

100% of the engineers went down with the ship. Maybe we should all be celebrating the heroism of engineers??? Personally, I'd rather not celebrate anything about this. I just hope that ship builders and cruise lines everywhere take the opportunity to review and tighten up their safety procedures. I think that would be a good way to mark the anniversary and honor the memory of the Titanic. That's the only good that can possibly come of this tragedy. Dressing up in silly outfits - not so much.

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Let me put this through my Dougie translator.........Output: "Yippee!!! Me and the interns get to play dress up and act like heros!!"

This is what it boils down to.

This guy is so strange.

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What gets me is the whole "let's celebrate a tragedy" attitude. Titanic today, holocaust tomorrow.

How long before Dougie celebrates 9/11?

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I'm late to the thread....

Doug's gonna drown himself? After making sure BeAll is stuffed in a rowboat, natch.

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Thank you all for giving Dougie "the tool" Phillips the beat-down he deserves over this.

Thank you Nurse Nell for providing the statistics. Fascinating. Of course, it would be impossible for them to be completely accurate, but certain trends are apparent.

Well, that same link got me blocked from posting at Dougie's page. Someone accused me of getting my facts from the movie Titanic, which I've never seen. So I posted this link and the % of survivors for each class. Then it was bye-bye for me and my silly posts about the truth. Who needs truth and reality when you have fiction and Dougie's mind? :cry:

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You are banned from the VF FB page? Lovely way to treat a Navy nurse and veteran.


Yes. I even had the nerve to ask Dougie what branch he served in. Well, I'm just a mere woman, I have no right to be a veteran.

Doug Phillips is a tool and an asshole.

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Yes. I even had the nerve to ask Dougie what branch he served in. Well, I'm just a mere woman, I have no right to be a veteran.

Doug Phillips is a tool and an asshole.

Heh. No wonder that comment got deleted right quick.

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Don't know if this has been discussed here yet - Dougie has a new entry on his blog, full of his very own "Titanic Numbers Game" stats, and the shocking news that James Cameron's movie "Titanic" "won a ringing endorsement from Jiang Zemin, President of Communist China." Not surprisingly, the post ends with yet another in a seemingly endless series of pleas for more sheeple to pony up the bucks ($149 a pop) to play Dressup With Dougie and Tea With Be-all.

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I had no clue James Cameron was a closet Marxist. But one thing I do know......

**Doug Phillips is a tool**

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I would love to know if Vision forum's books and products are made in the U.S. or China.

Edited to add: Doug Phillips is a tool.

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Really, this is as tacky as it comes.

Did it make anyone LOL the event is at the Lawrence Welk Resort? It sounds like a place m grandparents would love! Dougir and tiny bubbles...

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Heh. No wonder that comment got deleted right quick.

Yes, can't have his daughters or "fans" thinking girls can serve their country and become veterans. I didn't know Dougie P was in the military, but I don't care that much about him. I'm a woman with more important things to worry about, like work and chemistry tests and papers for college. If Dougie was in the military, did he ever serve his country in a war? I don't think he did. He would not be such an ass dressing up in civil war gear if it did. At least I can't see how someone can after witnessing a war.

My grandfather was a Korean war vet (both were actually, but speaking of my maternal only here). He came back and never spoke of that war despite being given a medal for saving someone's life. He never ate rice again and did not want to be reminded of his time there and what he saw. War messes with people, traumatizes them. People are never the same after being a part of one and to make light of any war or disaster or tragedy is just awful. You think about it, remember those lost their lives and dealt with seeing others die before them and the horror those people had to experience. You don't celebrate it with some dress-up tea party on a boat or whatnot.

Agreeing with others that Dougie is a tool, a huge tool. Worse than at tool even. Does the man have any empathy at all?

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Yes, can't have his daughters or "fans" thinking girls can serve their country and become veterans. I didn't know Dougie P was in the military, but I don't care that much about him. I'm a woman with more important things to worry about, like work and chemistry tests and papers for college. If Dougie was in the military, did he ever serve his country in a war? I don't think he did. He would not be such an ass dressing up in civil war gear if it did. At least I can't see how someone can after witnessing a war.

My grandfather was a Korean war vet (both were actually, but speaking of my maternal only here). He came back and never spoke of that war despite being given a medal for saving someone's life. He never ate rice again and did not want to be reminded of his time there and what he saw. War messes with people, traumatizes them. People are never the same after being a part of one and to make light of any war or disaster or tragedy is just awful. You think about it, remember those lost their lives and dealt with seeing others die before them and the horror those people had to experience. You don't celebrate it with some dress-up tea party on a boat or whatnot.

Agreeing with others that Dougie is a tool, a huge tool. Worse than at tool even. Does the man have any empathy at all?

I don't think Dougie is a veteran. I asked which branch he served in to see if he'd answer. And assuming he'd say no I'd ask him why not.

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Looks like Bill Gothard won't be seeing this movie. He took a vow as a kid to never see any movie and according to him he never has.

As I got in the back seat of our green Chrysler and looked across the street at the gaudy, glaring lights of a theater marquee, I decided that the movie would probably be as disillusioning as the viewer to which I had just lost a nickel. I quietly made a vow that I would never again go into a movie theater—not even for a “good movie.â€
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