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October Baby


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Has this been discussed? I did a search and didn't see it, but I'm new here. Anyway, someone I know on fb joined this group called "October Baby Action Committee" which is trying to get it screened around here. Cause of it's guilt-trip message - this girl who is the result of a "failed abortion" which doesn't even make sense. So the doc tried to abort but was incompetent? Yet the girl is healthy? I don't get it. So sick of these Christian movies with a "message"


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Back in the day, some saline abortions (which they don't do anymore) didn't take and the babies were born alive. Usually they were pretty burned from the saline solution though.

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Oh, thanks valsa. I just hate that it's obviously a movie that wants to guilt women. Again. Because every possibly aborted baby would be as beautiful and perfect as the actress in the movie. Because women only have abortions because they are "selfish". Grrr.

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I went to your link, watched the trailer twice and read all eight reviews, and i still would have no idea what this movie was actually about if you hadn't posted this.

Apparently trying to hoodwink young college aged women into theaters to see this I imagine.

And i almost didn't recognize Jasmine Guy.

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Oh, thanks valsa. I just hate that it's obviously a movie that wants to guilt women. Again. Because every possibly aborted baby would be as beautiful and perfect as the actress in the movie. Because women only have abortions because they are "selfish". Grrr.

Oh, I completely agree with you there. I'm assuming they also won't mention in the movie that saline abortions are no longer done. So they'll let women think that there's a chance of their abortion producing a live child.

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Oh thank God. When I saw the title of your topic I thought Michelle had conceived and was due in October, but then I did the sums.

If an abortion fails, wouldn't they just, um, try again? Surely it's dangerous to allow a woman to walk around with a half aborted pregnancy sloshing around her uterus.

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Oh, thanks valsa. I just hate that it's obviously a movie that wants to guilt women. Again. Because every possibly aborted baby would be as beautiful and perfect as the actress in the movie. Because women only have abortions because they are "selfish". Grrr.

I like to counter that argument by naming serial killers that happened to be adopted. Ted Bundy, Joel Rifkin, David Berkowitz were all adopted*, and I'm pretty sure their victims would've preferred their mothers had chosen abortion instead of adoption.

*Not trying to say anything about adopted kids, it's just coincidence. Although it probably didn't help that Berkowitz tracked down his birth mother and she told him she wanted nothing to do with him.

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Oh thank God. When I saw the title of your topic I thought Michelle had conceived and was due in October, but then I did the sums.

If an abortion fails, wouldn't they just, um, try again? Surely it's dangerous to allow a woman to walk around with a half aborted pregnancy sloshing around her uterus.

That's what doesn't make sense to me. I remember when I was a kid seeing a talk show where the parents had a baby that they had tried to abort. She was missing her arm because of it but for whatever reason the parents didn't try again and kept the baby. I wish I remembered more about that story but I was young and it really disturbed me.

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That's what doesn't make sense to me. I remember when I was a kid seeing a talk show where the parents had a baby that they had tried to abort. She was missing her arm because of it but for whatever reason the parents didn't try again and kept the baby. I wish I remembered more about that story but I was young and it really disturbed me.

The pro-life guilters got to her after the first one? I was looking up info on saline abortions and I came upon this gem of a site, disgusied as a nonpartial "facts about abortion" site, it is a very thinly veiled pro-life site. To no surprise, much of the information on the site is either outdated or just plain false. Makes me sick. I can imagine women going there for information and getting that crap, like how abortion has all these scary side effects, etc.


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I am familiar with the case of this woman. Her mother did the saline abortion but did not follow up (as you are directed) to ensure that it worked. Instead she felt movement and had symptoms of a live fetus and basically lived in denial until delivery. The child ended up with cerebral palsy and significant burns (iirc) and has issues with hearing and vision as an adult. She is a rabid pro-lifer (in her case I am willing to cut her some slack given her unique circumstances) and speaks at numerous conventions.

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That's what doesn't make sense to me. I remember when I was a kid seeing a talk show where the parents had a baby that they had tried to abort. She was missing her arm because of it but for whatever reason the parents didn't try again and kept the baby. I wish I remembered more about that story but I was young and it really disturbed me.

Someone who felt ambiguous about an abortion could see a failure as a sign that they should continue the pregnancy.

Was the girl with one arm Ana Rosa Rodriguez?

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I am familiar with the case of this woman. Her mother did the saline abortion but did not follow up (as you are directed) to ensure that it worked. Instead she felt movement and had symptoms of a live fetus and basically lived in denial until delivery. The child ended up with cerebral palsy and significant burns (iirc) and has issues with hearing and vision as an adult. She is a rabid pro-lifer (in her case I am willing to cut her some slack given her unique circumstances) and speaks at numerous conventions.

Are you talking about Gianna Jessen? I read Gianna's book when I was about 10, and even then I thought it was pretty pushy with its message.

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Back in the day, some saline abortions (which they don't do anymore) didn't take and the babies were born alive. Usually they were pretty burned from the saline solution though.

I always was surprised when people thought the d&e was worse than this.

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It does seem to be loosely based on Gianna Jessen:


This is an anti-choice site, so how accurate their description is, but it claims she was born on the same day the abortion was attempted.

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  • 1 month later...
The movie opens today. Is this actually playing near anybody? I can always count on AV Club to dole out F's to this type of tripe.


Not at the closest theatres here. Only movies I see are Hunger Games. Maybe I'll read the book this summer and if I like it, consider seeing it when it comes out on DVD. I've heard good things about it. Something called The Vow, Silent House, John Carter, 21 Jump Street, The Lorax, Act of Valor, and a Thousand Words. Other theatres have Journey 2 and Project X. One Cinema has the October Baby Highlight and the closest theatre is shows with it is in Raleigh, NC.

Here's the highlight given.

As the curtain rises, Hannah hesitantly steps onto the stage for her theatrical debut in college. Yet before her first lines, she collapses. Countless medical tests all point to one underlying factor: Hannah's difficult birth. This revelation is nothing compared to discovering that she was actually adopted . . . after a failed abortion attempt. Bewildered, angered and confused, Hannah embarks on a journey with Jason, her oldest friend. In the midst of her incredible journey to discover her hidden past and find hope for her unknown future, Hannah sees that life can be so much more than what you have planned.

It's rated PG-13, stars Rachel Hendrix and Jason Burkey. Directed by Jon Erwin. It's 105 minutes long. AFA, Bethany Christian Services, Focus on the Family, Students of America for Life, Fathers.com, Hope for Orphans, Heartbeat Interntional, CWA, Care,net and Option Line are all media sponsors of this according to the movie website. 10% of the proceeds of the movie go to Every Life is Beautiful Fund to distribute those to crisis pregnancies and adoption services.

Screw this movie. It's just pro-life propaganda.

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I am really looking forward to it, but I am very pro-life. :-p I also want to see if it's better made than movies like "Left Behind" :-p I liked facing the giants, but found Fireproof blah :)

Sidenote: My mom got pregnant at 18 and her parents told her to get an abortion or leave - she left during a blizzard (NoVA blizzard :)) my bio dad told her she could either get an abortion or keep the baby 'cause he had been adopted/foster care and badly sexually abused as a kid. so, she kept me. to me the coolest part of "my story" is that "Papa", the man who married my mom, adopted, and raised me, had been engaged and his fiance got pregnant and didn't tell him until after she had an abortion. he broke off the engagement because he felt betrayed that she went through with it without even talking to him, so he had this desire to marry a woman with a kid and he got me! :D

NOTE: I didn't share that to be like "and here is why everyone should be pro-life" it's just a big reason why I am. :)

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Oh hey, that's the movie the Sanders girls were extras in, or something, and they were pimping it a few months back.

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Yeah, LL mentioned you could at least see Abbi at some point on screen. Not sure if Abbi was the only one who went to be an extra or if her sisters didn't make the cut.

It's currently got about an 18% on Rotten Tomatoes, which I'm sure will be interpreted as persecution. No theaters around me are playing it, not even the few that showed Courageous.

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The movie was made by two 20-something brothers whose father is an Alabama state senator. Prior to that, their father had a Christian television talk show in Alabama. What life experience do these two have that they would have any knowledge of what women go through who might have to make the decision to abort?

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The movie was made by two 20-something brothers whose father is an Alabama state senator. Prior to that, their father had a Christian television talk show in Alabama. What life experience do these two have that they would have any knowledge of what women go through who might have to make the decision to abort?

Silly kpmom, they don't need experience. Jesus told them to save teh babeez!

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