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Perry wants constitutional amendment for prayer in schools


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Students ARE allowed to pray in public schools as long as it's voluntary, private, and does not interfere with the school's educational mission. From the Anti-Defamation League's website:

May students pray? Students have the right to engage in voluntary individual prayer that is not coercive and does not substantially disrupt the school's educational mission and activities. For example, all students have the right to say a blessing before eating a meal. However, school officials must not promote or encourage a student's personal prayer. Students may engage with other students in religious activity during non-curricular periods as long as the activity is not coercive or disruptive. In addition, while students may speak about religious topics with their peers, school officials should intercede if such discussions become religious harassment. It is essential that private religious activity not materially disrupt the school's educational mission and activities. Personal religious activity may not interfere with the rights or well-being of other students, and the threat of student harassment and pressure must be carefully monitored. It is also critical to ensure that the religious activity is actually student-initiated, and that no school employee supervises or participates in the activity. Any school promotion or endorsement of a student's private religious activity is unconstitutional.


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WTH is so difficult to understand about not allowing organized prayer not equating to not allowing prayer at all?

Especially since the Bible talks about not flaunting one's prayer.

Further, especially since if it were about people of another religion (namely, Muslims) getting to pray in anything approaching an organized fashion they'd throw a fit.

Want a religious school? ENROLL IN A FREAKING RELIGIOUS SCHOOL and leave everyone else alone!

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Perry is definetley pandering and know some religious Republicans who support separation of church and state and they can't stand Perry.

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Don't we already have that amendment? Wait, wait, wait. Give me a second, I have to go back to high school civics.

*wavy flashback music*

Aha! The First Amendment! Guarantees freedom of speech-press-religion-assembly-and-petition.

Yes, I knew it was in there somewhere!

So what crappy high school did Perry attend that he never learned this?

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So what crappy high school did Perry attend that he never learned this?

Probably the same high school as the dumbass who wrote to a local paper here claiming Obama was the one that took prayer out of schools. *facepalm*

As I always say, as long as there are exams, there will always be prayer in school.

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This is one of those cases of fundies confusing what 'liberty' means. They think 'liberty' means they have the liberty to force everyone to do pray the way they think they should pray. In other words, they have the 'liberty' to coerce everyone else to practice their religion.

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Don't we already have that amendment? Wait, wait, wait. Give me a second, I have to go back to high school civics.

*wavy flashback music*

Aha! The First Amendment! Guarantees freedom of speech-press-religion-assembly-and-petition.

Yes, I knew it was in there somewhere!

So what crappy high school did Perry attend that he never learned this?

Remember he went to High School in that bastion of free thinking and learning.... TEXAS.

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