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Anna T can totally solve the jobs crisis!


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If all women would just quit thier jobs and let those menfolks take over we'd be out of the unemployment crisis in no time!

http:// ccostello.blogspot.com/2011/06/how-should-young-women-prepare-for.html

Nevermind that a lot of women work in "pink collar" fields where there are not a lot of men who can take over their jobs tomorrow. Hospitals and schools would be dramatically understaffed.

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The GOP are working on what she thinks. It's why they are destroying unions in fields where workers are predominately women. It's also why they are cutting social programs that help working mothers.

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Anna has no answers to anything. She lives in the land of illusion. If she were ever faced with reality...oh, wait she was when she got a part time job...she would probably curl into a ball and cry.

She went from an innocent, naive young girl to a delusional crazy lady in an instant.

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Can we have a proper link please with none of this 'dot' business? The link is truncated so I can't c&p and edit.

All you need to do is miss off the http://www bit.

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You'll have to scroll to the exact post.

For the longer/full links that are posted, one DOT replacement is enough to break the link. The word DOT in every place the . is in the URL is overkill. Maybe I'm lazy and it gets insane on my phone, but to break the link and nothing more, one substitution is enough to do the job.

But, I selfishly also totally agree that just removing http and www is enough. Even when not using my phone I often can't get to links because they're truncated and broken.

Just my two cents.

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But, I selfishly also totally agree that just removing http and www is enough. Even when not using my phone I often can't get to links because they're truncated and broken.

Yes, this! And I keep missing out a DOT, because I suck at life and am mildly dyslexic. So if someone makes every . a DOT, it takes me like three or four times to get there. My phone will not even countenance such malarkey.

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Okay I fixed it and took out the DOT. Hope that helps.

Anna has no answers to anything. She lives in the land of illusion. If she were ever faced with reality...oh, wait she was when she got a part time job...she would probably curl into a ball and cry.

She actually did that! Her husband lost his job so she, horrors upon horrors had to take a part time job. (why her husband could take part time job while he was job hunting was never discussed, probably because it was a job that was beneath his masculine dignity) And she was miserable and her children and household suffered because after 2 years of her husband accustomed to her waiting on him hand and foot he was not very competent at say doing basic household tasks or taking care of his children.

ETA: Found the post http:// ccostello.blogspot.com/2010/01/it-has-been-on-my-heart.html

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Yep, she did do that. She just pretended otherwise. She did what she had to do for her family, but because her ideals are so much a part of her imagined world, she whined about it and complained, and continued her mantra of do as I say not as I do.

She saw nothing good or real in working. Everything about it was wrong. In her words, anyway.

She never saw the disconnect. That she did what her family needed her to do and what worked for them and was best for them.

Acknowledging that would throw every single thing she says otherwise out the window. She did the opposite of what her beliefs dictate, but even as she did it, she denied it's validity for herself and others.

It's really, really in the realm of crazy. Do as I say and not as I do rarely gets such an obvious example.

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I seem to remember there was a slew of anti-working mother posts during that time when she was working. She eventually admitted to it, like some bad drug addiction. Then she whined about how *horrible* working two days a week with an infant and a fulltime dad at home was. She used her example as proof that no mother can be a good mother unless they're at home fulltime. This is because her two days out working exhausted her so, so, so much!!!!

Of course, instead of convincing me that working mothers are neglectful, all she did was reinforce the notion that her husband was a lazy bum. Dude, if you're unemployed, and your wife is working, then you pick up the slack with the cooking, cleaning and parenting!

Anyways, I have watched Anna T's progression from a introverted, naive girl into this militant fundie pseudo-evanglicajew. God, even many conservative Jewish women work outside the home!

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Not only that, but don't forget that a lot of the jobs primarily performed by women are not always the highest-paid either. That wouldn't change just because they were being performed by men.

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Okay I fixed it and took out the DOT. Hope that helps.

She actually did that! Her husband lost his job so she, horrors upon horrors had to take a part time job. (why her husband could take part time job while he was job hunting was never discussed, probably because it was a job that was beneath his masculine dignity) And she was miserable and her children and household suffered because after 2 years of her husband accustomed to her waiting on him hand and foot he was not very competent at say doing basic household tasks or taking care of his children.

Thanks, I can get to it now.

I've just asked her if she would be OK with a male gyni performing her pelvic exam, a male midwife delivering her children and a male lingerie assistant measuring her breasts when buying a new bra. Wonder if she will allow it - for once in my life I wasn't sarcastic :angelic-halo: (lure them into a false sense of security...) so maybe she will.

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The GOP are working on what she thinks. It's why they are destroying unions in fields where workers are predominately women. It's also why they are cutting social programs that help working mothers.

They are working on it with great gusto. God help us all.

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