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Religion Question - Morals


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Juju- My lack of belief doesn't make me a bad person. I've also decided that I just get this one chance at living, and I sure as hell better make a good life for myself.

Personally, the idea of an afterlife or an eternal life holds absolutely no power over me. In fact, just the opposite. I can't think of anything more boring than living forever. And if heaven is anything like what some of these fundamentalists believe, you'd be spending eternity sexless, singing in a choir and at a church service forever and ever. Not appealing.

So I take my 80 years or so allotted to me, and hope that I can do some good, make some good memories for my kids, and generally enjoy life to the fullest.

Yes, your lack of belief does "make you a bad person".

You had children, and they were damaged.

By you.

You may drag yourself to Hell if you wish, but if you hold the hand of a child, that is a pretty ghastly thing.

I will tell you a little secret, not commonly known.

You already have eternal life.

And you already will live forever.

The only question is where.

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Personally, the idea of an afterlife or an eternal life holds absolutely no power over me. In fact, just the opposite. I can't think of anything more boring than living forever. And if heaven is anything like what some of these fundamentalists believe, you'd be spending eternity sexless, singing in a choir and at a church service forever and ever. Not appealing.

Haha. I've always thought that, too. My athiest boyfriend and I joke that the most interesting people are probably in hell anyway.

Thanks to everyone for naviagting through teh crazy to reply. If not for needing the whole heaven/hell thing for morality, I wonder what draws some people to the fundie lifestyle. The poster who mentioned Steve Maxwell being obsessed with death--that was interesing. I wonder if a fear of mortality drives a lot of the crazy, too.

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Haha. I've always thought that, too. My athiest boyfriend and I joke that the most interesting people are probably in hell anyway.

Thanks to everyone for naviagting through teh crazy to reply. If not for needing the whole heaven/hell thing for morality, I wonder what draws some people to the fundie lifestyle. The poster who mentioned Steve Maxwell being obsessed with death--that was interesing. I wonder if a fear of mortality drives a lot of the crazy, too.

I think a lot of fundies are drawn to the lifestyle because it makes them feel like they have more control over their lives. In many of the stories, people get the promise that they can have perfect kids, a perfect marriage, and a perfectly happy life, if they just follow all the rules.

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I believe religion is to control people. The people who need it to function and to keep social order. I'm just saying that in the course of history religion has hurt a lot more people then helped.

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I believe religion is to control people. The people who need it to function and to keep social order. I'm just saying that in the course of history religion has hurt a lot more people then helped.

And what would be wrong with that?

Where would the world be without the restrictions on aberrant behavior?

The ten commandments are the basis for all criminal law.

On every country on the earth.

Without God's rules, we would be basically wild animals.

So is religion for controlling you?

You bet your sweet biffy.

And the more malleable you are, like clay to the potters touch, the more likely you will be cleaned up enough to go to heaven.

The path to heaven is fairly simple.

You say an original grace prayer, each and every meal, and from now on?

I guarantee you will go to heaven.

And it will only cost you about five minutes a day.

You do not even have to go to church.

You just have to show some reverence to God.

And from now on.

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Without God's rules, we would be basically wild animals.

I have never followed "God's rules". That must imply I'm one of those wild animals. Yes, I'm a chimp!!!!! :animals-chimp:

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I have never followed "God's rules". That must imply I'm one of those wild animals. Yes, I'm a chimp!!!!! :animals-chimp:

Well Effie you should follow God's rules.

Or else you are like "swimming against the stream".

God is a polite entity, very interested that you be polite.


Saying grace, is civilized behavior.

And yes, only a chimp would eat, without first thanking God for his banana.

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