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CarVan 14: The Abeka Boxes Have Started to Arrive


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From the previous thread and Carlin's choice of clothes for Layla. I actually wonder if Carlin's is unconsciously choosing clothes she wished she would have been able to wear. Maybe not at Layla's age, but as tween or teen. She is now a young Mom and adult so that style would be ironically too juvenile on her (while it is too mature for her kid. Hence the irony).

She spend her formative years in prairie dresses and then denim skirt land and couldn't really experience with clothes like a kid does. I wonder if this was the clothing ''freedom'' she longed for. Maybe she is now deciding to dress her daughter like that because she wishes her own mother had been into clothes or hadn't been so strict on modesty?

Still doesn't mean it's a good idea to put that on a toddler. Teen fashion is, well, ... for teens.


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10 minutes ago, Vivi_music said:

From the previous thread and Carlin's choice of clothes for Layla. I actually wonder if Carlin's is unconsciously choosing clothes she wished she would have been able to wear. Maybe not at Layla's age, but as tween or teen. She is now a young Mom and adult so that style would be ironically too juvenile on her (while it is too mature for her kid. Hence the irony).

She spend her formative years in prairie dresses and then denim skirt land and couldn't really experience with clothes like a kid does. I wonder if this was the clothing ''freedom'' she longed for. Maybe she is now deciding to dress her daughter like that because she wishes her own mother had been into clothes or hadn't been so strict on modesty?

Still doesn't mean it's a good idea to put that on a toddler. Teen fashion is, well, ... for teens.


To hear Carlin's recollection, she always fancied herself a princess. So she is putting a lot of that on Layla now, but she seems to think trendy is important too. Even with some of the more skimpy choices in clothing, she tends to like those beige/skin tones. Carlin is basically handing internet pervs easy-to-manipulate images of her daughter in skin-toned body suits and tops. 

I think there is a balance between prairie dresses and whatever it is Layla wears. I am hesitant because of my own abuse as a child to say things that are close to victim blaming. However, Carlin's choices are essentially handing images of a young child dressed more maturely on a silver platter to anyone and everyone. Given my own experience that makes me uncomfortable and something I wouldn't feel right doing to my daughters. There are no retakes or second chances when it comes to protecting your children from those who see opportunity as an invitation. 

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3 hours ago, rebeccawriter01 said:

To hear Carlin's recollection, she always fancied herself a princess. So she is putting a lot of that on Layla now, but she seems to think trendy is important too. Even with some of the more skimpy choices in clothing, she tends to like those beige/skin tones. Carlin is basically handing internet pervs easy-to-manipulate images of her daughter in skin-toned body suits and tops. 

I think there is a balance between prairie dresses and whatever it is Layla wears. I am hesitant because of my own abuse as a child to say things that are close to victim blaming. However, Carlin's choices are essentially handing images of a young child dressed more maturely on a silver platter to anyone and everyone. Given my own experience that makes me uncomfortable and something I wouldn't feel right doing to my daughters. There are no retakes or second chances when it comes to protecting your children from those who see opportunity as an invitation. 

Hugs, girl. Do you. And take care of yourself.

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I see it potentially similarly to Mormons and their temple garments. If you follow Not Enough Nelsons (large Mormon YT family), their girls all wear belly shirts starting around ages 8-10. While their daughter Janie just returned from her mission and has mostly stayed off social media that I've seen, she seems to be following modest-enough dress to cover temple garments, and their eldest daughter Kenn does as well. What a mind fuck it would be to go almost a decade of no modesty and then suddenly be expected to dress modestly.

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19 hours ago, Vivi_music said:

From the previous thread and Carlin's choice of clothes for Layla. I actually wonder if Carlin's is unconsciously choosing clothes she wished she would have been able to wear. Maybe not at Layla's age, but as tween or teen. She is now a young Mom and adult so that style would be ironically too juvenile on her (while it is too mature for her kid. Hence the irony).

She spend her formative years in prairie dresses and then denim skirt land and couldn't really experience with clothes like a kid does. I wonder if this was the clothing ''freedom'' she longed for. Maybe she is now deciding to dress her daughter like that because she wishes her own mother had been into clothes or hadn't been so strict on modesty?

Still doesn't mean it's a good idea to put that on a toddler. Teen fashion is, well, ... for teens.


That is actually what I thought as well. But that poor kid. Those clothes look miserably uncomfortable and she does not look cute- she looks like a Honey Boo Boo pageant princess. 

Edited by nelliebelle1197
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My kids don’t care about clothing as long as it’s comfortable. They really don’t care what it looks like. Their requests are no tags, buttons, collars, or pants with a zipper. Which means they mostly wear t shirts and athletic pants. I get it. I was the exact same way at their age. We are all sensitive to clothing in this family. 

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My niece wore Disney princess costumes all the time at age 4. She loved them and insisted on it. It wasn’t a hill that my sister was going to die on as she had so many behavioural struggles. Beginning in kindergarten, she wore a uniform to school so she was wearing practical clothes (navy skort, navy crested polo shirt). Comfort and ease of wash should be the main considerations for kids’ clothes. 

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3 minutes ago, Expectopatronus said:

My niece wore Disney princess costumes all the time at age 4. She loved them and insisted on it. It wasn’t a hill that my sister was going to die on as she had so many behavioural struggles. Beginning in kindergarten, she wore a uniform to school so she was wearing practical clothes (navy skort, navy crested polo shirt). Comfort and ease of wash should be the main considerations for kids’ clothes. 

I'm all for a Disney princess costume. They are cute and add to imaginative play. Typically my girls learned to put them on over their regular shirts and shorts or shirts and jeans, as I would buy a larger size to let them use them longer. Occasionally they would wear them as their outfit instead of a costume.

Comfort, washability, fit, and safety should all be among the top priorities when it comes to clothing for children. Carlin worries more about style and appearances for her social media hustle. Children have no concept of things like sexy or skimpy clothing. They have no idea at Layla's age about the rule that nobody should touch you where a bathing suit covers you. Carlin puts her daughter in clothing that is more mature than her actual age and has her posing to match. 

I noticed on Instagram yesterday? today? that she posted Layla after her dance class. She tells Layla that Evan bought her a smoothie and continually holds it in Layla's sightline but out of reach until Layla recites her next "cute" but clearly not spontaneous line. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Carlin, I hope you didn't set up your Christian Girl Autumn pinterest charcuterie photo layout on a bike path/ walking trail. And if you did, I hope some one ran their bike/stroller/wheelchair through your setup.



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29 minutes ago, HereticHick said:

Carlin, I hope you didn't set up your Christian Girl Autumn pinterest charcuterie photo layout on a bike path/ walking trail. And if you did, I hope some one ran their bike/stroller/wheelchair through your setup.



Ok that is ridiculous. Let’s bring pumpkins for aesthetic and then a board of cheese and a blanket in the middle of a bike path. Perfection! These people live their lives for social media. How exhausting that must be. 

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37 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

Ok that is ridiculous. Let’s bring pumpkins for aesthetic and then a board of cheese and a blanket in the middle of a bike path. Perfection! These people live their lives for social media. How exhausting that must be. 

Back in the day when my kids were little and I was working my ass off to just keep my head above water, I used to get so mad at co-workers who would seemingly come to work merely to collect paychecks but not to complete the tasks at hand. My husband and I have had countless discussions about those folks who work harder at not working vs if they had just done the required tasks. This is how I feel about influencers. Many of them (and certainly their small kids) work just as hard if not more so, vs if they had FT, industry standard, jobs. From a creative standpoint, it has to get old to constantly think up fresh and innovative content. IDK, do people really get any satisfaction out of it? Maybe. I absolutely hate the trend of yanking kids out of school and “homeschooling” for content. It is gross.

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1 minute ago, SassyPants said:

Back in the day when my kids were little and I was working my ass off to just keep my head above water, I used to get so mad at co-workers who would seemingly come to work merely to collect paychecks but not to complete the tasks at hand. My husband and I have had countless discussions about those folks who work harder at not working vs if they had just done the required tasks. This is how I feel about influencers. Many of them (and certainly their small kids) work just as hard if not more so, vs if they had FT, industry standard, jobs. From a creative standpoint, it has to get old to constantly think up fresh and innovative content. IDK, do people really get any satisfaction out of it? Maybe. I absolutely hate the trend of yanking kids out of school and “homeschooling” for content. It is gross.

I totally agree. Mr Beast is a good example. He fully admits that he basically never stops working. And I believe it. I think that most of the top influencers and people with extremely successful YouTube channels are working many more hours a week than a 9-5 job. And that’s why I worry about the kids. Adults are choosing to be workaholics. The children aren’t. 

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2 hours ago, SassyPants said:

Back in the day when my kids were little and I was working my ass off to just keep my head above water, I used to get so mad at co-workers who would seemingly come to work merely to collect paychecks but not to complete the tasks at hand. My husband and I have had countless discussions about those folks who work harder at not working vs if they had just done the required tasks. This is how I feel about influencers. Many of them (and certainly their small kids) work just as hard if not more so, vs if they had FT, industry standard, jobs. From a creative standpoint, it has to get old to constantly think up fresh and innovative content. IDK, do people really get any satisfaction out of it? Maybe. I absolutely hate the trend of yanking kids out of school and “homeschooling” for content. It is gross.

When I was doing my undergraduate degree, there was a really interesting segment of one of my classes about social media. We discussed the research showing that seeing those little red notification icons on social media releases dopamine similar to if you win money at a casino. Some people will become prone to an element of social media addiction where they needs those dopamine hits and start obtaining all of their self-worth from comments and compliments on social media. The psychology of it is interesting and I suspect this is the case for most influencers. 

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4 hours ago, HereticHick said:

Carlin, I hope you didn't set up your Christian Girl Autumn pinterest charcuterie photo layout on a bike path/ walking trail. And if you did, I hope some one ran their bike/stroller/wheelchair through your setup.



Who wants to hunker down on a hard surface to eat that spread? It looks so uncomfortable. It might look inviting if the blanket was spread out on the grass (which apparently was too wet?) but on pavement, just no.

I despise people who block public walking/biking paths. There’s a public walking path along the ocean near my house & for some reason people like to stage photo shoots on a narrow pedestrian bridge that’s part of it, to walk around them you have to back track & hike up to the road, or you can stand there waiting until they finish - which I think is what they want, a forced audience. I’ve reached the point where I just walk right through their photo shoot, it is public right of way after all. I’m not talking about those pausing for a selfie - I’ll offer to take those visitors photos for them as I pass by, it’s the tripod all dressed up gonna block the bridge for half an hour types that I’ll walk right on through.

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The food is weird too. Like you get a slice or two of cheese, maybe a hunk of meat and a cracker, but apples? Feel free to eat three whole ones. 🤣 I tend to use dry fruits or jams in little bowels on my charcuterie boards, which are not on a blanket, but my table. And chocolate. I usually put them together on Thanksgiving and Christmas, before the big meal is served. 

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Just now, marmalade said:

Pumpkin spice latte challenge for this week's vlog. I know I can't wait. 🙄

Oh the "PSL" obsession! My girls are all in their 20's, and they just send pic after pic of their "PSL's" on our family share. I mean I'll drink one, like if they are in town and want to go get one, but it's not something I'd ever seek out. Then it turns into "peppermint mocha" season, which I guess might get abbreviated to "PM?"

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The biggest lie ever successfully perpetrated by an American corporation is that pumpkin tastes good.

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50 minutes ago, Kiki03910 said:

The biggest lie ever successfully perpetrated by an American corporation is that pumpkin tastes good.

I 100% agree, I personally can't stand anything pumpkin flavored!!🤢🤮😅

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1 hour ago, 0 kids n not countin said:

I 100% agree, I personally can't stand anything pumpkin flavored!!🤢🤮😅

the only pumpkin flavor thats good is pumpkin pie

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I like pumpkin pie because I like pie. But, if I could pick from pumpkin pie or apple pie, I wouldn’t choose pumpkin.  I am intrigued by the thought of a pumpkin spiced drink, but always stop short of ever ordering one or even buying pumpkin spiced creamer. I’ve switched to nut pods for my morning coffee as they have much less sugar and fewer calories, but again, I see the PS flavor and just can’t do it. Am I missing out? Now peppermint, I can do.

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I confess to loving pumpkin bread and pumpkin cookies, especially if they contain chocolate chips.  A co-worker brought in the chocolate chip pumpkin cookies for an office tailgate party, and they were absolutely delicious.   

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7 hours ago, raayx01 said:

the only pumpkin flavor thats good is pumpkin pie

Don't like pumpkin pie either, but my sister makes a pumpkin cheesecake that I can actually eat a bite or two of, I think because the cream cheese tones down the pumpkin flavor.

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