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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 49


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Thinking of Rosalynn's 96th birthday and the article in People, I thought I'd share these images.



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"Lahaiina Joe"


I watched about ten minutes of a video today of two liberal cartoonists debating two whack job fucknut right-wing knuckle-dragging heads-up-each-other’s-asses MAGAt cartoonists. Naturally, the MAGAT cartoonists didn’t espouse any viewpoints that weren’t based on lies.

Yeah, those two guys are morons and lying is what they do, but the thing that worries me is that MAGAts are repeating the lies so much about President Biden being corrupt and taking bribes that pretty soon, rational people will absorb it as fact despite the fact that nobody ever ever ever ever ever has produced even one tiny bit of evidence that proves our president is corrupt.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, a friend of mine told me he didn’t like Trump but he couldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton because she was dishonest, corrupt, and couldn’t be trusted. I asked him for one example of Clinton’s corruption and dishonesty that gave him that opinion. He drew a blank. The thing is, he was gaslighted for over 20 years. Right now, it’s the GOP campaign with Biden. They can’t find any proof he’s corrupt but maybe if they repeat it enough, it’ll become a “fact” that people don’t even bother challenging anymore.

For the past week, the goons have been screaming at President Biden for not doing enough to aid Maui’s recovery from the wildfires, while also not being able to tell you what else he can do other than cancel his vacation.

Yes, it’s hypocrisy for Republicans to criticize President Biden for taking a vacation after ignoring that Trump’s entire presidency (sic) was a vacation with him padding his wallet with taxpayers’ money during each stay at his resorts. But it’s also weird to criticize Biden for taking too many vacations while demanding that he visit Hawaii.

By the way, if you’ve ever wondered where residents of Hawaii travel for vacations, the number one destination is Las Vegas.

President Biden will be in Lahaina tomorrow. How much do you want to bet that Republicans will find a problem with it?


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"Trumpless Debate"


I’m not entirely confident in this cartoon anymore. A colleague messaged me and said, “I read the spotlight as the light of god who took him up,” and that was within just a few minutes of it being published. He then said he thought it was a good cartoon. Then, someone on Instagram who’s probably never seen any of my cartoons on Trump before accused me of believing that Trump was sent by God. Ugh.

It has received a lot of positive comments and a healthy amount of shares, but I’m going to be irritated by the yellow light forever. I should have left it white.

Anyway, I have two other ideas on the debate and I’m trying to decide which of those to draw tomorrow.


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2 hours ago, fraurosena said:



That was seriously creepy.  Are we sure he's human?

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1 hour ago, Xan said:

That was seriously creepy.  Are we sure he's human?

One thing is for certain: he hates interacting with people with a passion. 

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Same.  Fucking same. UselessFucksBeingTaxed.thumb.png.9002044fcb1d0092c25b74f6a0d43e0f.png

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"Trump's Worst Fears"


So why is Trump skipping the first Republican presidential debate?

I don’t think it’s because he’s afraid of tough questions. The debate is being hosted by Fox News and even if they did ask a tough question, like how will he serve out his presidency from a Georgia jail cell, he’d just do what he did during the 2016 debates. He didn’t answer any tough questions in those debates. He never explained a policy or details. All he did was bark, attack people, and talk about his tiny dick.

I don’t think he’s skipping because he’s afraid of his opponents. Seriously? Take a look at those guys. He’s not even going to be there and most of them are kissing his ass. The only person who might challenge Trump on a fact during the debate is Chris Christie, and Trump could just respond by calling him “fat.” DeSantis doesn’t scare anyone and he’s probably going to screw himself while he’s up there, and I seriously doubt Mike Pence has any idea on how to challenge Trump. Hell, Trump’s bail agreement in Atlanta may prohibit him from being in the same room as Pence since he’s a witness.

I think Trump is skipping because he wants to hurt Fox News. He’s still bitter about them calling Arizona for Joe Biden. Another reason he wants to skip is that he doesn’t want to stand for two hours. It’s not like Trump has developed more stamina and endurance since 2016. And can his diaper go two hours without being changed?

But the greatest reason Trump is skipping the debate is because he doesn’t have to debate. He’s way ahead of his opponents and he probably doesn’t want to elevate them by being seen on the same stage as them. Instead of debating, he’s going to do a pre-recorded interview with Tucker Carlson that’ll be on Twitter/X.

Trump actually believes this interview is going to be competition for the debate, not realizing that people can stream Twitter/X while simultaneously watching TV.

But, Trump should still debate even though he doesn’t have to. Allowing voters, not just Republican voters, to judge his candidacy with the other candidates would be a public service. But, Donald Trump is not famous for doing the right thing.

As for me, I may be watching the debate at a party in Atlanta. Some friends in Atlanta have invited me to watch the debate at their home with some of their other friends. I haven’t committed yet but I’m probably going to do it.

Creative note: I wrote this last Friday along with a few other ideas on the debate. I liked another one as much as I liked this one and, no pun intended, debated with myself over which to draw today. I realized I was thinking about the other one because it wouldn’t take as much work, but this is the right cartoon for today. This cartoon took six hours. SIX FUCKING HOURS. That’s about the same amount of time I spent on yesterday’s cartoon. I’ll be traveling tomorrow so what I should do is think of something very simple and quick to draw.

I’m tired.


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Life imitating art


He played the Ferengi Rom on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.  In the show even though he was Quark's brother he led all the employees out on strike because the working conditions got so horrid and Rom learned from the DS9 crew how much better it could be that he was done he decided to work to improve things. (Bar Association)

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This video made me laugh. I especially love how they worked Ronnie's white go-go boots in.


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