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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 49


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On 8/27/2023 at 6:14 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

Felon on the melon:


I was thinking it was "dope on a cantaloupe".

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Sometimes the next hour...


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"Too Sexy For My Shirt"


Donald Trump is so arrogant, that he believes it’s an honor to be arrested and have his mugshot taken. In fact, sharing the mugshot is his first post on Twitter/X since Elon Musk restored his account after being banned by the previous Twitter regime. Trump was banned from Twitter for the reasons he now has a mugshot. Even Nixon didn’t get a mugshot, who like Trump, was a crook.

Trump has his supporters believing he’s being investigated, prosecuted, and arrested for them. He’s not. Most people don’t pay hush money to porn stars, steal classified documents, obstruct justice, attempt coups, or try to overturn an election they lost through a white nationalist insurrection.

Trump and his supporters believe he’s being victimized and treated unfairly for breaking the law. Trump did a lot more than just challenge or question election results. That’s the story his supporters are spreading and I heard it from his people while I was in Atlanta. It’s a talking point based on gaslighting. I think Trump supporters feel that prosecuting Trump is an attack on their racism, entitlement, and white privilege.

But, Trump is trying to profit off the arrest and is selling merchandise featuring the mugshot, where his attempt to appear threatening just came off as a drunk failing to pay child support. He looks more pouty than scary.

Trump’s former national security adviser said the picture is “carefully staged, as with most things Trump does,” and that it was “intended to be a sign of intimidation against the prosecutors and the judges” and Trump deliberately looks like a “thug.”

The Mirror, a national British publication, interviewed a former cop, Darren Stanton, who has a degree in Psychology who said Trump “is attempting to be “intimidating” and “defiant” to the courts with the mugshot.

Stanton noted the eye contact which is “held fixed right into the lens”, and says this was “clearly decided on by Trump to show his accusers and the world that he is showing defiance and he believes he will be acquitted of his charges.”

Then he noted the eyebrows which are “pulled together and pulled down.” Santon said, “This is the emergence of anger/defiance expression. We get this intense stare, so emotionally he is showing anger, defiance, and denial.” Stanton described Trump as “easy to read.”

Trump is easy to read. He’s not a subtle person and you can bet he practiced his mugshot.

Now, he’s selling shirts with the mugshot to pay his legal fees. It’s too bad his codefendants can’t sell shirts to pay their legal fees because Trump isn’t helping them. And you know nobody’s going to buy a Sidney Powell mugshot T-shirt.

The text on the shirt is “Never Surrender,” which is positioned directly beneath the photo of Trump literally surrendering.

I am not going to link to where you can purchase Trump’s shitty shirts, but I will link to Green Day.

Green Day is selling shirts featuring the art from their album Nimrod with the original portraits replaced by Trump’s mugshot. They captioned the photo with “Good Riddance,” which is the title of one of their biggest hits. All proceeds will go towards Greater Good Music, which is currently helping bring food to the victims of the Maui wildfires, which is significantly a much better cause than paying for a white billionaire’s legal defense after he tried to destroy our democracy and turn our nation into a fascist state.

Green Day could have also gone with “American Idiot“.

Creative note: I drew a cartoon of the T-shirt for CNN this weekend. I used the actual mugshot photo for that cartoon as I thought it’d be more powerful and funny than my caricature. I considered using the actual photo again for this cartoon, but after looking at a few of my colleagues’ cartoons where they actually traced the mugshot photo, I felt I should draw it myself. I was concerned that my caricature of Trump wouldn’t work for the photo, but after taking a shot at it, I do think it works.


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4 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Sometimes I like to watch videos on YouTube of courtroom proceedings so that when I get my license and any if any job I get involves working a lot in court to be at least somewhat prepared for that minefield.  Also it's to SMDH over the stupidity of a fair number of defendants in court.  (Especially sovereign citizens who only piss judges off with their bullshit ramblings).  But a lot of times while the defendants are being held accountable for crimes in so many cases their lives are falling apart around them in so many ways.

I thought of this because of the lines in the article about how P01135809 thought it was an honor to get arrested.  I wonder if he would still feel the same if he had to go through what so many regular people do.  I know he wouldn't empathize with others in the criminal justice system but I wonder if he would understand that it's not an honor.  Probably none of his Branch Trumpvidian supporters consider it an honor when they get arrested for smoking/possessing meth.

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"Jacksonville Racist"


While attending a prayer vigil in Jacksonville for the three Black victims of a racist shooter, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, aka Ron DeSanctimonious, aka Ron DumbSantis, aka Ron DuhSantis, aka Meatball Ron, and aka Governor Pudding Fingers, was booed and heckled. Amidst the boos was a, “You’re not welcome here” and a “Your policies caused this.”

Ron DeSantis called the shootings “unacceptable” and, “We are not going to let people be targeted based on their race.” Except, he’s crafted policies that are based on race.

Ron DeSantis has loosened Florida’s gun laws. Despite the police being called on the shooter for a domestic disturbance and being placed in counseling, he was still able to legally purchase two guns in Florida.

The DeSantis administration is wiping out higher education diversity programs and the teaching of institutional racism to public school students. It’s also banned courses on Black history. DeSantis personally redrew a redistricting map that erased northern Florida’s only Black congressional seat which included Jacksonville. When DeSantis isn’t too distracted from waging a war on woke and the LGBTQ community, he attacks black people.

At the vigil, DeSantis called the gunman a “scumbag.” Jeffrey Rumlin, a Jacksonville pastor who spoke after DeSantis, was more direct, saying, “At the end of the day, respectfully, governor, he was not a scumbag. He was a racist.” DeSantis has to be careful criticizing racists because racists vote for him. I’m mostly shocked he didn’t say there are “good people on both sides.”

Florida state senator Shevrin Jones, a Miami Democrat who is Black, said, “Him showing up in Jacksonville looked like a political stunt from someone running for president. You can’t take three or four years of his actions and then show up to the Black community saying, ‘I stand with you.’ No, you don’t.”

Jones pointed out that then-Congressman DeSantis visited the scene of the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando in 2016, which left 49 people dead, saying, “He was there and it did not change his response to the LGBTQ community.”

Florida state representative Angie Nixon, a Black Democrat who represents Jacksonville, told MSNBC, “He has had an all-out attack on the Black community with his anti-woke policies, which we know very well was nothing more than a dog whistle to get folks riled up in a way it just happened yesterday.”

And don’t forget that DeSantis’ Department of Education released educational standards teaching that Black people learned skills from slavery that were to their “personal benefit.”

Ron DeSantis has spent his political career appealing to angry racist white men. The only statement he should be making about a racist shooter killing Black people is his taking responsibility.

One skill Republicans like Ron DeSantis have taught Black people that’s to their “personal benefit” is voting against Republicans.


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We also know this is not TFG as the hands are WAY too big. And he wouldn't help people of color.

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"What The Shirt?"


President Biden is taking on the pharmaceutical industry by allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of some prescription drugs. The whole thing started last year with the passing of the Affordable Care Act.

Medicare is the federal health insurance program for older and disabled people and the new provisions allowing it to negotiate drug prices are expected to save the government nearly $100 billion while lowering insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs for many older Americans.

Naturally, Big Pharma does not like this. They enjoy bleeding disabled people and senior citizens dry. They love bilking taxpayers. Big Pharma may even be greedier than the oil industry. So, the drug companies are suing the Biden administration to make it stop.

Those suing are Johnson & Johson, Merck, Bristol Meyers Squibb, and Astellas Pharma, along with the industry’s main trade group and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The suits argue that pricing provisions are unconstitutional but I’m not sure that argument will fly when the customer is the federal government.

Republicans side with Big Pharma on this but they’re trying to be quiet about it because just like with abortion, making it harder for minorities to vote, allowing deranged racist lunatics to purchase assault rifles, and supporting white nationalist insurrections to install a fascist Oompa-Loompa dictator, they’re on the wrong side of the American public.

But while President Biden is busy fighting for Americans to get lower prescription drug prices and doing other presidential duties, twice-impeached and four-time indicted Donald Trump was busy getting arrested again, having his mugshot taken, grifting his supporters to pay his legal bills, and whining about being persecuted for merely trying to steal an election he lost.

Like lawyer Fletcher Reed said to one of his clients in the movie Liar Liar when a curse prevented him from fibbing for 24 hours (I swear, I don’t even like that movie very much), “Stop breaking the law, asshole!”.

And how stupid are Trumpers? They’re bragging that Donald Trump raised $7 million from them for his legal fees by selling T-shirts featuring his mugshot, overlooking the surreal fact THAT HE HAS A MUGSHOT!!!


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"Ramaswamadingdong Climate Change"


Fortunately for us, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is a longshot for the White House. We’re fortunate that he’ll never win the presidency because he’s not just on the wrong side of the issues and inexperienced, but he’s a vile person who’s also pretty intelligent.

The guy says he’ll pardon Donald Trump if he’s elected. He called a Black female Democratic U.S. representative a member of the KKK and a Grand Wizard for being anti-racist. He got his ass kicked in what should have been an interview on extremely friendly turf with Sean Hannity. He doesn’t know how government works and promises to solve problems simply by solving them. He’s a Hindu who’s courting Christian nationalists.

Ramaswamy is smart but he understands messaging to hateful mobs (the Republican Party) better than he understands civics. He doesn’t seem to know that the president is not a king and there are two other branches of the federal government. He and Tommy Tuberville should take a class together. But Rammyswammy so vile that I wouldn’t be surprised when he says something as horrible as there are more deaths from climate change policy than there is from actual Climate cChange, that he’s lying to appeal to the deplorable base.

When I watched the Republican debate a week ago with some friends in Atlanta, we all felt that Ramaswamy doomed himself. I guess we forgot it was a Republican debate. He was torn apart by Chris Christie, Mike Pence, and Nikki Haley on policy issues and the guy couldn’t answer anything, yet he was the most searched candidate afterward and is currently number three in Republican polls after the the guy who’s been indicted four times and the other guy who’s at war with a mouse.

After the debate on CNN, he seemed to accept that Climate Change is NOT a hoax, as most Republicans would tell you, but that we shouldn’t combat it. Instead, he believes we should simply adapt to a world on fire and an environment crashing all around us. Instead of focusing on the causes of climate change, he said, “We should focus on adaptation.”

Sure. That sounds like a great plan. Maybe instead of combating rising sea levels in Florida, we can rebuild the state on sticks above the rising ocean. That’s adaptation, baby.

During the debate, Ramaswamy said that “the climate agenda is a hoax” and then followed up saying that the “anti-carbon agenda is the wet blanket on our economy.” He concluded arguing that “the reality is more people are dying of bad climate change policies than they are of actual climate change.”

So he’s not denying Climate Change, just the agenda to fight it. As horrible as this is, the message might work.

Polls show most Americans don’t understand President Biden’s climate policies or the Inflation Reduction Act. Most Americans believe Climate Change is a threat, but less so than economics, supposedly “open borders,” and constantly increasing streaming services (we do need to fix that one).

But if we can just “adapt” to Climate Change, then why can’t we do the same with immigration? I bet when the oceans swallow the United States, those damn illegals are going to steal all our under water jobs.

A poll conducted earlier this year showed that only 38 percent of Americans would be willing to pay $1 a month to fight Climate Change. In case you’re a Republicans, that’s only $12 a year. You spend more than that on Netflix just to watch Jim Carrey’s Liar Liar again. You already know what happens. He lies. There should be a sequel and it could be about a Republican running for office. They can call it…wait for it…Liar Liar II, or maybe, Liar Liar III since it’s lying. I should have had a career in Hollywood.

We know that when Republicans spout off bullshit, like Jim Carrey in Liar Liar, that to their followers, it becomes fact. They will believe that the “pen is red” if their candidate says it is. Without proof, many Republicans believe Joe Biden has been caught taking bribes, there’s something on Hunter Biden’s laptop other than his ding-dong, Donald Trump merely asked about the results of the 2020 election, the borders are open, guns don’t kill people, Ted Cruz isn’t a total vile sack of maggot-infested pile of shit, Trump finished the wall, Train has written some decent songs, NASCAR is a sport, and the Oakland Athletics are a Major League Baseball team.

Soon, if Vivek shouts it loud enough, enough Republicans will believe the only solution to Climate Change is to just accept it and put Florida on sticks.

We don’t just have to accept Climate Change becaues it’s not your inlaws. We can work to combat Climate Change while nothing is stopping your inlaws from coming over.

There should not be one person in Florida who denies Climate Change. You would think that having to build your wall of sandbags higher every hurricane season would make a person start to think.

Vivek Ramaswamy is not your inlaws either. We can stop him. We can stop all Republicans and their war on science….unless your inlaws are Republicans. Then you have my sincere condolences.

Hey, can we divorce Republicans?


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