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Lina's barf worthy 1 month anniversary post


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Re Proverbs 31 and Titus 2: fundies basically interpret it as 1950s-style housewivery and claim that's "biblical womanhood".

Lina come across as a child playing house. I'm still baffled her parents were ok with the marriage and wonder if there wasn't some kind of rift with them. They might have been conservative and whatnot but they seemed more or less normal.

I hope Lina's going to be ok.

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I am not in any way a qualified diagnoser of psychopaths, nor do I know enough about Lina's husband to form an opinion about him, but to me the cat thing sound more like "hey, what do you think would happen if we tossed the cat off the deck?" than like some sort of calculated torture. I have friends who tell stories about dropping the family cat down the laundry chute as kids. No psychopaths.

Maybe she doesn't know how un-busy she really is. It's not like she once had a full school/work/childcare schedule to compare her current situation to. There was a time in my life where fixing breakfast, getting dressed, and going out to do an errand (assuming I could manage all of that without having a complete breakdown) was a super productive day. She doesn't sound anywhere near as depressed as I was, but I think it's possible that she really couldn't handle more than she's doing, and that makes her feel busy.

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I agree about it not being a good sign when someone likes to harm animals.

So, Lina, how's this?

i've gotten up at 7, drove my boyfriend to the train station, got back, made myself breakfast (including a banana!), cleaned up the kitchen, which took about 30 seconds :dance: , made the bed, speed-cleaned the apartment, showered, got myself dressed and even coordinated the colors, believe it or not, it's 9:43 now and that was a morning in slacker mode, considering I spent a vast amount of time on FJ. OH! Also checked my emails, facebook, groupon, bank account.

ALL that in one day!! :shock:

And guess what, it's not over yet. After dedicating 4 or so hours to my thesis, I might have to go grocery shopping, will have to cook lunch, going to get some errands done, therapy at 4, and deal with some stuff like open new bank accounts and such, as we have moved.

Also, if I feel better I might go to a Zumba class, or - hold your breath- a Pole Dance class :D

After that, I will spend a nice evening (hopefully) with my man.

This is a LOW day, Lina. Just saying. Didn't light any candles though. Maybe this is where all the work is at.

I do see how she does not have the busy schedule to compare, though.

Also, I somehow understand why she wouldn't post about problems or issues in her marriage, thus the "all is great"- attitude. It's disrespectful to post about issues with your partner, I think, although a lot of fundies do not seem to have problems with it. Also, I don't go around telling people my problems, either. If it's not a really good friend, I'd rather say "it's all fine , thank you", then to even bother "you know, we've had this problem, it really bugs me so much he _____________, and now we're thinking about getting counseling..."

and I'M a pretty straightforward person. I'd tell more peope than others would, I think, but still by far not everyone.

edited because forgot my candles.

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Oh, hell, I forgot I also did my nails. Shame on me.

Edit: ALSO made my house smell like mandarine by eating half of one. Man! I deserve a "homemaker of the year who also manages school" award! :text-bravo:

/irony off

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Well if his mother is talking about something he did when he was little, I wouldn't be so concerned. But if he was older than say, 6 years old, I would have major concerns about the cat throwing incident. It's the whole lack of empathy, which coupled with TT's stalking of Lina, that's more a great big red sheet flying in the breeze than a little red flag.

Not surprised that comment was taken down. Hey Lina, if and when it all goes tits up for you, don't be too proud to come here for help. You might think we hate you, but we would welcome you with open arms and do our best to help you.

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The comments were hidden last night, at least for a while.

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I still think TT is uber creepy. They met on facebook and he "knew" she was going to be his wife from the first time he......."saw"?!?!?!?!.....her. (Love at first internet sighting?!?!?!)

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The cat thing wouldn't be as disturbing if TT was a nice guy. But, we all know that he stalked Lina to the point of her shutting down her FB, and that he believes it's cool to go all Sharia Law on a woman if she isn't perfectly submissive. He is mentally unstable, and will soon turn violent on Lina.

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You know, I sit in my cubicle here at work day after day, and dream of staying home because sometimes I just despise being at work. Oh, the things I would do! I would do art all day, I would photograph plants, I would go on walks, etc. etc. etc. But then when it comes down to it, I would be *so* bored out of my mind. What ELSE does one do all day? It seems like, without children (and with only a very small apartment), just staying home is a rather purposeless existence. I would feel SO worthless if I didn't have a job, if I didn't have a reason to take my shower and get out of bed and DO something, to go out in the world and have actual conversations with someone other than my husband. I think I would slip into some kind of depression very, very quickly. Lina is able-bodied; can she not volunteer somewhere during her days? Do some good outside of her relationship with TT?

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So, hesitancy about posting aside (because Lina reads this site, and she knows me via facebook/blogging etc), I actually joined FJ because of this thread. Was not aware AJ was the reason she shut down her previous account, but I was aware of some of his questionable beliefs. I got accused by some of Lina's crazy-ass faux rabbi friends of being a total whore for wanting to ask a guy out for coffee as a casual date (some of you might realise who I am now lol, I wish to be anonymous for obvious reasons). I like Lina, she is a genuinely kind and sweet girl, but she is so dangerously sheltered that if her marriage went sour, I'm not sure if she could escape.

FWIW I have clinical depression and most days achieve little more than she does, but I'm not fooling myself by thinking I am ~~~omg so busy~~~ when I'm not.

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Totally random:

this thread made me buy a scented candle today and now house smells like cedar wood. Manly. It's awesome. :)

(I also LIT the candle!)

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Have you guys ever had wood wick candles? Oh, so amazing. I have a total boner for candles.

I have a WoodWick candle outlet store 10 minutes from my house. Large size is $5, medium is $3. I have them burning every minute I am home!

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I have a WoodWick candle outlet store 10 minutes from my house. Large size is $5, medium is $3. I have them burning every minute I am home!

Whaaaaaaaaaaat. So jelly.

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Scented candles trigger migraines for me. It's very depressing to me. And, it didn't start until I was about 27 years old. I've had to leave people's houses, especially during the Christmas season, because they had candles lit.

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I'm a Scentsy girl, I like that there isn't a flame. I love the different scents. I also love soy candles.

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This thread is making me miss my candles. I used to have them lit all the time, but the apartment I live in right now (on campus) says no candles allowed. I have tried scented air freshener thingys, but they just aren't the same.

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So, hesitancy about posting aside (because Lina reads this site, and she knows me via facebook/blogging etc), I actually joined FJ because of this thread. Was not aware AJ was the reason she shut down her previous account, but I was aware of some of his questionable beliefs. I got accused by some of Lina's crazy-ass faux rabbi friends of being a total whore for wanting to ask a guy out for coffee as a casual date (some of you might realise who I am now lol, I wish to be anonymous for obvious reasons). I like Lina, she is a genuinely kind and sweet girl, but she is so dangerously sheltered that if her marriage went sour, I'm not sure if she could escape.

FWIW I have clinical depression and most days achieve little more than she does, but I'm not fooling myself by thinking I am ~~~omg so busy~~~ when I'm not.

None of us would shame anyone with depression or other illness that keeps them from doing 100%. Depression is hard!

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