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Lina's barf worthy 1 month anniversary post


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The Scentsy ad (and the odd fashion post - some are very cute) is the best thing about Feelin' Feminine.


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Okay it sounds like this wasn't a 1 time "lets see if it lands on its feet" kinda kid thing... she said "he used to throw our cats" plural, meaning several cats, maybe several times. This guy is dangerous.

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Okay it sounds like this wasn't a 1 time "lets see if it lands on its feet" kinda kid thing... she said "he used to throw our cats" plural, meaning several cats, maybe several times. This guy is dangerous.

That was how it sounded to me, too.

As I was reading the post, I did wonder how a baby/several young children would fit into all that busy-ness.

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Guest Anonymous
Okay it sounds like this wasn't a 1 time "lets see if it lands on its feet" kinda kid thing... she said "he used to throw our cats" plural, meaning several cats, maybe several times. This guy is dangerous.

If somebody did that to a cat of ours, I would snatch him bald (unless Mr. Snarky elbowed me out of the way to get at him). Oh, and nobody would ever find the body.

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If somebody did that to a cat of ours, I would snatch him bald (unless Mr. Snarky elbowed me out of the way to get at him). Oh, and nobody would ever find the body.


A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. -- Proverbs 12:10

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A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. -- Proverbs 12:10

You're going to have to translate that into Hebrew for it to mean anything to TT.

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Guest Anonymous

You're going to have to translate that into Hebrew for it to mean anything to TT.

Don't bother-he'll ignore it in BOTH languages.

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You're going to have to translate that into Hebrew for it to mean anything to TT.

translated for Tony:

איש צדיק ראגארדאט החיים מהחיה

שלו : אבל הטנדר רחמים של הרשע אכזרי. -- פתגמים 12:10:

And my spechul message to TT (you're an asshole):

אתה אידיוט

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Slow day:

Did a mail drop for the IBM mail study (a kind of secret shopping job), called it in, filled out the paperwork while grabbing breakfast out of the house, mailed the paperwork, stopped by the store for some things for my sick husband, stopped by the credit union to deposit a check and get some cash for weekly spending money, came home, checked on sick husband (who fed the kids, God bless him), showered, sorted two loads of clean laundry for putting away and made sure that my girls put away their clothes, put away my clothes, took oldest daughter on field trip to museum in lieu of usual homeschool schedule to make house quieter for sick husband, brought her home, took younger two children to storytime ditto, took younger two children out to lunch which involved mess monitoring for a 2- and a 5-year-old and two trips to the potty while I grabbed bites of my own lunch, checked on sick husband by phone, stopped by a fast food joint to get a treat for oldest daughter and something cold and fizzy for sick husband, made bread, did a load of laundry, wrote and sent three orders for my other part-time job which involved a phone call to get a P.O. number, wiped poopy butts multiple times in the course of the day, let the cat out and in and fed it, wiped the counter, and did some dishes. It's only a quarter to four and there is a lot more to do after this break.

Lina has a lot to learn.

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You know... it isn't that I have a problem with someone sitting at home. I have a family member who is content to let her husband work 12 hour days while she's sitting home watching tv and having her nails done. But at least my relative doesn't try to pass off her laziness and unwillingness to get a j-o-b as doing God's work. Lina seems to believe that lighting pumpkin candles and scrubbin' boxers is somehow her biblical role. I don't buy it one bit. Don't work, don't volunteer, sit around doing nothing... it's all good; but Lina please drop the attitude that you are livin' the holy-high life and are somehow better than others because you believe your godly calling is to literally do nothing but make apple crisp and vacuum.

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I made applesauce, washed dishes and turned on my Scentsy all while wearing a skirt. I am Yah-some today!

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I went to class, went to the financial aid office, ate lunch, was going to do laundry but it's raining outside :( did homework. Oh, and I have a sinus infection.

Yeah, not an eventful day for me as an unmarried 19 year old college student with no kids, but I only have one room to really take care of. And I still do more than Lina does.

Maybe if I wore my black ankle-length skirt I'd be busier? Hmmm. I do have a paper to write and two exams to study for.

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I tidied my room, did some CV/uni admin stuff, made food, did laundry and played Sims Social (I even let my sim woohoo before marriage!). Must have been the skirt.

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Scented candles trigger migraines for me. It's very depressing to me. And, it didn't start until I was about 27 years old. I've had to leave people's houses, especially during the Christmas season, because they had candles lit.

Yeah, my housemate was burning incense about a month ago and I'm pretty sure it triggered a silent migraine. Which has never happened before (I'm 21). So now I'm nervous about all scented stuff. Sigh. Stupid neurology.

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As a cat owner/lover, yikes.

I know. It makes me so mad, and it also makes a lot of alarm bells go off in my head. So many red flags.

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Didn't accomplish anything today so far, besides giving my boyfriend a ride to the train station, wanted to go back to bed because was tired, wasn't tired enough to fall back asleep though.

Am now tempted to get go breakfast out of the house after reading this, while I really should be working on my thesis since I'm working at 4 pm and will have to clean here at some point during this week, today or tomorrow preferrably since I'm working all day on friday.


I want to have a breakfast date with a friend (not happening, since they're all working full time) and get my nails done. Maybe a spa treatment. Why is it I don't have someone providing for me and I have to do my part, too?

Oh, wait. Maybe because we're working on this together and he's not the only one who has to do his part.

Maybe because I'd be bored to death after one or two weeks.

Maybe because he's not my money-making slave.

:clap: to me for figuring that out. :)

(Plan for today- call car insurance, get them to give me the information my mother won't give me, open new bank account, write as many thesis pages as possible!, have breakfast, get lunch from somewhere, clean apartment, work from 4-7, which means leaving at 315, telling my father i unfortunately won't be able to have dinner with him, which is a total lie, spending a nice evening with my boyfriend, maybe taking a zumba class. still not an all too busy day)

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Re: The whole candle thing.

So as mentioned before, I went out at bought a scented candle yesterday. Actually thought I'd make it all homey and nice here. my ever-paranoid boyfriend was quick to point out candle can harm fire and generally are a safety hazard. He'd rather not have them burning, because, y'know, what if you forget about them and leave the house?

(It's a candle in a freaking glass!)

So, as a good helpmeet ;) , shall I submit? I like my candle :evil: :violin:

Edit: Just realized I'll be able to skip the part about getting lunch, since I was smart/cheap/thrifty enough to take home my leftovers from the Italian place last night. :)

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Okay it sounds like this wasn't a 1 time "lets see if it lands on its feet" kinda kid thing... she said "he used to throw our cats" plural, meaning several cats, maybe several times. This guy is dangerous.

Totally read it as this. She is also implying he hates cats.

I know a lot of people who do not like cats and not one single person would ever dream of harming one. It would not cross their minds.

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Totally read it as this. She is also implying he hates cats.

I know a lot of people who do not like cats and not one single person would ever dream of harming one. It would not cross their minds.

My husband HATES cats, LOATHES them, but when we had to put our (admitedly PURE EVIL) feline to sleep, he went into the room and held her for me because I couldn't (8 1/2 months pregnant and I was absolutely friggin hysterical).

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