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(CW: CSA) Josh & Anna 45: 19 Crimes and Counting; Found Guilty of Two of Them


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10 minutes ago, Satan'sFortress said:

Considering how I felt and spoke about Derrick over the past years, and considering how he seems to have emerged heroically (horrible beliefs aside) I think I for one owe someone an apology. 

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I called Derrick Dickhead for awhile. I don't think I awe him an apology. At the time he was going on many anti LGBTQ rants on twitter including cyber bullying a teenager. I'm glad he's moved away from that and is on the right side today, but I still think I was right for calling him shitty when he was being shitty.

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1 minute ago, breakfree said:

Wow I actually do think Anna must be used to heels, the speed with which she bolts up those stairs in them is impressive. No snark.

It's amazing what you can do when you really really need to. She probably really needed to get out of there

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1 minute ago, breakfree said:

Wow I actually do think Anna must be used to heels, the speed with which she bolts up those stairs in them is impressive. No snark.

Public mortification can be motivating for speed walking in any kind of footwear. 

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8 minutes ago, neuroticcat said:

I think any sadness she immediately feels has got to be the death of whatever dreams she had for fundie family life. I mean, she’s had some eye openers in the past, but they “got through” it last time. If the courtroom wasn’t the wake up moment for her, this has got to be. Whether she wanted them or not, likely no more babies, no more of the family life she expected. Maybe she will find her anger about this and it will release the rest? 

I don't know if this is the death of the fairytale moment for her, but if it isn't? I'm not sure what could be. I know that the kool-aid she drinks is mega strong because of her environment and family, but oh to be inside her head right now. The mental gymnastics warring with common sense with righteous anger she's probably been repressing and then the indoctrination pushing back. It's gotta be busy up there. Last time she quoted Elisabeth Elliot and said she just concentrated on the next right thing. The most important thing in her world right now needs to be her kids, and I pray that she puts all her energy on caring for them. I'm sure it would be too much to ask to hope she gets some professional help for herself. She's gotta be traumatized. I really hope whatever is best for those kids is what she does. I really feel for her children and really am rooting for something good to come out of this for them. 

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5 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:

I spy Anna, Hilary, Clare, Justin, JB and David Waller running out of the court room together. Anna looks ill.


Of course Ma Spivey is there! Oh, I bet JRod is beyond jealous at this point.

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14 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Don't let this keep you from posting.  There are people like that on every forum, the ignore function comes in handy.  

How do you ignore people? I was looking for that sort of function.

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5 minutes ago, zee_four said:

People say this about the Duggar threads all the time, mostly people who have been here forever and many mods,  and I've never noticed any push back. I know you don't happen to like most things I post and that's okay, it's your opinion, but it'd be nice for there to be consistency. 

I'm sorry if I offended any newbies. Everyone is a newbie once and that's okay. I didn't expect to see someone this morning posting about how people with criminal records deserve to be killed in the streets and aren't real victims after also seeing that I shouldn't have been concerned about Smuggar getting off as a rich, white , conservative evangelical Christian because privilege doesn't work that way, and clearly I'm too stupid to understand otherwise.

I still mean it if you hold those beliefs I'm not thrilled, but everyone else welcome. I mean that and I'm sorry I had to spell it out I thought it went without saying and I apologize. 

There is consistency, whenever I see someone shitting on a new person I remind them that despite what they think they are not on the FJ Gatekeeping Team.  Every time.  Always.

If this happens and I didn't respond I didn't see it.  

Consistency.  If you have any issues with how things are modded take it to Community Discussion.  

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1 minute ago, justoneoftwo said:

It's amazing what you can do when you really really need to. She probably really needed to get out of there

Oh no question, but I'd be tripping all over the place 🙃 I am quite clumsy though.

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7 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:

I spy Anna, Hilary, Clare, Justin, JB and David Waller running out of the court room together. Anna looks ill.


JB looked like he's been crying.  Anna looks like she holding back from breaking out in a run.  My lack of sympathy for her is no secret. but those kids need their mom to be okay.  I hope she has whatever support she needs to hold it together for them while she processes this.

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12 minutes ago, zee_four said:

I still mean it if you hold those beliefs I'm not thrilled, but everyone else welcome. I mean that and I'm sorry I had to spell it out I thought it went without saying and I apologize. 

As a longtime member of FJ, I have to say that there are times I walk away because of the rampant mockery and dismissal of all conservatives.  I tend to just skip past certain posters these days because of it.  One can still care about justice and freedom and believe that government tends to make matters worse and solutions lie elsewhere without being any of the -isms the worst exhibit.  Just like the liberals here aren't automatically the worst or about cancel culture.

I come back for the more broadminded discussions that engage and consider from a variety of perspectives.  Now, more than ever, we need thoughtful dialogue without the microaggressions in either direction.


Edited by AuntKrazy
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Nothing about the verdict but every time I see a picture of Josh during the trial his hair looked greasy dirty. I also found two pictures of Michelle’s father and although a family doctor told us that the mother’s father is where offspring children (like the Duggar boys) get their baldness from. The Duggar men/boys definitely get it from Michelle’s father. Also, I never even thought about it but now I can’t unsee that JB definitely looks like he has a hairpiece on .

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2 minutes ago, Bipolardanicats said:

How do you ignore people? I was looking for that sort of function.

It's in the FAQ but as I'm right here...

Go to your name at the top right of the screen > Ignored users > add new user to ignore list.  

FYI you can't ignore admins or helpmates.

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Now it could be a joke post but I have just seen what is meant to be the office at the car lot. We are a working class family and my garden shed is bigger! No wonder jury were able to convict on the basis he was in there. I am only surprised the computer fit, never mind a human being as well!

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2 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

JB looked like he's been crying.  Anna looks like she holding back from breaking out in a run.  My lack of sympathy for her is no secret. but those kids need their mom to be okay.  I hope she has whatever support she needs to hold it together for them while she processes this.

I hope she does process it. She's shoved a LOT of stuff into the back closet of her mind. I worry that's where this is about to go.

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I have a hard time with Anna. And not to be fucked up but if she really thought he was innocent until now  she has to be reliving their sex life wondering what’s normal and why he chose her. The fundies are already sexually repressed, misinformed, and shamed. Now this. She has to be wondering how she brought so many children I to the world with this monster.

Edited by Daisy0322
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1 minute ago, sansan said:

Nothing about the verdict but every time I see a picture of Josh during the trial his hair looked greasy dirty. I also found two pictures of Michelle’s father and although a family doctor told us that the mother’s father is where offspring children (like the Duggar boys) get their baldness from. The Duggar men/boys definitely get it from Michelle’s father. Also, I never even thought about it but now I can’t unsee that JB definitely looks like he has a hairpiece on .

This was the prevailing thought until recently.  There are 63 genes that control hair loss and only 6 are on the X chromosome which men only inherent from their moms.  So it's more complicated than once thought.

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3 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

JB looked like he's been crying.  Anna looks like she holding back from breaking out in a run.  My lack of sympathy for her is no secret. but those kids need their mom to be okay.  I hope she has whatever support she needs to hold it together for them while she processes this.

In one shot she was rotating her marriage ring, fiddling with it while going up the stairs. That strikes me as...interesting.

Not promising, just kind of interesting. I constantly fiddle with my engagement ring on days I remember to wear it (chemistry job/ADHD/never wore rings before-combo) and it's impossible for me to yet see it as just a ring. Even when I'm just fidgeting, I'm somewhat aware of what it is (At least I have a partner) and why I have it. 

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37 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

JB sold out his children for the sake of the cult, for himself and for $$. I'll be curious to see just how much money he will drop on an appeal. Money earned mostly on the backs of his kids. 

I don't live too far from where Rittenhouse is from. His mother should never have driven her 17 year old son, with a gun, to a riot/protest. This is going to follow him for the rest of his days. And yes, I'm sure there will be civil suits, however the family barely has a pot to piss in unless you count the money the kid has gotten. I have heard there is a fight for that now amongst his lawyers. 

It still blows my mind that people are parroting public talking points and opining without knowing basic facts of the case- his mom did not drive him or the gun to the protest. 

I don’t think JB will ultimately finance the appeal. Right now, while he still maybe delusionally thinks he has political chances, he might say something publicly about it. But once that’s over, I think they will wash their hands of Josh. There is a lot of narcissistic supply to come from being martyr-like and long suffering.

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14 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:

I spy Anna, Hilary, Clare, Justin, JB and David Waller running out of the court room together. Anna looks ill.


I flipped JB the double bird because Jim Bob and I’m 10.  Pops Smugger is having a bad day.  

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24 minutes ago, Tatar-tot said:

How the F can he be smiling?  Is he on massive drugs???


Our neighbor is a retired prosecutor and she says that, almost universally, guilty people, who are feigning innocence, smile in mug shots, as they think this makes them look less guilty. 

She says that  innocent people being processed look distraught. Guilty people, who aren’t claiming innocence look mad, sad, resigned or petulant. 

so, if you are ever guilty, and trying to fake innocence, look distraught and horrified in your mug shot to help plant a seed in the prosecution’s mind. 

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25 minutes ago, xenobia said:

Priscilla is also very much pregnant, due January 2022. I understand if she doesn't want to travel. But why Annas mother or another sister isn't there, I don't know. 

Didn't the Wallers go on a trip to Australia when Priscilla was heavily pregnant? Granted, that was before she had all of those kids, but David doesn't seem to give a fuck about her comfort.

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5 minutes ago, neuroticcat said:

I don’t think JB will ultimately finance the appeal.

I agree, I'd be surprised.  Any decent lawyer would lay out that it's an exercise in futility; it would just be throwing good money after bad AND keeping it in the public eye unnecessarily.  

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