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US House Of Representatives 3: The Dems Govern While The GQPers Genuflect To The Former Guy


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My word, Louie is an idiot. He doesn't even realize what he said:


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I love Katie Porter:


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I saw this earlier and thought we should note it here

Indiana Rep. Jackie Walorski killed in car crash



Rep. Jackie Walorski, R-Ind., was among four victims of a car crash Wednesday afternoon in northern Indiana.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., issued a statement confirming the death, writing, "Dean Swihart, Jackie's husband, was just informed by the Elkhart County Sheriff's office that Jackie was killed in a car accident this afternoon. She has returned home to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. We have no further comment at this time."

Walorski, 58, was traveling with her communications director, Emma Thomson, and Zachery Potts of the St. Joseph’s County Republican Party, when a car heading in the opposite direction drifted over the center line and struck their vehicle, killing all occupants. The driver of the other vehicle, Edith Schmucker, was also killed.

Walorski was first elected to the seat, which contains the cities of South Bend and Elkhart, in 2012 after time spent as a television reporter and state legislator. She was the ranking member of the House Ethics Committee.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, whose term as mayor of South Bend overlapped with Walorski’s tenure, issued a statement expressing his condolences.

“I'm shocked and saddened to hear of the tragic death of Congresswoman Jackie Walorski,” Buttigieg said. “My thoughts and prayers are with her family and the other victims of this terrible crash. Though we came from very different places politically, she was always prepared to work together where there was common ground, always decent and straightforward, and she cared deeply about her work and her constituents.”

There's no question in my mind, both with political makeup of Indiana and because Jackie was a republican, that she will be replaced with a republican at least until an election. My concern is that the Indiana legislature, if they do appoint someone to finish out her term, will appoint another wackadoodle.

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Nothing like the leader of the GQP threatening the Attorney General:


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It's completely unsurprising that McCarthy is threatening Garland. He's scared shitless of what Garland will find out about Trump... and more importantly about himself.

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11 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Nothing like the leader of the GQP threatening the Attorney General:


"Hey, you guy over there doing your job.  Stop doing it or I'll come after you for doing your job.  No, seriously, I mean it.  I MEAN IT! Why are you laughing?"  I have little doubt Merrick Garland and the people working under him as well as the FBI agents are not even breaking a sweat.  The agents are absolutely covered by a federal judge (oh please let it be a Trump appointee) having reviewed the search warrant and finding probable cause.  Assuming Garland and/or his assistants were involved in the search warrant process (sometimes prosecutors review or help draft search warrants) they too are covered under having the judicial review.  Quevin might want to seriously consider his threats.  If he doesn't follow through, he'll have a whole bunch of angry followers on his hands.  If he does follow through and starts trying to undermine the credibility of the DOJ/FBI and, assuming the Rs take back the House, Senate, and POTUS, good luck trying to restore that credibility when the Rs want to use those same agencies for investigations that would be nationally publicized.  Careful grabbing the tiger by the tail, little man.  

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55 minutes ago, AlmostSavedAtTacoBell said:

The agents are absolutely covered by a federal judge (oh please let it be a Trump appointee) having reviewed the search warrant and finding probable cause. 

From sources on Twitter, the federal judge was a Trump appointee.

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Hey guys, guess who also sought a pardon from Trump according to Liz Cheney’s big reveal during the Jan. 6 Committee hearings? I love the sound of criminal conspiracy assholes collectively puckering.


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Gym, Gym, Gym...


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2 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Gym, Gym, Gym...


I think the DOJ and FBI have been pretty clear why they did it. Trump took things that don’t belong to him. They went to get them back. He only gave some back. They found out he had more. They went to get the rest. Oh, and security camera footage to see who got a look at the things. I realize Gym isn’t very smart but a 3rd grader who just took Benadryl for allergies could have understood it. 

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Oh for fuck's sake:


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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Oh for fuck's sake:


Why am I not surprised at all! All they want to do is obstruct obstruct obstruct.

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10 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

All they want to do is obstruct obstruct obstruct.

Isn't that what the "O" in GOP stands for? 


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On 8/11/2022 at 3:52 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

Gym, Gym, Gym...


The way that last sentence is phrased makes it sound like Democrats are fighting a war on election takeovers, among other things. Maybe that squirrel unintentionally hit a nut?

(Yeah, I'm pretty sure he just didn't proofread.)

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You know what's truly scary? If the repugs take the house in November, this yahoo will be chair of the intelligence committee. This is despite his displaying precious little intelligence.


More stupidity from Turner:


Another good one under spoiler:




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Oh Qevin, you seem to forget the multiple ego walls your orange lord and master displays everywhere he inhabits:




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Another Republican fuck stick saying the quiet parts out loud and getting called out on it. 


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I am thoroughly enjoying all these people dropping the receipts on the crybabies who are whining about the loan  forgiveness program. I didn’t get my loans forgiven. And I am still very happy for the people who will qualify.  It’s not about “fair”. It’s about being an empathetic and humane person who can feel happy that someone somewhere is breathing a little easier today because some if not all of the student loan debt just took care of itself and if it didn’t completely go away, limits on how much had to be paid per month were imposed. No, it won’t help me who paid all of my student loans but it’s going to help someone who has been unwilling to get out and vote in the midterms and in 2024 because “what did they ever do for ME?” so maybe the blue keeps the Senate and shakes up the House. I say with no exaggeration that maybe someone who has been dealing with mental health issues feels just a little bit better today. Maybe a single parent who pursued a degree to make a better life for the kids or maybe someone who by nothing more than chance was born in an area rampant with crime and gangs found a path to higher education against the odds, then it’s all worth it. If my taxes go up  (and the amount will be so small I probably won’t miss it) then I say money well spent. I would much rather invest money in our fellow human beings than in death machines and much of the rest of the military budget. Let the NRA fund that shit. Meanwhile, we can invest in human beings. 

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Gym decided to screech about "real America". The responses are great.





More under spoiler:










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I'm a bit on the fence about Katie Porter. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of hers and the way she can school people she has oversight over. But I believe the job she is doing in Congress is absolutely vital, and she's killing it. I don't think it would be good for the function of Congress if she left to run the country.

On the other hand, I also think she'd do a pretty good job in an executive role. Hence the fence sitting...

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