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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 21


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"Conspiracy Sickie"


Donald Trump’s last doctor, Doctor Ronnie, told us Trump could live to be 200 years old. He lied about Donald Trump’s weight. He even lied about his height. Hell, maybe they’re even lying about his age. Now, that jackass is running for Congress in Texas, but his successor has taken over the medical lies.

When asked by reporters today if Trump had been on oxygen, Dr. Sean Conley said, “he’s not currently on oxygen.” They tried again. Has he been on oxygen? “He’s currently not on oxygen.” Again. Has the president (sic) of the United States been on oxygen at any time over the past 24 hours? “He’s currently not on oxygen.”

Later, we found out he has been on oxygen.

Then, the doctor messed up and told us they’ve been treating Trump for the past 72 hours. That’s weird. Donald Trump didn’t test negative until 1:00 A.M. Monday morning and that little press briefing was today, on Saturday. That was not 72 hours ago. Are these doctors actually spin doctors? Have they been treating Donald Trump longer than they revealed he’s had the virus? Did Donald Trump know he had the virus when he went to New Jersey to schmooze for campaign cash at an indoor fundraiser? Did he know he might have the virus at the debate?

Did Donald Trump know he might have the virus when he arrived late at the debate, thus being able to avoid a covid test? Did his family, who refused to wear face masks at the debate, know this?

Did Donald Trump intentionally try to pass the virus onto his political opponent?

This administration has lost all credibility. Even the medical experts have lost our trust.

It’s amazing that after four years, we’re still discovering that Donald Trump can be even more vile, selfish, arrogant, and horrible than we already believed he was.


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"Virtually Nobody"


Today, my friend Mike Petersen, who does a website and feature called “Cartoon of the Day,” used my cartoon from yesterday and said I was “piling on.” I don’t take issue with that, but that really wasn’t my intention.

For me, political cartoons should point out the obvious. Donald Trump told racist goons to “stand by.” In my cartoon, that goon is Clorox Man, who I created some time ago to replace Kool-Aid Man. I’m taking the same route for today’s cartoon. Trump said the coronavirus “affects virtually nobody.” Right now, the president of the United States is in Walter Reed Medical Center which is not where one goes when they’re unaffected by the coronavirus.

Donald Trump is in what they call the “Presidential Suite” at the military hospital in Bethesda. This is named after the president, not Donald Trump. But now, we should definitely call the coronavirus the “Trump Virus.” He has his name all over it. Now, it’s all up inside him.

If people see me as piling on, so be it. What’s worse than piling on is the inability of being humble by the Trump cult. Right now, these people should be eating some humble pie, eating crow, admitting they were wrong and that their actions endangered their health and lives, those of their families, and the entire nation. They need to eat some shit.

Eric Trump sent out a tweet about praying for his daddy. That’s nice. But at the debate, Eric refused to wear a mask. In fact, officials in Cleveland even offered him and his siblings, Donald Jr, Tiffany, Ivanka, and their wives and girlfriends, masks. Even Melania refused to mask up. And the thing is, the entire team of arrogant, selfish, entitled slobs showed up late. It was too late to be tested for the virus as everyone was supposed to be who attended the event. Donald Trump, who may have known he was likely to test positive, was not tested. They refused to be mature or responsible. They need to eat some shit.

This is selfishness and arrogance. But it gets worse.

After being in contact with the Biden Campaign, the Trump Campaign did NOT inform them of the danger. There was no courtesy or responsibility extended by Donald Trump, who of course has famously said, “I take no responsibility.”

Then, after learning White House aide Hope Hicks had tested positive and being on the same helicopter and plane as she was, Donald Trump still flew off to New Jersey for a fundraiser. An indoor fundraiser. Thursday, before Trump tested positive, but knowing he was in danger, White House Spokesgoon Kayleigh McEnany held a press briefing without informing the press. Now, three journalists have tested positive. Kayleigh needs to eat some shit.

Yesterday, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was out talking to reporters without a mask saying it’s OK because he tested negative. This is still being selfish and arrogant. They’re still ignoring science because if you’ve been paying attention, he can still test positive tomorrow. Mark Meadows needs to eat some shit.

And they’re testing positive. So far, three Republicans senators have tested positive. Thom Tillis of North Carolina, Mike Lee of Utah, and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Do you know what all three of them need to eat? Shit.

Others in the Trump orbit of doom have also tested positive such as the First Lady, Melania, Kellyanne Conway (who was in the debate prep), Campaign Manager Bill Stepien, and others. You can expect more positives throughout the next few days. Does the Trump Virus affect one’s appetite because Melania, Bill, and most of all, Kellyanne need to eat….wait for it….SHIT!!!!

Yesterday, a fucknut cartoonist drew two cartoons defending Trump. In the first, Trump is still raring to debate despite having the virus. You know, because he’s a tough guy. In the second, he’s going after Nancy Pelosi for pointing out that Trump should have exercised more caution. The Trump cult doesn’t handle reality very well and we’re still not seeing anything resembling humble from them. Does Uber Eats deliver shit?

Eric wants us to pray for his dad. For the past eight months, these assholes have been real assholes about this. The White House has manipulated data. The president (sic) has demanded schools to reopen putting your children’s lives in danger. Jared thought this would play very well politically by hitting the blue states hardest. They made attempts to outbid states’ purchases of medical equipment, driving up costs. They withheld medical equipment with Jared saying, “It’s ours, not yours.” Trump tweeted, “Liberate Michigan,” sending his goons to storm state capitals. He encouraged bikers to gather in Sturgis. He continued to hold hate rallies without any safety precautions. In fact, in Tulsa, they removed stickers on seats that were encouraging social distancing. They waged a political war against wearing face masks. They made the masks about individual liberty and freedom. They promoted fake treatment like Hydroxychloroquine and bleach. Donald Trump promoted fake treatment from a doctor who warns of demon sperm. Donald Trump directed his goons to engage in a smear campaign against Dr. Fauci. The administration politicized the CDC. Even inside the White House, the wearing of face masks has been discouraged. And even after Donald Trump’s friend and supporter, Herman Cain, died, they refused to take it seriously. Every single Trump cultist needs to eat a big, huge pile of steaming shit.

A lot of liberals think Donald Trump is faking this. Trust me. They don’t want to eat all this shit.

There is hope. Yesterday afternoon, after Trump was helicoptered from the South Lawn to Walter Reed, a group of White House goons was seen gathered with nearly all of them wearing face masks. Though, they still were not practicing social distancing.

The president’s main job is to protect the people of the United States. Donald Trump has said this himself on many occasions. To do this, the president, even Donald Trump, must protect himself. His life doesn’t belong to just him and his family right now. He has an obligation to the nation. Donald Trump refused to protect the presidency. Take care of his citizens? Take care of his own people? Donald Trump, who has gathered his followers into tight rallies, failed to even take care of himself.

The Trump cult does not do well with facts, even when their lives depend on it. It’s a fact that most things Donald Trump says is wrong. He said the corona…er, Trump Virus “affects virtually nobody.”

He was wrong. If you don’t believe me, ask his doctor.


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SNL is back. I preferred Woody Harrelson playing Biden, but Carrey does a decent job.


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Weekend Update was also good:


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