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Lori 65: The Demonic Agenda regarding Women

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god isn’t going to deny someone into heaven because they didn’t rape their wife. Just like god wont allow people into heaven that does rape their wives. Pretty sure you can’t have a real relationship with god while finding it okay to rape. Yes being turned down for sex sucks but it’s not the end of the world. These great Christian husbands who “saved” themselves went without sex until they are married. That’s  at least 17 years. They can wait if need be. 

I think the issue Lori should have addressed instead of this one, not that she should address anything at all, is withholding sex for stuff. I think it could hit a little close to home though. I could see Lori taking sex off of the table to get something. 

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Usually rape isn’t the only violent thing that occurs in a relationship either. There’ll frequently be other things too like physical/emotional abuse etc. And it’ll have been building up for a long time. That’s why abusive relationships are so insidious. 

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I am so sick of Lori. I just needed to say that. 

The Bible doesn't say anything about college or careers. You know why? (Well, this is FJ, you all do--but apparently Lori and her cult do not). Because there was no such thing as formalized education for the masses when the Bible was written. There were no "careers". Much of the O.T focuses on a nomadic and then agrarian culture. The N.T. is not much different, though by the time of the epistles home businesses, per se, had developed--hence Joseph was a carpenter and Paul was a tentmaker, etc.. There is not prohibition anywhere on women working in any trade. Priscilla is identified as a tentmaker alongside her husband in the book of Acts. Many other women are identified as working essentially alongside their husbands. And, indeed for much of human history until the industrial revolution, business was conducted by families, all of whom would work to make the family business operate and often essentially lived behind or above it so that they ate and breathed the work. Women weren't hiding in the back doing nothing but minding the children because the work wouldn't get done if they did. It was all hands on deck. 

There have been very few times in western history when it was economically possible for the majority of women below the upper classes to not contribute to the family income. In the early industrial era, the entire family often worked in factories. Have these people really never heard about child labor issues in the  19th Century? The U.S in the 1950s and early 60s was one of the isolated periods when a booming economy made it possible for even middle class families to survive and thrive on one income and for mothers to stay at home with children. And that time passed quickly. 


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5 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

I am so sick of Lori. I just needed to say that. 

The Bible doesn't say anything about college or careers. You know why? (Well, this is FJ, you all do--but apparently Lori and her cult do not). Because there was no such thing as formalized education for the masses when the Bible was written. There were no "careers". Much of the O.T focuses on a nomadic and then agrarian culture. The N.T. is not much different, though by the time of the epistles home businesses, per se, had developed--hence Joseph was a carpenter and Paul was a tentmaker, etc.. There is not prohibition anywhere on women working in any trade. Priscilla is identified as a tentmaker alongside her husband in the book of Acts. Many other women are identified as working essentially alongside their husbands. And, indeed for much of human history until the industrial revolution, business was conducted by families, all of whom would work to make the family business operate and often essentially lived behind or above it so that they ate and breathed the work. Women weren't hiding in the back doing nothing but minding the children because the work wouldn't get done if they did. It was all hands on deck. 

There have been very few times in western history when it was economically possible for the majority of women below the upper classes to not contribute to the family income. In the early industrial era, the entire family often worked in factories. Have these people really never heard about child labor issues in the  19th Century? The U.S in the 1950s and early 60s was one of the isolated periods when a booming economy made it possible for even middle class families to survive and thrive on one income and for mothers to stay at home with children. And that time passed quickly. 

Yes, to all this. I suspect the closest thing to formal education they had then was the temple, which Jesus ran off to without telling his parents! There's no way whatsoever that Mary just sat around cuddling Jesus and cooking meals -  most likely baby Jesus was tied onto her back while she was helping Joseph with the carpentry. I'm sure she cooked, but it wouldn't have been only her... often multiple generations lived together or nearby, and many times the older women would have done the cooking while the younger women were running businesses and going to the market and doing all that sort of thing. 

I've said this before, but I grew up on a small family dairy farm. My mom was a "stay at home mom", but she absolutely didn't just take care of the home and us. She was up well before dawn every morning to help milk the cows before dad went to work. Often she'd have to do the final barn cleanup all herself, if he was running late. Then she'd get us up and fed and dressed, and off to school if it wasn't summer. While we were at school, she wasn't spending her days napping on the sofa - she was feeding cows, driving the hour and a half to the large animal vet, doing the bookkeeping, dealing with the milk pickup truck, etc. She was WORKING. Part of it was cooking dinner and cleaning the house, and tending the large garden we had to grow some food of our own. But there was also a lot of driving tractors, baling hay, hauling things here and there, caring for the cows, repairing fences, etc. on top of the normal taking the car to get inspected, keeping up the house, grocery shopping, and that sort of thing. And as kids, yeah we spent a lot of time playing, but we also did a lot of work on the farm as well. Baling hay is a whole family activity. If mom or dad was too sick to go to the barn, guess who took their place? Yep, that was us. Once when we first were getting started we only had one cow and mom had the flu. Guess who got up at 5 before kindergarten to go help milk that cow in the cold? That would be me. Got kicked, too. 

Even in Lori's ideal 50's fantasy where the wife wore heels and pearls and stayed home with the children, that wasn't the real truth. Farm families, those with family businesses, the working poor, basically everyone except the upper middle class and higher - the women were working. And those kids were going to school. As soon as those kids were old enough to stay home by themselves for an hour or two (which frankly was a much younger age than it is these days) many moms went back to work. Both my grandmothers worked, once their kids were old enough. They had both also worked before they had kids, and my dad's mother also did a lot of farm work throughout his childhood.

Lori is deluded. And possibly demented. And also stupid on top of it. Her "ideal" she thinks God has commanded for women looks nothing like her own life, and has never actually existed for anyone but the very wealthy. And it only worked for them (and for Lori!) because they relied on other working women!

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42 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

Because there was no such thing as formalized education for the masses when the Bible was written. There were no "careers".

Exactly.  Then, and now for many people, it hasn't been about a career, but about survival.  People, not just fathers, did and do what they must so their families would have a place to sleep, food to eat, and something to wear.  Lori is  not only ignorant of history, she is willfully stupid, rejecting anything that doesn't fit her very narrow worldview.  She really needs to STFU.   

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Lori says she "teaches the truth in love" but there is no love involved. She hates women. Plain and simple...they are at fault for EVERYTHING.  She even said in a blog post last week, "even when you are right, you are wrong."

This is a passage from her book (yeah, i bought it...so I could reference it and leave a true review on Amazon)..."Being submissive means you obey your husband joyfully in all things. Study your husband and listen to him so you will know how to best please him. Find out what foods he likes, what he likes you to wear, how he likes you to act, how he like you to respond to him, how tidy he likes the home and all the little things that make him happy."

Basically Lori's message to women is this:

  • You are awful in every way and deserve NOTHING
  • You need a man to tell you how to act and think and BE
  • shut up
  • make some food
  • keep your legs spread
  • and have a bunch of kids along the way

This makes my soul ache and not because I am being "convicted"  I don't like to "hate" anyone...I really don't...but sometimes I feel like I really hate her and especially how she is misleading others. 

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"Mary just happened to be the first" to know of the resurrection.  My belief is there was nothing coincidental about the events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection.  There was a reason a woman follower of Christ was the first to know he had risen.  Perhaps because she wasn't one of the ones who were supposed to be his best friends and fell asleep in the Garden when he went to pray, or because one of his male leaders denied knowing him three times.  Mary was chosen for a reason by God, just like the other Mary was chosen to give birth to Christ.  

To twist the scripture of one of the most revered parts of the Bible to suit your opnion-based agenda is a preaching a lie.  Paul's teaching to women is literal and applied to today, but the resurrection story is a coincidental tale.  Lori, you get crazier by the day.  It's another way to reduce women to insignificant paperdolls who are on the stage of life to entertain men.

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32 minutes ago, wallysmommy said:

"Mary just happened to be the first" to know of the resurrection.  My belief is there was nothing coincidental about the events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection.  There was a reason a woman follower of Christ was the first to know he had risen.  Perhaps because she wasn't one of the ones who were supposed to be his best friends and fell asleep in the Garden when he went to pray, or because one of his male leaders denied knowing him three times.  Mary was chosen for a reason by God, just like the other Mary was chosen to give birth to Christ.  

To twist the scripture of one of the most revered parts of the Bible to suit your opnion-based agenda is a preaching a lie.  Paul's teaching to women is literal and applied to today, but the resurrection story is a coincidental tale.  Lori, you get crazier by the day.  It's another way to reduce women to insignificant paperdolls who are on the stage of life to entertain men.

Only two people have commented thus far, and they're both dissenting opinions. I think her leghumpers are going to have a really hard time digesting this one.

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41 minutes ago, wallysmommy said:

My belief is there was nothing coincidental about the events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection.  There was a reason a woman follower of Christ was the first to know he had risen.

One might think that was done specifically to show people like Lori that women are of value to the god of the Bible.  Unfortunately Lori is too stubbornly stupid to see that.  

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I can’t read Lori on FJ or her page. She’s part of what has made me question my faith. I hate her and every time I see her name my bP goes up... but I just had to come say every time I see this thread title as I’m navigating to another thread I think ‘why yes, she does have a demonic agenda towards women’... carry on brave soldiers who can stomach her!

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33 minutes ago, delphinium65 said:

One might think that was done specifically to show people like Lori that women are of value to the god of the Bible.  Unfortunately Lori is too stubbornly stupid to see that.  

My pastor pointed this out specifically in his Easter sermon - that it was the women who were the first to be told of the resurrection. Women, who in that time weren't even allowed to be witnesses in court, were the first to witness the resurrection, and were the ones told to go and tell the disciples. That was done specifically - because the resurrection was for all people, women and men, everyone is of equal value to God. Women were the first to the resurrection. Women were the last to stand by him at the cross. While the disciples were hiding, the women went to tend Jesus' body. Mary, at the time a very young woman, was the first to know of God's plan to send Jesus to Earth. All through the Bible there are women mentioned who are important and valuable. They aren't "this guy's wife," they are mentioned by their own names.

I don't remember Jesus ever saying "why isn't that woman at home taking care of her babies?" But he often spoke to women as people, as individuals, showing they matter. In fact at least once he praised a woman who came to listen to him while ignoring the housework that needed to be done!

Lori's the one who thinks women have no value without a man. Because Lori Alexander is a lazy stupid helpless POS who has spent practically her entire adult life mooching off of Ken, and she can't bear to think that most women are not like her. Because if most women are smart, able to care for themselves, hard working, responsible, and able to think for themselves, it makes it obvious exactly how stupid and lazy Lori is.

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18 hours ago, Lgirlrocks said:

Proverbs 31:16-17: 

16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.

17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengthen her arms.

I want to focus on verse 17. "She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengthened her arms." That literally means she hitched up her long rope and made it into "shorts" so she could work the vineyard and that work strengthened her arms. (Anyone that has picked grapes or pruned grape vines knows it takes strength to take care of the vines let alone an entire vineyard.)


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Here's the thing: John 20 tells us quite plainly that Peter and John arrived at the tomb after Jesus had risen from the dead. Jesus made a very deliberate choice to have Mary spread the news! And if Jesus can trust women to spread the word of God, I don't care what Paul said in a letter to a church.

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Actually Kyle you are wrong. Feminism means: The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. (New oxford dictionary)

women don’t want to be men. They just want to be seen as equal. True feminist are still fighting for that because equality isn’t here. Same for black people. Feminism has nothing to do with modesty dude. Or taking a husbands last name. And no women, feminist or not would lobby against paid leave off. In Illinois father’s are given two paid weeks off after the baby is born. No guy has ever said no thanks I don’t want two paid weeks off that aren’t my vacation. 

Radical idea but men can be feminist too! I know a lot of men that are. Heck I know one guy that believes women are greater them men and should be held far above them, that of course is not the norm. 


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16 minutes ago, TeddyBonkers said:

Here's the thing: John 20 tells us quite plainly that Peter and John arrived at the tomb after Jesus had risen from the dead. Jesus made a very deliberate choice to have Mary spread the news! And if Jesus can trust women to spread the word of God, I don't care what Paul said in a letter to a church.

John also makes sure to tell us that they ran there, and he won the footrace.

Which to me is a good reminder that the Bible is coming to us filtered through humans - Jesus didn't sit down and write any of it.

So if the writings about the resurrection, all written by men, say that women were the first at the tomb - that's meaningful. The women weren't writing this stuff down that we know of, and they didn't read it either, most likely. It meant enough to the disciples to point that out, even though they were probably a bit put out that THEY weren't the first to know about it. John was proud that he outran Peter, but he still pointed out that the disciples weren't the first, it was the women who came to tell them.

If Lori actually read the Bible and went to church, she might learn some of this stuff. But since the truth of the Bible contradicts her narrow-minded rules for women, she won't.

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Hi, Kyle! *THIS* crazy blue-haired screamer doesn’t have the slightest interest in becoming a man.

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@quiversR4hunting, I'm just a little defrauded by those manly, muscled thighs in that (very educational) illustration. Good thing wimens aren't visually stimulated, eh? :pb_rollseyes:

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6 hours ago, louisa05 said:

The Bible doesn't say anything about college or careers. You know why? (Well, this is FJ, you all do--but apparently Lori and her cult do not). Because there was no such thing as formalized education for the masses when the Bible was written.

Exactly.  I even wrote a rebuke on my blog last year.


In truth, I wrote a whole series of blog posts in response to Lori's nonsense.  I haven't blogged at all this year so far, but I have so many other topics of this nature I want to address!

Here is the series if anyone has trouble sleeping!  http://laurensweb.net/v2/tag/hypocrite/

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Aww.  Lori thinks not telling someone they look like shit is "the road that leads to destruction".  I guess she's looking for the green light to trash other women when they share photos.  

Welp, if you feel that way, Lori, let's start with YOU!

Here's one:


Or how about this picture? 


Do you want people to tell you how you look Lori?  Do you want to hear that the ugliness in your heart shines straight through to your underfed, dried up face?  Do you want to hear that your hair is fried, and you look positively deranged?  

"Less scarecrow, more moisturizer!"  Does that sound okay?

What if your Youtube followers clued you in to the fact that it's TOTALLY weird that you are in such a rush to film yourself, that you don't take time to get out of your pajamas or brush your hair first?  

Do you see how mean that is?  THAT is what you want to happen to women.  You are looking for the okay to trash women in the name of Christ.  You are a sick, sick woman.  You really are.

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Or the backhanded compliment -- Lori, you look great for an 80-year-old.


edited to add:  I will be 60 in early September.  When I told my bff's husband last week how old I was, he said he thought I was in my late 40's.  Lori will never have that problem.

Edited by wallysmommy
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Ok, she's 5 years older than me. She looks like shit. Wrinkled, dead-eyed, fried hair, just nasty. Her hate and bitterness have made her look like shit. I know I don't look all that "young" anymore, but damn Lori...the ugly is through and through with you. (shitty picture of me available upon request).

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7 minutes ago, Koala said:

"Less scarecrow, more moisturizer!"  Does that sound okay?


Because women totally need MORE people tearing us down on a daily basis. /s

I try to compliment as much as possible because we need to build each other up!

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what college did you go to Lori? How can you be a godly older mentor when you don’t know anything about real life. Don’t talk about economics if you don’t know anything about it. A quick google search will tell you how wrong you are. If someone works for the government and goes out on paid leave then our taxes will pay for that. Our taxes that pay for that come out of our wages and aren’t raised because one more person takes paid leave. It’s already figured out when they are hired. Same with vacation. Lori you don’t get have an opinion about this because you don’t work. 

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If I hadn't been blocked from Lori's page since I suggested that Doctors have to abide by the mammography for breast cancer screening due to government guidelines, (yes, all I did was post the government information that requires doctors to recommend mammograms and was blocked - reminder for any newcomers how incredibly childish Lori can be), I would post the following today:

I am a Christian, and I am a feminist.

I don’t reject the Biblical narrative.  Rather, in aiming for consistent hermeneutic, one that takes into consideration context of culture, language, and literary device I have (along with the best Christian scholars) concluded that Biblical patriarchy is a description of history and not a prescription to live by.

In fact, it is the whole of the Bible that has led me to be a feminist.  In order to embrace Lori’s elevated view of men at the expense of women, one must take isolated and poor translations of verses out of context and apply them in an awkward and Pharisaical manner. 

I do focus on the narrative that God chose a woman to give birth to Jesus, particularly every year during Advent; however, motherhood in and of itself is not an elevated status within Scripture because it does not involve anything spiritual at all.  The Bible is about helping people have a relationship with God.  It elevates people who pursue this and this alone.  The book of Hebrews even has a “hall of fame”.  No where in that Hall of Fame is anyone singled out for simply giving birth.  There is, quite simply, nothing inherently Christian about being a mother. 

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