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Lori Alexander 59: The Oracle of California

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40 minutes ago, mango_fandango said:

Lori, you ignorant twerp, if you honestly think abortions didn’t happen before Roe v Wade you are seriously, seriously deluded. They’ve been happening since ancient times. And women have worked since time immemorial, too. 

Stop. Talking. Such. Horseshit.

Since she is taking old articles to say that most women where against being able to vote, she can look an the advertisings in that magazines and newspapers. There where many for pills for a late monthly flow. Women took a wide range of herbal concoctions, many of them dangerous and poisenous. And when she was desperate enough, she even looked for someone doing the "surgical" method and many of them paid for that with having an agonising death from infections or where bleeding to death.

I'm a little late for the acid reflux, but in my best working voice I would recommend modern anacid's, looking if it's comming with certain foods and reduce on them and when that's not helping go to your physician. But since Lori is so fond of woo, I think she just takes sodiumbicarbonate for relieve. While that will give you at first a relief from your reflux, is also makes the stomach produce more acid.

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Poland is a good example of the fact that abortion doesn't stop because of strict abortion laws: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Poland. Once upon a time Swedish women used to go to Poland for abortions when they were not as easily available here and now it is sometimes the other way around although other countries are more popular. 

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2 hours ago, elliha said:

Poland is a good example of the fact that abortion doesn't stop because of strict abortion laws: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Poland. Once upon a time Swedish women used to go to Poland for abortions when they were not as easily available here and now it is sometimes the other way around although other countries are more popular. 

Germany, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands are now where they go to. Where you go depends on what you can affort. The Czech Republic is cheaper, but hospitals in Germany and the Netherlands are better. The cost of an abortion in Germany are between 300 and 800 €, depending on wich procedure and other factors like the kind of anaesthesia for a surgical abortion and maybe aftercare. And I don't know if there is the mandatory conselling and the 3-day waiting period for polish women, when they want to get it done here.

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22 minutes ago, klein_roeschen said:

Germany, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands are now where they go to. Where you go depends on what you can affort. The Czech Republic is cheaper, but hospitals in Germany and the Netherlands are better. The cost of an abortion in Germany are between 300 and 800 €, depending on wich procedure and other factors like the kind of anaesthesia for a surgical abortion and maybe aftercare. And I don't know if there is the mandatory conselling and the 3-day waiting period for polish women, when they want to get it done here.

Abortions are free in Sweden even for non citizens but the trip is longer and the cultural gap is bigger. We don't have mandatory conselling or waiting periods but you may have to wait a few days if there are no bookings available. I assume that those that go here are mostly people who have relatives or connections here that may help. You have the right to have an interpretor but this also makes it a bit more tricky. If they speak English however that would help. Most illegal abortions happen in Poland and are relatively safe for being illegal which in the context is assuring. I read an article about this a couple years ago. A woman with talked about having had one legal and two illegal abortions. She chose to pay for the illegal ones despite being able to have a legal one due to a severe heriditary disease but she found the process to get the first legal one was so tough that she would rather take the risks and pay quite a lot for the other two than apply again despite being relatively sure she would be approved. There seems to be a lot of hypocracy in Poland because there are a lot of people who have had abortions or helped pay for a loved one's or a spouse abortion but they still don't think it is something that should be legal. 

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Holy shit. The ignorance--the deliberate, willful, obtuse ignorance--on display in the comments has me scraping my jaw up off the floor. I want to post some examples, but there are just. too. many.

These people piss me off to no end. :COLERE:

ETA: Well, here's a little exchange that made me laugh:

Stuart says, "Keep in mind folks there’s not been a single vaccine EVER that has been proven to work. Anybody can prove me wrong come ahead..."

And Martyn jumps right in with, "...smallpox?"

Stuart responds, "...yes I think your right mate. May I instead mention no MODERN vaccines work. My bad."

So, smallpox vaccination worked because it was based on an 18th century formula. A vaccine of old, as Lori might put it. But bring things up to the 21st century, with what we now know about disease and how to prevent it? Nope. Can't have that, can we?

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7 hours ago, klein_roeschen said:


I'm a little late for the acid reflux, but in my best working voice I would recommend modern anacid's, looking if it's comming with certain foods and reduce on them and when that's not helping go to your physician. But since Lori is so fond of woo, I think she just takes sodiumbicarbonate for relieve. While that will give you at first a relief from your reflux, is also makes the stomach produce more acid.

Reflux more than twice a week is a huge risk factor for developing Barrett's esophagus which raises your risk of developing adenocarcinoma type esophageal cancer. 

Esophageal cancer typically has no symptoms until stage 4 at which time the five year survival rate is 2.8%. 

Antacids are not the answer and you should see a doctor.

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Weird...I thought Lori got 2.5 star review on her book because people "hate God and His perfect ways".

Today she recommended a book on Instagram, so I checked out the Amazon reviews.


4.5 stars.  Lori's book?  118222318_review12.thumb.PNG.b0ae93cf4b3563db1d32899334f55c57.PNG

Hmm...guess it is her, after all.

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In coming sarcasm : Yes Lori, you're exactly right. God poked a hole in my dad's stomach following the surgery so he could spend a week in the hospital over Christmas and experience anxiety and claustrophobia for like 7 days. Maybe it was so he could lose weight faster after his weight loss surgery? And maybe God made my brother act like a total shithead this week while my dad is in the hospital. I'm still trying to figure out why he'd do that. Ohhh I get acid reflux when anxious, so maybe "God" is making me stressed and anxious so I lose weight too? 

*sighs* it's been a rough week if you can't tell. 

On the subject of love. Love is an emotion but loving actions are a choice in my opinion. I don't know much about romantic love although I do believe I've been in love. I chose not to pursue it because he loved someone else even if they weren't together YET. Sometimes love is sacrificing. They're married now and I'm overjoyed for them. I don't know if Lori truly understands love. Sometimes love is just helping someone without expectations, giving from your heart. Sometimes it's sitting someone down and telling them expectations because reasonable expectations are good for relationships. Love is showing the fruits of the Spirit. There's no need for women to be the only ones submitting because we submit to one another in love. Her view seems so limited. 

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20 minutes ago, wallysmommy said:

One word — polio.  Too bad there’s no vaccine against stupidity.

And although I know it's not a contagious disease, what about tetanus? Do these people have their children vaccinated against tetanus? That's a pretty horrible way to die, when it can so easily be prevented.

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7 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

In coming sarcasm : Yes Lori, you're exactly right. God poked a hole in my dad's stomach following the surgery so he could spend a week in the hospital over Christmas and experience anxiety and claustrophobia for like 7 days. Maybe it was so he could lose weight faster after his weight loss surgery? And maybe God made my brother act like a total shithead this week while my dad is in the hospital. I'm still trying to figure out why he'd do that. Ohhh I get acid reflux when anxious, so maybe "God" is making me stressed and anxious so I lose weight too? 

*sighs* it's been a rough week if you can't tell. 

On the subject of love. Love is an emotion but loving actions are a choice in my opinion. I don't know much about romantic love although I do believe I've been in love. I chose not to pursue it because he loved someone else even if they weren't together YET. Sometimes love is sacrificing. They're married now and I'm overjoyed for them. I don't know if Lori truly understands love. Sometimes love is just helping someone without expectations, giving from your heart. Sometimes it's sitting someone down and telling them expectations because reasonable expectations are good for relationships. Love is showing the fruits of the Spirit. There's no need for women to be the only ones submitting because we submit to one another in love. Her view seems so limited. 

Awww I am so sorry you had to go through that.  How is your dad feeling now? How are you doing and feeling? *Hugs*. If my munchkin were here, munchkin would give you hugs, pat your cheeks with her tiny hands and share her cheerios with you (She's a little over a year). So hugs from both of us.

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Can one be pro-life and pro-vaccine at the same time?

Better question: Can one be pro-life and anti-vaccine at the same time?  If you insist on every pregnancy being carried to term, but are willing to see children die of preventable diseases*, you're pro-birth (and pro-forced-birth at that) rather than pro-life.  It's almost like the object here isn't to protect children at all, but to control women's reproductive choices.  ?

On a more personal note, a very dear friend announced just yesterday that she's pregnant, after a number of miscarriages and stillbirths.  She's overjoyed, but also scared, and she has a good medical team who know her history and are keeping a close eye on her.  The woo-vultures are already circling with their advice on how to make sure this baby will survive, and they are not helping.

*Or of lack of health care for the non-preventable diseases and injuries.  Or of any other cause that could be prevented or reduced with a little social welfare.

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5 minutes ago, Loveday said:

And although I know it's not a contagious disease, what about tetanus? Do these people have their children vaccinated against tetanus? That's a pretty horrible way to die, when it can so easily be prevented.

It seems most of them avoid tetanus shots. There's a great Facebook page called "Detox, Antivax and Woo Insanity"* that reposts their nonsense. They constantly have posts of some anti-vaxxer pissed off because an ER or urgent care wanted them or a loved one to get a tetanus shot after some sort of injury. Or pissed off because the loved one sensibly got the shot. 

I just discovered that a relative with three adorable little boys has become an anti-vaxxer. She was ranting about it on social media recently because a friend was getting her baby's first round of vaccines. Her oldest was cranky the day after shots and she has decided he had a "vaccine injury" and was going on about how doctors don't believe mothers about how vaccines are destroying their children. He is also the only one in glasses, so she is convinced that vaccines caused his nearsightedness. Except the other two aren't even as old as he was when he got them. And she and her husband both have glasses/contacts. So there you go. 

*Caution...the Detox, Antivax, Woo page does post really gross pictures of the results of black salve (Hi, Lori!!) and disgusting posts by people who drink their pee quite often. Don't scroll through near meal time! 


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15 minutes ago, SassyPantswithASideofClass said:

Awww I am so sorry you had to go through that.  How is your dad feeling now? How are you doing and feeling? *Hugs*. If my munchkin were here, munchkin would give you hugs, pat your cheeks with her tiny hands and share her cheerios with you (She's a little over a year). So hugs from both of us.

Thank you! I appreciate the virtual hugs also the Cheerios lol. My dad is actually doing really well! They just need to make sure he's getting nutrients so they're hooking him an iv to be given to him at our local hospital ( he's currently at a hospital almost an hour away from home). So he might be able to go home today! 

Me? I'm holding it together okay and decided to celebrate the Christmas season for like two more weeks to make up for some of the shittiness of it. I'm very slow to process emotions so I'm slowly picking through at my own pace. 

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Muslims in Indonesia have rejected the MMR vaccines due to porcine elements being used on the vaccination. Now they are facing a measles epidemic. And the major sufferers are of course children. But before your heart strings get pulled, detuned, and bent out of shape they are currently working on a version that doesn’t contain pork. 

The same goes in America. We have a value system that is not utilitarian, but rather doing what we think is ethically right for the most people. We as a nation don’t support abortion and certainly don’t support it for the sake of vaccination research. Science lives in the capitalistic free market and just like everything else it will find another way.

Honey, no. Go spend the day with vulnerable kids and then tell me that nonsense. Absurd. 


I have shown my husband these articles, discussed it with him, he has seen my vaccine injured nephew (stopped breathing the day of vaccine) and I have prayed about it, but he still insists we must vaccinate. ? He says we have to do it because the country is filling up with immigrants and they're bringing old diseases that were eradicated decades ago

Holy shit, these comments...

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4 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

Thank you! I appreciate the virtual hugs also the Cheerios lol. My dad is actually doing really well! They just need to make sure he's getting nutrients so they're hooking him an iv to be given to him at our local hospital ( he's currently at a hospital almost an hour away from home). So he might be able to go home today! 

Me? I'm holding it together okay and decided to celebrate the Christmas season for like two more weeks to make up for some of the shittiness of it. I'm very slow to process emotions so I'm slowly picking through at my own pace. 

HUGS. Hang in there and do let us know if you want to, how you're doing. <3 

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I had to go in to the office today so I finally watched the latest video.  The thing that stuck out for me was she's still throwing shade at her mom.  "My mom liked to go for manicures" "my mom snacked, so I snacked"...wtf.  Seriously Lori?  You can't unconditionally love even one single woman in your life??  

As for the reflux talk...I agree she may want to get checked out, she's had so many "gut problems" she might be overlooking something.  Or it could be the amount of booze she's *not* drinking.  Her fixation with food astounds me.  She's literally starving herself...where on earth did she get the message that older people don't need to eat as much?  She's got to be losing nutrients at record speed and not replacing them.  

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50 minutes ago, Loveday said:

And although I know it's not a contagious disease, what about tetanus? Do these people have their children vaccinated against tetanus? That's a pretty horrible way to die, when it can so easily be prevented.

Do people vaccinate for that routinely? I always thought you only got it if you were working under certain conditions. 

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26 minutes ago, EowynW said:

Do people vaccinate for that routinely? I always thought you only got it if you were working under certain conditions. 

It’s part of the DTap/Tdap/Td sets of vaccines, which are for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. The first is a version for kids under the age of 7. The second and third are booster versions for older people (including adults), which you’re supposed to get every 10 years starting at age 11-12. A Tdap/Td booster is also recommended for every pregnancy.

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9 minutes ago, EowynW said:

Do people vaccinate for that routinely? I always thought you only got it if you were working under certain conditions. 

It's standard practice to give a booster when injuries that may have exposed the person occur. My last one was about fifteen years ago when I had a cut that needed stitches. 

My mom had one recently after burning herself on her iron--doctor pointed out that no one ever cleans the bottom of their iron. 

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My uncle got a rabies vaccination after being bitten by a bat. Should he have not gotten the vaccination? I mean only like 99.99 percent of untreated humans die from rabies so there's a small chance of survival right? A tiny one?

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

Weird...I thought Lori got 2.5 star review on her book because people "hate God and His perfect ways".

Today she recommended a book on Instagram, so I checked out the Amazon reviews.


4.5 stars.  Lori's book?  118222318_review12.thumb.PNG.b0ae93cf4b3563db1d32899334f55c57.PNG

Hmm...guess it is her, after all.

Oh sweet Rufus I'm demented.  I first read that as Lubricated Through Submission 

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1 hour ago, Loveday said:

what about tetanus

or measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough to the list.  those are "not just childhood" illnesses and people can and do die from even from measles.  You are seeing outbreaks and serious illness among groups who refuse to vaccinate and believe they don't work.

SMH at the willful stupidity of some people. Yet, they believe all kind of "woo" medicine because someone "told them nail polish causes infertility" or read an internet meme that said "underwire bras cause cancer." 

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