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Women Weren't Created In God's Image


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As Adam was created in God’s image, Eve was created in Adam’s image

This is from an article by Debbi Pearl. It's all about the men. A girl can't have her own personality because her husband might want her to be something different. Maybe fundie men would be more happy if females became robots whose personalities would be programmed by the future husband

The woman was called to be her man’s helper, to fashion herself to be what he needs her to be

When a girl marries a man she becomes a new person. She becomes his bride, his woman, his helper. It is God’s will that her life be fashioned to help him. If a girl comes into marriage knowing that she is equipped and appointed to be this one new person, then she can adapt and find fulfillment in her new self expression

“I am learning to be anything I need to be. I want to be a servant, I need to learn to lead and teach, and I will learn to be creative because my husband may need me to be all of these.â€

http://www.nogreaterjoy.org/articles/ge ... ored-girl/

I provide a direct link because it is their magazine and I'm pretty certain that they know we discuss them.

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Debi Pearl can just bend over and kiss my fat, white, single, job-holding, independent pasty white woman ass.

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erm. She needs to crack open her KJV again...

Genesis 1:27

King James Version (KJV)

27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

There's this one, too. IIRC, the 1611 is the only one they accept?

Genesis 1:27 (1611 King James Bible)

Viewing the 1611 King James Version. Click to switch to 1769 King James Version of Genesis 1:27

So God created man in his owne Image, in the Image of God created hee him; male and female created hee them.

There's man, and there's "mankind"/humanity, and both are included here as created in God's image.

There is someone referred to as being in Adam's image. His son Seth. (Gen. 5:3), not Eve.

Interestingly, there's also this in the 1611 (Gen. 5)

2 Male and female created hee them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

Looks like pet dogma has overtaken even the blessed KJV (1611). :roll:

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If a woman were a strong Command type married to Mr. Steady, that would cause terrible conflict in the marital relationship.

No, really it doesn't. Not when both people respect, love and consider each other their equal.

Ask me how I know. :D

This past week the local Preparing class invited two older mothers to share their experiences in marriage. It was quite sobering, and some of the girls came away from class unnerved by the burdens of marriage.

My money is on Be-all and Mullet.

Those girls should feel unnerved. There is nothing exciting about turning yourself into a lifeless robot.

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No, really it doesn't. Not when both people respect, love and consider each other their equal.

Ask me how I know. :D

My money is on Be-all and Mullet.

Those girls should feel unnerved. There is nothing exciting about turning yourself into a lifeless robot.

This brings up an interesting point. Do we know for sure that the Pearls are friends with the Duggars, Dougie, and the Above Rubies folks? I'm not saying they aren't. I'm honestly asking. I have to say with the concern for "image" like Doug and Geoff have, I really have a hard time seeing them hanging with hillbillies like the Pearls. It seems like Dougie is the "cool" one, the super spiritual, golden boy. They don't really seem to have all that much in common with the Pearls. I mean of course Doug is misogynistic, but the Pearls are the type that I can imagine as "brawlers" in another life. Doug is the type I can imagine as a well dressed, gay playwright in another life.

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I've never seen any indication of any personal connection, aside from "followers" of all of them are often interested in them.

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I'm seriously doubting that the image-conscious Dougie would sit his ass down in a bulldozer bucket for an interview with CNN.

They're both really gross and probably agree with each other on most things, but I don't see a personal connection. . .

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I find it interesting that the fundies are so into male and female being very different, eternal, unchangeable, important things, while the Bible says that both men and women were created in God's image. Does that mean that God has attributes of both genders? I'm sure they would consider that blasphemous, but it's supported both by the Bible and, I think, their gender dichotomy. On the other hand, if you don't consider gender so important, I think it makes sense to be able to see God either way, as a male being or as both male and female.

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I find it interesting that the fundies are so into male and female being very different, eternal, unchangeable, important things, while the Bible says that both men and women were created in God's image. Does that mean that God has attributes of both genders? I'm sure they would consider that blasphemous, but it's supported both by the Bible and, I think, their gender dichotomy. On the other hand, if you don't consider gender so important, I think it makes sense to be able to see God either way, as a male being or as both male and female.

I think it's the other way around, both genders have attributes of God.

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"Tell me, Miss Poste..."

At least Mr. Mybug eventually credited Jane Austen with her own words. 8-)

Of course Debi Pearl preaches what she doesn't practice. She and Mikey* Pearl are making literally millions preaching and teaching that no happiness can come except where there is imbalance in power, influence and excellence.

Only one person, they say, can lead, and that's the husband. They conveniently and consistently fail to mention Jesus of Nazareth, and His message of grace and mercy.

Debi lives the good life and bosses her paid (?) employees, while selling books predicated on putting other women down so that she and her lifestyle can be admired. There is no way she is going to give a second's attention to mere Biblical passages that support mutual love and respect.


*I refuse to use the Archangel's name when discussing Mr. Pearl. If his wife is Debi, then he is Mikey.

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They're really hammering home the point that women have no choice/control over who they marry, aren't they? She's acting like women should just be clay or putty and that men should shape them into what they want them to be - and that's a recipe for abuse, in my opinion. How many times have we read accounts from ex-fundie women saying that their husbands told them "if you'd only be more submissive/a better wife/whatever I wouldn't *have* to beat/humiliate you"? Women should not think it's normal to have to adapt that much to a man, and men shouldn't think they have that kind of power/ability. Even if you don't end up in an abusive relationship, you'd certainly end up in an unhappy one, if you held to that opinion.

I really dislike this kind of teaching. They take something that is true - the fact that you do have to adjust a bit to your partner - and they blow it way, way out of proportion. Yes, when I moved in with my husband I had to adapt a bit - stupid stuff, like how he likes his socks folded (different from how my dad likes his socks folded) and more important stuff, like if I have something deep and/or important to discuss with him, I should probably bring it up at a time that's not bedtime, since he has a hard time winding down to sleep and a long conversation doesn't help. That stuff is normal. But Debi is saying that men can literally tell their wives what kind of personality to have, and that's just abusive! Further, normal men have to adapt a bit when they marry/move in with someone, too, but apparently in Pearl world, that should just never happen. Women should do all of the changing, apparently.

Wonder how they would explain the fact that women are born with personalities. I mean, if men are supposed to shape them, why bother having them in the first place?

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Geez, the Stepford Wives are like a fundie's wet dream. Gorgeous, perfectly content and submissive wives who SIMPLY LOVE to scrub the entire freaking house. Of course, the irony goes -whoosh- right over their heads.

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. One woman might be strong in red, but she also has all the other colors so that she can blend her life into that of her man

Blend her life into her man, so no self identity right?

convey to the girls was, “Learn now while you are young to honor your husbands. Learn patience to continue in your role as a Help Meet, and commit yourself to God now while you are young so you can avoid some of our trials and errors as we struggle to find our way.â€

Learn young to honor, is the trial and errors they speak of possibly the loss of self, hopes and dreams? I mean if you learn young that you are nothing and never will be it's easier to not miss all you might have hoped to be had you dared to dream.

Practice being flexible in your likes and dislikes, how you feel about things, and what you hope to accomplish.

This being flexible sounds like make sure you are able to back down, always knowing he's right, after all, you are just a mindless woman.

I don't even know what to say, I don't understand a woman wanting to teach her daughters this, I don't understand not wanting to have hopes and dreams for women, I just don't understand.

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Doug is the type I can imagine as a well dressed, gay playwright in another life.

I can imagine him that way in THIS life! :gay-imgay:

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A girl can't have her own personality because her husband might want her to be something different. Maybe fundie men would be more happy if females became robots whose personalities would be programmed by the future husband

Even if this is the reason why I'm still single, I'd rather stay single than fashion my life around some other adult's needs.

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No, really it doesn't. Not when both people respect, love and consider each other their equal.

Ask me how I know. :D

Agreed. Mr Sola is anything BUT a 'command man'. I am the decision maker simply because he is such an indecisive person. Always has been and he much happier leaving decisions up to me. Now I consult him, I ask him for his opinion and I have numerous times tried to get him to make the decision. All it does is get him into such a pickle because he simply can't decide. He has, and does, quite openly admit that I am the strong one in our marriage. He's fine with that, so am I. It doesn't cause conflict because we love, respect and consider each other our equal.

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