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Steve Jobs: The poster child for adoption


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No, I think you're just enjoying having a freak out. No one said Steve Jobs should have been killed, no one actually even said he should have been aborted, just that if women had control over their reproductive decisions at an earlier point, the outcome for the person now known as Steve and his biological mother might have been different. Selective reading for the win! *but I mean, you also think you could raise a gay foster child while hating gay people, soooo*

The ridiculous argument that women should have to carry every fertilized egg to term because the offspring might be superamazing human beings doesn't allow for the idea that a woman might be a superamazing human being, regardless of her reproductive status, and feeds into the idea that producing more babies is the only thing women are good for, not for their own individual contributions to society outside of babymaking. That's what really itches me over this whole stupid thing.

What the fuck? I never said that.

And I already apologized for misinterpreting what was said- I read it wrong, and got angrier the more I thought about it. I understand what was meant now, and I apologize for overreacting.

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For those of you who are actually willing to listen and not paint me as some horrible monster for your own ego, I'll make my point in this post.

All of this existential stuff is just nonsense. My parents met at an airport because my mom's flight was delayed. If her flight had left on time, I wouldn't exist. I constantly see crap about "what if so-and-so's mom had had an abortion", and it all boils down to this: if things had been different in the past, things would be different now. Nobody ever thinks about the women who die from childbirth, pregnancy, or illegal abortions. Nobody ever thinks about the women who have to drop out of college because they can't get an abortion. Nobody ever thinks about the women who are killed by abusive family members when she can't hide her pregnancy any more. Nobody ever thinks about the other kids that the woman already has who might miss out on the chance of success or even life because their parents are forced to have one more child than they can support. Nobody ever thinks about the future children that won't be born if a woman can't get an abortion, either because she's done having kids or gets stuck in the wrong relationship for long.

I never said that Steve Jobs' mom should have had an abortion. I'm not saying that anyone should or should not have an abortion. That's what it means to be pro-choice. But I am saying that there are plenty of cases where women are worse off because they wanted an abortion and couldn't have one, and our society suffers just as much from the loss of those women as from the loss of any potential children.

So next time you see a billboard that says "Someday I'll cure cancer if I don't get aborted", challenge yourself to think of the mother who might say "Someday I'll cure cancer if I don't have to drop out of college because of an unwanted pregnancy". Abortion is neither a universal good nor a universal evil, so this existential stuff is just a cheap emotional ploy.

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FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME I AM NOT TRYING TO MAKE SOME EMOTIONAL PLOY. I misinterpreted what was said and overreacted. I am sorry for that.

And thank you, oscar, I appreciate it.

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No, you're right. I'm kind of overly sensitive this evening, for reasons not even relating to this. I'm taking things the wrong way, and I'm sorry for that.

It's okay, I understand if you're on edge how things could set you off.

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Well, I think that all of our parents should have had abortions when they found out they were pregnant with us. If they had, this lil' internet fight wouldn't be happening and maybe, just maybe all of our parents would have one day become president.


(edited for my terrible writing skilllllz)

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But what i really wanted to say was I also found Smockity Frocks making this adoption connection.

http://www.smockityfrocks.com/2011/10/l ... ike-2.html

I guess by now you have heard that Steve Jobs passed away this week. If you have ever used the internet, you can probably thank Mr. Jobs for making it easier than it would have been without his genius. What you may not have known is that Steve Jobs was adopted. Amazing what giving life a chance can lead to!
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Or.... Steve's mother could have gotten an illegal abortion and died from a perforated uterus. Seriously people. enough with the mental masturbation already!! As my grandmother used to say, "If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle".

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My Dad was an unwanted pregnancy.

His mother chose adoption

(p.s. Dad's life may have been saved by the fact that abortion was illegal)

My Dad, unwanted pregnancy, lived 60 years and broke all our hearts when he died because he would not accept help for his rampant alcoholism

My Dad is dead.

WANTED: Fundies to stop with this sort of bullshit.


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The idea that women should always terminate pregnancies because having kids will hurt their chances at brilliance is absurd.

The idea that women should never terminate pregnancies because their offspring might grow up to be brilliant is equally nonsensical.

I think bananacat is right to make the point that the latter argument may seem more sound than the former if one accepts the unstated premise that male offspring are intrinsically more capable of doing brilliant things than are their female parents.

Ahh yes. I misunderstood banancat as well. But I actually understand what you are saying now Oscar. Thanks.

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Oh! I would like to lodge a complaint.

The pro-life group in town found out that my sister is disabled. Now they keep calling her to ask if she would be a spokesperson for them because apparently she should be soooooo grateful that she wasn't offed in the womb for being the great burden that she is on us all.

That's... how it always comes across, anyway.

If Jobs himself had some nice things to say about being adopted, I can respect that. But it's really skeezy to put words in people's mouths.

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