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Josiah and Lauren Part 10: First Look at the Wedding

Coconut Flan

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tbh, I think she's just putting on the voice for Josiah's sake, and thats about it.

I was quite surprised by the wording of 'if we might end up having kids' (I know it wasn't phrased like that, but I'm not gonna look it up now, you guys know what I mean) but I do also think it has more to do with the fact that they realised that some people might not be blessed with kids (Michael+Brandon for example) and took that into account

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37 minutes ago, SeekingAdventure said:

I was quite surprised by the wording of 'if we might end up having kids' (I know it wasn't phrased like that, but I'm not gonna look it up now, you guys know what I mean) but I do also think it has more to do with the fact that they realised that some people might not be blessed with kids (Michael+Brandon for example) and took that into account

Agreed! What my mind heard was a little more “this may not happen”. It could’ve been for personal reasons or just mindful of others they’ve known who have struggled to conceive. Regardless, it was certainly an interesting way to say it. 

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On 8/9/2018 at 8:04 AM, Melissa1977 said:

Dear FJingers. Hundreds of posts about travels and anybody has named my city, Barcelona. Of course, everybody has its own taste and not everybody is attracted to Barcelona. But we cannot literally walk in this city, because the million tourists. So I found it amusing that such a touristic place is not being visited by FJingers.

I lived in Barcelona for 7 months, love the city! But somehow I never mention it on must-visit places in Europe... 

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30 minutes ago, CarrotCake said:

I lived in Barcelona for 7 months, love the city! But somehow I never mention it on must-visit places in Europe... 

I think it's because almost everyone knows Barcelona and wants to go there anyways. If people ask me about places to go, I never tell them about the big cities either, because most have it on their radar.


Thats at least my reason for it, others might see it differently though


@RubyRei yeah you are right, either they think/know that it might not happen or they phrased it differently on purpose, I actually always found it strange that they just expected that they would be having loads of children anyways. How can you know that in advance. Just because their mum was super fertile?

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There may be the mindset that if they just assume they will have kids then God will punish them for their arrogance by making it never happen. I have heard the idea that you must approach everything with a “Lord willing” type of mindset or you are over stepping God and his power. 

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23 hours ago, Mama Mia said:


Interestingly, most of them came from either Catholic or non- religious homes - don’t know what that meant with their relationship with their families - the new found anti- Catholic / need Jesus to go to Heaven views would be awful- but probably much easier for their family to deal with than the drugs / jail / etc.. Just realized that the born-again people, who had been the family trouble makers, would now be acting morally superior. Fascinating dynamics.

My parents are uber Catholic - and that "two extremes" thing is how they are. Mom has half a glass of wine and she's asleep on the couch - so if I have a beer with dinner - it's a BIG THING and I'll probably be too drunk to drive home and I am going to turn into an alcoholic and OH NO! 
Same with sex. Kissing your boyfriend after he drops you off from prom - MUST mean you're pregnant. (seriously...) 
There is no moderation with her. 

editing - when I say "they" - I mean my parents - not Catholics at large. My paternal grandma had NO problem having the occasional beer/wine and didn't mind if others did either. Dad regularly had a martini at their house for the holidays. But there was RARELY any booze in my maternal grandparents home. 


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2 minutes ago, Meggo said:

My parents are uber Catholic - and that "two extremes" thing is how they are. Mom has half a glass of wine and she's asleep on the couch - so if I have a beer with dinner - it's a BIG THING and I'll probably be too drunk to drive home and I am going to turn into an alcoholic and OH NO! 
Same with sex. Kissing your boyfriend after he drops you off from prom - MUST mean you're pregnant. (seriously...) 
There is no moderation with her. 


My husband's family is uber- Catholic. His grandfather owned a bar. His uncle owns a bar (not that same bar, FTR). If you don't drink at the in-laws house, you must be sick, otherwise, you are insulting them. If you don't drink at his extended paternal family get togethers, they will literally ask you if you are not having fun. 

Honestly, I have never heard of Catholics who are not just fine with alcohol. I've never been to a fish fry where it isn't for sale. Hence, the one Christian school principal's obsession with all Catholics being alcoholics. 

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My aunt stayed with a Catholic family (in Quebec, no less) when she was a teenager who were vehemently against alcohol. They are out there. I think when you're uber-extreme about one thing you're more likely to be uber-extreme about other things, even if those things aren't the norm in your particular community or religion.

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28 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

My aunt stayed with a Catholic family (in Quebec, no less) when she was a teenager who were vehemently against alcohol. They are out there. I think when you're uber-extreme about one thing you're more likely to be uber-extreme about other things, even if those things aren't the norm in your particular community or religion.

Very good way of putting it. It’s why, in an alternate world, I could see a couple of my kids being perfectly content fundies - they have very black and white / either / or thought processes. 

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4 minutes ago, Mama Mia said:

Very good way of putting it. It’s why, in an alternate world, I could see a couple of my kids being perfectly content fundies - they have very black and white / either / or thought processes. 

One of my family members is like this. Very liberal, describes herself as being 'as far left on the political spectrum as you can go' (definitely not true, but that's how she describes herself, so okay), majored in Gender Studies, often gets into angry arguments with anyone who expresses a more moderate opinion. And I've always felt that if she had been born in bible belt Texas and raised in a conservative religious home, she'd be a hardcore right-wing biblical literalist Christian.

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My fundie mother very much has this black and white thinking. It's something she inherited from her father who she ironically enough had a very complicated relationship with. What's funny is that certain things you think would shock or offend her, she thinks are hysterically funny. She will crack up at bathroom humor, in a way I never would. She laughs hysterically when the punchline features a comic getting kicked in the groin while I just cringe. She watches movies and enjoys Patton and Christmas Vacation, both of which feature plenty of profanity. However, yoga, playing cards, a glass of wine, non-KJV of the Bible, hell even paisley patterns (something to do with Hinduism)  are bad indeed. 

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22 hours ago, melon said:

Can a gluten intolerance or Celiac cause infertility?

I have celiac disease, and yes it can. Celiac can also cause higher rates of miscarriage, including late term miscarriages. Celiac can cause nutritional deficiencies including folic acid, zinc, and iron deficiencies. It can take years for the villa (the parts of the intestine that are damaged) to recover from celiac disease even on a gluten free diet. I personally had a problem with a B12 deficiency causing heart problems well after I had started a 100% gluen free diet. 

Here is a link to some research about celiac and pregnancy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4367213/ 

It's important to note that because celiac is an autoimmune disorder, it often likes to bring its friends along to the Attack the Body for Funsies Party. If a person has celiac, it is statistically more likely they have another autoimmune condition than somebody without another autoimmune disorder. 

Because of my celiac disease and other medical issues, I don't plan to have biological children. For me, the equation is medically too risky for both me and the child. I think often that I wouldn't have that kind of choice if I were in this cult, putting myself and babies in real danger. 

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I despise the black and white thought process with a passion. My ex would always judge me for drinking, and he wasn't even religious. Like, I don't care what you do or do not put in your body, why do you care so much about what I put in mine? My current SO is a cocktail snob, like me  we just went on a date to a local distillery, tried a bunch of gin, and... got an uber home, watched star trek, and went to bed early. Truly debauched and sinful lives we lead. What crazy dangerous shenanigans will we get into the next time alcohol touches our lips?

I truly wonder what Josiah would be like if raised outside the cult. I'm not sure if he abides by this strict black and white worldview, even when forced to. He just seems so damn miserable. 

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Woo finally caught up on this thread in time to post about vacations.

Neuroboy and I just went on our honeymoon to Quebec City! Beautiful, beautiful city full of kind people and amazing food. We basically walked around, looked at art, and ate all day for four days. It was even more European-like than I was expecting, but with Canadian prices and kindness! We would absolutely love to return, maybe for a special anniversary year. Our high priorities for future international travel are the Alps, the UK, and Japan. As a genealogy buff, I also want to visit our countries of ancestry - Germany and Sweden in addition to England/Wales. I have also been to about half of the 50 states but never the South (besides FL), and I'd love to get to all 50 in my lifetime. My family is from the Midwest US, though, so I have covered the states that are many people's last sees! 

I agree with the posters saying that Lauren just puts on that voice for Siah but it will fade as they stay together, and that "if we have children" is just keeping infertility/God's omnipotency in mind. I'm guessing a Jessa/Ben timing for baby - not literally honeymoon baby but still pretty fast. 

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7 minutes ago, neurogirl said:

Woo finally caught up on this thread in time to post about vacations.

Neuroboy and I just went on our honeymoon to Quebec City! Beautiful, beautiful city full of kind people and amazing food. We basically walked around, looked at art, and ate all day for four days. It was even more European-like than I was expecting, but with Canadian prices and kindness! We would absolutely love to return, maybe for a special anniversary year. Our high priorities for future international travel are the Alps, the UK, and Japan. As a genealogy buff, I also want to visit our countries of ancestry - Germany and Sweden in addition to England/Wales. I have also been to about half of the 50 states but never the South (besides FL), and I'd love to get to all 50 in my lifetime. My family is from the Midwest US, though, so I have covered the states that are many people's last sees! 

I agree with the posters saying that Lauren just puts on that voice for Siah but it will fade as they stay together, and that "if we have children" is just keeping infertility/God's omnipotency in mind. I'm guessing a Jessa/Ben timing for baby - not literally honeymoon baby but still pretty fast. 

I know this is hoping too much but I really want them to go the JInjer route and wait a year. I know they most likely won't be they seem to be one of the couples that knew each other the least upon marriage with friendship/courtship seemed so rushed. probably for TLC ratings. 

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That’s making assumptions they made an active choice to wait a year. That’s another FJ speculation some are taking as confirmed fact.  It’s more likely given the people in Question a pregnancy just didn’t take as quickly as it did for her sisters and SIL. I also agree  it’s more likely Lauren said that because they genuinely  do plan to Let go and Let God when it comes to children. They won’t actively try or not try. 

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Caught up too. 

1. My dream trip is to the UK, but I can't imagine how I could possibly do all I want to do and appreciate all I want to see. I'd need to be there for a month or more and have the money and resources to tick off all the things on my bucket list. I'd honestly just need to live there for a while and that isn't realistic, unfortunately. 

2. "One night shag" was what I heard too. It was a pearl clutching moment for me and I felt a good bit of second hand embarrassment for him when he said it. It's so foreign to me that this is all he knows or thinks. You're either humping in the bathroom between the appetizer and the main course at Marketplace or you're courting with the intent to marry. Goodness, Si, there's a lot more variety in life and relationships than that.  

3. I know this isn't the case for everyone and thus can speak only for myself. But yeah, definitely I think being raised in the bible belt by conservatives, there's definitely some innate ways of thinking for me that sometimes rival thoughts that are contrary to what I was taught. We've discussed before that to me soem of the things you guys describe as fundie is just straight up what I would call Baptist, which is the church I've always attended. Imagine my surprise to be hanging here and realize I've never not been full on fundie in a lot of people's eyes regardless of what I thought about myself? I mean Christianity is so understood here that it's literally everywhere. I don't think I could mentally ever become an atheist. I wouldn't know how. There's no such thing as being apart from the faith of the majority around here. For example, I went out of my way to a mom and pop pharmacy for some compounded prilosec the other day. This was on his medicine bottle:  





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On 8/8/2018 at 10:42 AM, WiseGirl said:

Before the Wi-Fi at this place cuts out again, I'm thinking the creation of a travel thread may be in order, because I don't want to dig through Duggar threads for all the great advice everyone is giving!

I second this--I have suggested it before.  We get great travel advice on FJ and I'd love to have it in one place.  I appreciate hearing from people who have visited and/or lived in different places. It gives me real insight into places that I want to visit or maybe even move to someday!

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Just now, Satan'sFortress said:

I second this--I have suggested it before.  We get great travel advice on FJ and I'd love to have it in one place.  I appreciate hearing from people who have visited and/or lived in different places. It gives me real insight into places that I want to visit or maybe even move to someday!

Agreed. We just booked tickets to Iceland and I neeeeeeeeeed to talk about it with FJers who've been there. lol

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In late:

If John and Abbie marry in the winter, I want them at Whistler skiing.  They can hop a ferry to Vancouver Island or perhaps take a look at Lake Jasper/Louise/Banff.

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40 minutes ago, Greendoor said:

In late:

If John and Abbie marry in the winter, I want them at Whistler skiing.  They can hop a ferry to Vancouver Island or perhaps take a look at Lake Jasper/Louise/Banff.

na we won't see them skiing. we already saw Austin and Joy doing that. I think TLC is trying their hardest not to do repeat activity's on honeymoons.  lets see Josh/Anna went to one of the Carolina's as did Jill and Derick. (but Jill and Derick's wasn't filmed) Jessa and Ben went to France and Rome. JInger and Jeremy went to Australia and were supposed to go to New Zealend but I believe weather stopped them.  Joy and Austin went to Sweden. Joe and Kendra Greece. Josiah and Lauren Austria. I guess Jabbie could go to Canada but if they do ski I again doubt we'll know about it. 

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7 hours ago, lizzybee said:

Caught up too. 

1. My dream trip is to the UK, but I can't imagine how I could possibly do all I want to do and appreciate all I want to see. I'd need to be there for a month or more and have the money and resources to tick off all the things on my bucket list. I'd honestly just need to live there for a while and that isn't realistic, unfortunately. 

2. "One night shag" was what I heard too. It was a pearl clutching moment for me and I felt a good bit of second hand embarrassment for him when he said it. It's so foreign to me that this is all he knows or thinks. You're either humping in the bathroom between the appetizer and the main course at Marketplace or you're courting with the intent to marry. Goodness, Si, there's a lot more variety in life and relationships than that.  

3. I know this isn't the case for everyone and thus can speak only for myself. But yeah, definitely I think being raised in the bible belt by conservatives, there's definitely some innate ways of thinking for me that sometimes rival thoughts that are contrary to what I was taught. We've discussed before that to me soem of the things you guys describe as fundie is just straight up what I would call Baptist, which is the church I've always attended. Imagine my surprise to be hanging here and realize I've never not been full on fundie in a lot of people's eyes regardless of what I thought about myself? I mean Christianity is so understood here that it's literally everywhere. I don't think I could mentally ever become an atheist. I wouldn't know how. There's no such thing as being apart from the faith of the majority around here. For example, I went out of my way to a mom and pop pharmacy for some compounded prilosec the other day. This was on his medicine bottle:  


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That medicine bottle ! I just can’t imagine. That’s why this site is so interesting. Gets me out of my lefty bubble world.

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52 minutes ago, Ivycoveredtower said:

na we won't see them skiing. we already saw Austin and Joy doing that. I think TLC is trying their hardest not to do repeat activity's on honeymoons.  lets see Josh/Anna went to one of the Carolina's as did Jill and Derick. (but Jill and Derick's wasn't filmed) Jessa and Ben went to France and Rome. JInger and Jeremy went to Australia and were supposed to go to New Zealend but I believe weather stopped them.  Joy and Austin went to Sweden. Joe and Kendra Greece. Josiah and Lauren Austria. I guess Jabbie could go to Canada but if they do ski I again doubt we'll know about it. 

Why wasn't Jill & Derick's honeymoon filmed?

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